

On the next day, Zane woke up early and ate breakfast, He then head to the school and went to the principals office,The principals name is Alena, When Zane Opened the door, Alena Greeted him, She then invites Zane to sit down.

Then Alena started the conversation.

"So, What brings you here Sir?, I'm the Principal of this school, My name is Alena." Alena said.

"I want my Son Kurokon to be enrolled here" Zane said.

"Okay then, But, He will need to take the Entrance Exam, If Kurokon scores above 65/100, He will be Accepted".


They continued the conversation Animatedly, the conversation then Ended, Zane Came back from the school and informed his son

Kurokon That he will take the Entrance exam later afternoon.

While Kurokon was waiting, He tried creating A few spells of his own for a warmup, Because he thought that When he gets accepted, there might be a Magic mastery and physical strength test. And he is actually right,

But he still doesn't know because he is yet to take the exam first.

While warming up, Kurokon then found out that he can imbue his mana in his fist, And his strength Increased, He then tried to test it on a Nearby Tree in the village, Before he could, He was Interrupted by a Villager and said

"What are you doing here young lad?, You seem exhausted". The villager said.

Kurokon replied: "I'm Warming up".

"What for?" The Villager said.

"For a Physical strength test from the school, I'm still going to take the Exam but, I'm only doing this just in case there might be one".

Kurokon said smiley.

"Okay then, Don't overwork yourself out". The Villager replied Worriedly.


Little did Kurokon know, He talked to the Village chief, And his name was Edgar, He have the hobby on Strolling around to check on his People. He Was 45 year old and takes His role seriously.

As Edgar was walking Away, Kurokon then Slowly took a fighting position and punched the tree with all his might.


Loud sound can be heard, Kurokon then Panics Because he never thought It was that strong, Kurokon Broke 10 Trees with just a Punch.

When Edgar herd the loud Explosion, He hurriedly Ran back. Edgar was worried about Kurokon.

When Kurokon was panicking and thinking What to do next, He subconsciously Created A spell named "Dimension Field" it Covered an Area of 4 Kilometers and inside it Was full of time element, Inside the Field, Time stopped, as well as Edgar and The nearby Villagers.

Kurokon Was confused, He then said worriedly.

"What happened?!"

Inside the field, Kurokon Subconsciously Commanded something inside the field And the broken trees and the panicking nearby Villagers as well as Edgar running back to him were reverted. The memories were lost except for Kurokon.

The field then deactivated and the surrounding area is restored, And the memories of the villagers are reverted back to where the explosion had never happened.

Kurokon then took a huge breath and exhaled, He then Analyzed what just happened.

"First of all, I'm now 7, I've unlocked another Spell, And It seems too overpowered, Just like the Space domain, I wonder how many elements I have?" Kurokon said curiously.

Kurokon was exhausted, He couldn't Analyze Perfectly on what had just happened, It was too sudden.

Kurokon then came back home, He took a quick bath and rested for a while. Hours has passed and it is already Noon, Kurokon was woken up by his mother telling him to get ready.

Zane then escorted Kurokon to the school, They used a carriage, Because walking would be tiring for Kurokon, When they Arrived, He was greeted by Principal Alena.

"Are you ready?" Alena said.

"Yes" Kurokon said.

Kurokon was then Escorted by a staff To a room, It was actually a class room, There were a total of 15 students that are yet to be enrolled, The 15th one was Kurokon.

The staff's name is Tamaru, He is the examiner during the Entrance Exam, He Wore

White Uniform With black stripes on the collar And a black pants with White stripes on the side.

"Alright, I will be your Examiner for Today and You may call me Tamaru - sensei, Lets start the Exam" Tamaru Said.

Tamaru Then handed out the papers, There were 100 questions in total and they only have 3 hours to Finnish it. And Kurokon was actually surprised, The questions Were the same from the world he lived in before he reincarnated, The questions was actually about biology and chemistry.

'This will be easy' Kurokon Thought.

Kurokon was the first to hand out the Paper and Tamaru Was surprised, It was the first time a student has completed the test paper in less than an hour, When he saw Kurokon's answers, He was more surprised and shocked.

"Kurokon, How High is your IQ?, Not only did you answered all of the answers Correctly, All of these are very accurate" Tamaru asked.

The students were surprised, And was also jealous, They envy Kurokon for being smart.

"I don't know my IQ Tamaru - sensei" Kurokon said.

Tamaru was surprised, He then dismissed Kurokon.

'I better check his background, And Ask his Parents too


Kurokon then sat down on his chair, He then fell asleep, When Kurokon fell asleep, The Students were passing their papers one by one as hours passed, When he woke up, The Exam was done and it was already 3pm In their time, Tamaru then standed and said.

"Children, We will be testing your Mana Percentage and Your magic mastery, As well as physical strength" Tamaru said.

"After those 3, We will be scanning your mentality using Scan magic circle" Tamaru said.

The Students then have a little conversation.

"What will happen in the physical strength?, I'm very curious" Amy said.

"They might test our strength, Magic enhancement might be included" Smith Replied.

"If Magic enhancement is included, Then it's no longer physical strength" Amy replied

Alan added "It is still a physical strength test, and besides, Tamaru sensei just said he will also examine or Magic mastery, It might be added in that section when we use magic".

"You have a point, I think they will determine Our performance when it's good or bad, As long as we did great we might just pass" Tina said.


The students continued their conversation Animatedly While Kurokon was Sitting down, The students conversation was Interrupted and A new examiner was Introduced.

Her name Was Flourentina, She will be Examining the 15 students outside, There was actually a huge room and inside it was an Area full of targets and the surrounding area have a artificial view, It was activated with magic.

"Children, You may Call me Flouren - sensei" Flouren said.

"Let's go the Examining room, Your performance in magic Ang strength will be Examined there" Flouren added.

The students then followed, Flouren then Opened the door and the first thing the students saw was a beautiful Jungle view.

It was full of Flowers and trees, They then saw a target, It was very thick and there were 10 levels.

The first level was 10 points and the 2nd level was 20 points and so on.

The targets were made of the strongest metal in the world and was designed to Withstand a mid level magic. This Determines the strength of the magic and the raw strength of the caster.

There was also flying targets, The first one was wide but thin, There were 5 levels.

The first level has the width and length of a Square plywood, but It is made of stone, As the levels get higher and higher the stone target will get smaller and smaller, this Determines the Accuracy of the caster.

The students Were then teleported to a viewing area.

Flouren then Explained the rules animatedly, Kurokon listend to the ruled carefully, As well as the students, And When Flouren was done, Kurokon was actually the first one to be tested.

Kurokon was excited and thought 'I won't fail this test'.