
Was rejected by Miss Mu

"I don't know which herbs Ms. Mu puts in these two things?" A doctor couldn't help but curiosity and asked.

"Why, want to steal the teacher?" Mu Rufeng raised his eyebrows.

Steal, steal the teacher...

The doctor shivered, Emma, ​​can he steal this thing?

Regardless of how those herbs are incorporated into food, it is not easy to be a cook.

As far as he doesn't distinguish between all kinds of grains, it is estimated that he has no relationship with the kitchen in his life.

"Ahem, Miss Mu, don't get me wrong, I don't have that idea here." The imperial doctor waved his hand and quickly clarified.

"That's right, with your qualifications, even if you say it, it's useless." The level of these people is simply not in her eyes.

Duanmuxiu treats them as talents and is willing to spend money to support them.

Can you still chat happily?

The doctors are heartbroken, what does it mean to be their qualifications?

What happened to their qualifications?

At any rate, he is also a great physician of the Cangyu dynasty, and only the emperor's relatives and relatives who are distinguished are qualified to let them heal.

Miss Mu's tone sounded like how unhelpful they were.

It is conceivable to be depressed by a Zeng Jin waste.

First feed the little girl two bites of porridge, and then feed her the rest of the meal.

After eating the delicious food, the little girl Cici smiled cheerfully on her haggard face. One-fifth of the meal was eaten, but the small bowl of medicated porridge let her eat it all.

Looking at the medicinal food that was taken out, the doctors who were still empty stomachs withdrew their eyes with difficulty and swallowed hard.

I really doubt if I stayed and watched Princess Ouyang's treatment process is looking for abuse.

They can already imagine that they will have to face these delicacies every day in the future.

Duanmuxiu's reward was sent to Mu's house on the same day. At that time, Mu Rufeng was at Linwang's mansion and was collected by General Mu on his behalf.

His granddaughter worked hard for the royal family, and of course he would not refuse these compensations.

"From now on, you will have snacks for Cici's daily life and diet. This poisoning is probably not an accident." After feeding the little girl, Mu Rufeng raised his head and said to Ouyang Yu.

They probably made people stare.

Prince Ouyang was not easy to deal with, so he shifted the target to the little princess Ouyang.

Pity this little girl, escaped twice, if it hadn't been for her, she would have been dead.

Ouyang Yu's expression sank, his eyes flashed with stern look.

Mu Rufeng's reminder, he didn't know.

Those people deliberately inflict harm and cannot be prevented. Fortunately, she is there, otherwise...

"This time it is the fault of the king. This king must thoroughly investigate this matter and give you an explanation."

Duan Mulin's voice was low and his breath suddenly became dangerous.

To harm Ouyang Qian in his house, it seems that the target of that person is not only the little princess of Shangchuan, but also Duan Mulin.

The most intolerable thing for him was the hidden arrow hidden behind his back.

If this kind of thing is not removed, it may be injured again at any time.

Oh, don't let him find out who is behind the scenes...

"I hope that Brother Lin can find out as soon as possible and dare to hurt my little princess Shangchuan. This prince wants him to live better than to die." Kcha, too much force, Ouyang Yu smashed the cup in his hand.

I only hate that the person is not in front of my eyes, otherwise, like this cup, there will be no whole body...

For several days, Mu Rufeng stayed at Linwang's Mansion during the day and did not return to Mu's Mansion to rest until night.

After her careful conditioning, Ouyang Qian is in good health, the residual poison in her body has been almost eliminated, and her complexion has also improved.

At this time, the little guy lay on the bed, pouting his mouth and eating the medicated meal prepared by Mu Rufeng, his expression, as much as you can enjoy.

"After eating these, it will be complete, I won't come over tomorrow."

Mu Rufeng spoke suddenly and said.

The little girl who was eating rightly petrified in an instant, and then suddenly raised her head: "After that, Cici will never be able to eat these delicacies again?"

Huh, no, she hasn't eaten enough yet.

"These are medicated diets to help you recuperate your body. Naturally, you don't need to eat it anymore." Mu Rufeng is funny, but it makes this little girl addicted to eating. She waits for it every day, and she looks cute.

"No, Cici wants to eat it every day. Sister Beauty, please don't come here, okay, or Cici will go to the General's Mansion with you."

The little princess Ouyang's eyes brightened, thinking she had thought of a good way.

Hey, she wanted to stay at Meiren's sister's house for a long time. It would be great if Meiren's sister agreed to her to live in the general's house.

"Observe, Prince Lin's mansion is safer than the general's mansion." If even Lin Prince's mansion can't protect it, wouldn't it be more dangerous to go to her mansion.

She didn't dare to make fun of the little girl's life.

Furthermore, I also deliberately wanted to keep a distance with them, and didn't want to get too close. After all, contact with brother and sister Ouyang meant facing Duan Mulin every day.

"Cici, don't mess around, can't trouble your sister Rufeng, you know?" Ouyang Yu also hurriedly exhorted.

People in the General's Mansion were distracted. In addition to caring about his precious granddaughter, General Mu was almost blind to everything in the mansion, and had no intention of taking care of it at all.

Just as Mu Rufeng said, Prince Lin's Mansion is indeed much safer than General Mansion.

In the past, Cici could be allowed to be as tempered as she liked, but this time, he had to be cautious.

It seems that for Cici's safety, it is better to return to Shangchuan as soon as possible.

"Well, sister Meiren saved Cici twice. Cici must not be ungrateful, let alone cause her sister trouble."

As soon as the little princess's style of painting changed, her bright water eyes showed firmness, and she promised to promise.

"But Cici is so reluctant to do with Sister Beauty?" Little princess Cici was sad again when she thought of not seeing Sister Beauty every day.

"Okay, you have a lot of things, the day after tomorrow is the birthday of the Queen Mother Cangyu, and you will be able to see your sister Rufeng again."

Ouyang Yu laughed out loud, really can't help this girl.

But he was also happy to watch the little girl get close to Mu Rufeng.

There are not many people who can make Xiaoya's hair like her from the bottom of her heart. Besides, Mu Rufeng has a good character. She looks cold on the surface, but she has a good heart.

If Mu Rufeng knew what Ouyang Yu was thinking, he might have laughed.

She is not a kind-hearted person, crueler than anyone else, but she didn't touch her bottom line.

"Yeah, that's great, Sister Beauty, that day, my prince brother and I went to pick you up and enter the palace together, okay." Thinking of the day after tomorrow's birthday, the little girl was energetic in an instant, wishing to come soon.

"This proposal is good. Rufeng, you waited at the mansion that day, Cici and I will come to pick you up." Ouyang Yu touched the little girl's head with rare approval, and invited Mu Rufeng.

Seeing the little girl like this, Mu Rufeng couldn't bear to refuse, so he agreed.

Anyway, apart from her grandfather, she has no other close people here. When she enters the palace together, she won't be so boring with a little girl by her side.