
This thing is only because there is in the sky

Mu Rufeng glanced at him indifferently: "Where are you staying? This lady doesn't care."

As for watching her healing Ouyang Qian, even if she refuses, I am afraid that the master behind him will not agree.

That being the case, what is the difference between yes or no.

It was almost dawn after returning to Mu's house, the lights in the house were still alive, and Mu Zhonghun and his family were still waiting in the lobby.

"Tired, go back to the room and rest quickly." Mu Zhonghun breathed a sigh of relief when seeing the baby granddaughter come back, and let her rest without asking anything.

"Okay, grandpa, go and make up your sleep." Mu Rufeng was moved, and she was really tired after tossing for so long.

The next day, Cangyu Palace.

"You mean, so many imperial doctors I sent couldn't treat it, but the girl in the Mu family had a solution?"

Duanmu squinted his eyes, his low voice contained threats and hoarseness.

Oh, so did the girl from the Mu family compare his entire imperial physician to the imperial physician?

It's ridiculous!

"Your Majesty, this is indeed the case. If it weren't for Miss Mu's timely rescue, I'm afraid Princess Ouyang has already..."

Grand Physician Huang wanted to say something but stopped. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that the girl who had been a trash could have such an ability.

But the fact is that they can't heal it. Miss Mu can stabilize Princess Ouyang's condition with just a few shots, and turn her into peace.

Now, with the recipe, it can detoxify the remaining poison. It seems simple, but in fact it is extremely complicated. The hidden medical theory inside is not easy for ordinary people to understand.

Even the chief imperial physician of the imperial physician's palace, he also wondered if he could not see through one or two of them.

Duanmuxiu's eyes became dark, Ouyang Qian saved his life and solved his major difficulty, but the healer was the girl of the Mu family, which made him very dissatisfied.

This Mu Rufeng happened to save Ouyang Qian's life before, and now it's a second time. As a result, she is indescribable to Shangchuan. The person who saves her life twice will definitely make Shangchuan take her seriously. .

And this girl was a chess piece abandoned by their Duanmu royal family, so she was afraid that this chess piece would abandon Cangyu and switch to Shangchuan.

In this way, the soul of Mu Zhong who pampered her will definitely follow the Shangchuan Dynasty.

Thinking of this result, Duanmuxiu's fists tightened, his eyes surged, and the emperor's might spread out, and Doctor Huang, who was shocked, broke into cold sweat.

Your Majesty, what's the matter?

He seems to have said nothing wrong.

"Let the order go on, Mu Rufeng is effective in healing, I am very relieved, and appreciate it!" Duan Muxiu ordered.

The doctor Huang below is dumbfounded, your Majesty is like this, it doesn't seem like he is happy.

The incident that Mu Rufeng came forward to heal the little princess Ouyang not only shocked Her Majesty today, but also shocked the civil and military of Manchu.

Everyone is holding the attitude of watching a good show, thinking that Miss Mu is not knowing the heights of the sky, and now she takes the initiative to take over a hot potato, waiting for bad luck.

The little princess of the Shangchuan dynasty, how can she be healed by a waste of the past, if one is not good, the whole Mu Mansion will be buried with her.

At this time, Mu Rufeng, who was cooking a medicinal meal for the little girl at the Lin Palace, naturally did not know the thoughts of the Manchu civil and military.

Someone has prepared the ingredients properly, just add them to the concoction and boil them.

After the addition, it was changed to a slow boil, and Mu Rufeng prepared another medicated porridge for the little girl.

Because of the confidentiality of medicinal food, she is the only one in the huge kitchen at this moment.

The spiritual force sensed that there was no one around, Mu Rufeng's thoughts urged, Sanchun Fenghua jumped out and surrounded the small clay pot in front of him.

Soon, the cold water in the clay pot turned to boiling, and the bright rice grains rolled, jumped, and blossomed in the water.

Take the ling vanilla, antlers, red lotus fruit... and add them to the clay pot in turn.

Under the refining and refining of the three springs, the herbs and spirit fruit juice were absorbed by the rice porridge, and finally a piece of spirit animal meat was chopped and added with various seasonings to remove the smell.

The fragrance is tangy in an instant, and a bowl of medicated porridge is boiled to make it crystal clear and pleasing to the eyes. Just smelling the fragrance will increase your appetite.

"It's so fragrant, what does it smell like?"

"Unexpectedly, this Miss Mu really has some skill, even the best cook in Prince Lin's Mansion can't cook such appetizing dishes."

"I heard that it is not a simple dish, but a medicated diet that can make Princess Ouyang better."


Mu Rufeng personally took the cooked medicinal meal and walked towards the room where Ouyang Qian was, and received a lot of surprise eyeballs along the way.

Zeng Jin was notorious in the Lin Palace and was disgusted by all the servants of the Lin Palace.

Nowadays, he has changed his appearance, his face is peerless, his temperament is dusty, and even his craftsmanship is so extraordinary. The people of the Lin Palace are dumbfounded.

Had it not been confirmed from the housekeeper that she was Miss Mu, and had carefully told them not to be negligent, they would not believe that a person could change so much.

It's almost like a different person, now Mu Rufeng, where is the half shadow of the past?

"It's all right so soon, it's hard work." Seeing Mu Rufeng coming in, Ouyang Yu hurriedly greeted him, took the medicated meal, and said gratefully.

It's so fragrant, it seems that Cici has a good taste

Duan Mulin stepped aside and stood still, and several imperial physicians in the house surrounded him. His eyes fell on the tray with scorching eyes. It was a pity that it was covered with a lid and only smelled the fragrance, but nothing was seen.

Ouyang Qian, who was lying on the bed, smelled the scent, opened her eyes weakly, and looked at Meiren's sister pitifully.

"Oh, little greedy cat, he woke up when he smelled the scent." Ouyang Yu was amused and shaved his sister's nose affectionately.

This girl woke up once in the morning, drank some water and fell asleep again.

However, the little girl is weak, and although she is awake, her body cannot move.

"I'll feed it." Mu Rufeng stepped up and carefully lifted the little girl up and leaned in his arms.

Withdrawing from the indifference, the gentle and considerate movements make people feel more approachable.

Such admiration caused Duan Mulin to glance a few more times, his expression faint and secretive.

The lid was lifted, the fragrance overflowed, and the medicated food on the tray was immediately exposed to everyone's vision.


A few imperial physicians gasped, the crystal clear rice porridge, and the thick white and attractive big bone soup, whether in color or appearance, are the best.

The eyes of a few people brightened up, especially the attractive fragrance, which made everyone unable to resist the flood of saliva.

Where is this to eat? It's almost catching up with the artwork.

They couldn't help but think of the phrase "This thing should only be found in the sky, and it's hard to hear a few times in the world."

Fragrant, it's so sweet.

Is this medicated food, dear, if they can eat such a delicious food every day, they would be willing to make them sick for a month.

"Goo..." A long voice sounded, breaking the silence in the room.

The old doctor's face blushed, his complexion embarrassed, especially when he sang Kongchengji in front of His Royal Highness Lin Wang, he immediately wanted to find a hole in the hole.