
Then kneel for this lady

The young man was shocked by the chill in her eyes and took several steps back, only to feel the chill on his face, unspeakable oppression.

"Ben, my son is not sick." The young man retorted, his momentum dropped a few degrees.

Ma Dan, why is this woman so fierce?

"Why are you so aggressive, this little brother's starting point is also for your own good." Shui Ruoyun frowned, with accusations in his eyes, a high and domineering posture.


Mu Rufeng smiled.

Therefore, she was wrong just now. It is not only the young man who is sick, but also the person in front of him.

"According to you, as long as the starting point is good for you, you can beat you and humiliate you. Not only can you not fight back, but you should be grateful, right?" Mu Rufeng squinted his eyes, and the curvature of his lips was particularly ironic.

"In that case, kneel for this lady!"

Then kneel for this lady, then kneel for this lady, kneel, kneel...

The command was extraordinarily loud and clear, and the reverberation echoed in everyone's minds.

All of them were agitated, their eyes were amazed, and they stared at Mu Rufeng who had suddenly said this.

At this moment, her body is straight, her chin is slightly raised, and she is dressed in white, with a temperament like an immortal. She is looking proudly at Shui Ruoyun, just like the aura of a queen patrolling.

The beautiful face and the arrogant posture made everyone present couldn't help but feel moved. Suddenly there was a feeling of shame.

That tone, that attitude, as if it should be, casual, natural and free and easy.

Including several princes, everyone has complicated expressions...

But within a few months, the once ugly monsters became dazzling, beautiful and confusing.

The trash of the past also seemed to show off its teeth and claws overnight.

The extravagant elegance of the whole body made no one dare to humiliate and trample.

Everyone was in a daze, and suddenly there was an illusion of not knowing where they were. Or, was Mu Rufeng in front of him really the one they knew?

Shui Ruoyun, who was targeted by Mu Rufeng, instantly changed color, and her stunningly beautiful face suddenly became distorted.

Ha, this woman, did she let her kneel down?

"Do you know what on earth are you talking about?" Shui Ruoyun asked grimly as she gritted her teeth tightly.

"Kneel, girl, this lady is good to you, don't thank you!" Mu Rufeng looked favorably.

Just a quick wave, a halo shined on the top of her head.

"You are looking for death!"

Shui Ruoyun couldn't bear it, no need to bear it anymore, she shook her figure and slapped Mu Rufeng's face with her palm.

Without waiting for Mu Rufeng to dodge, her arm tightened and a strong force pulled her aside.

Originally Mu Rufeng's place was replaced by a roast chicken. Ouyang Yu held a wooden stick with roasted chicken in one hand, and stood with Mu Rufeng behind him with the other hand.

Shui Ruoyun came to dodge, and hit the hot roast chicken with his palms. The delicate white palms were instantly scalded by the hot oil on the surface, and the pain made his entire face wrinkled. .

Everyone inhales, and it hurts when they look at it.

"Hehe, it turns out that Miss Shui Ruoyun wants to eat roast chicken. Say it earlier, why bother, come, it's okay to give it to you." Prince Ouyang said and stuffed the roast chicken into her hand.

Shui Ruoyun subconsciously held it, holding the roast chicken in both hands, her delicate palms were once again scalded, and when her hands were loosened, the roast chicken wiped off and fell to the ground.

The snow-white skirt was dyed into a large oily yellow, which looked shocking and terrible, and it was in sharp contrast with Mu Rufeng's white snow.

Shui Ruoyun was stunned, always addicted to cleanliness, never encountered this kind of situation, the yellow greasy greasy stains on his chest...

The body froze, disgusting!

The scene fell into a cold and silent, everyone opened their mouths, collectively stunned.

"Wow..." Suddenly, the little princess Cici broke out a loud cry.

"Bad woman, woo, Cici's roast chicken..." Little Cici's eyes rolled with tears, crying so sad that she felt wronged.

The standing Shui Ruoyun still had time to vent in the future. Ouyang Qian's cry immediately plunged her into an embarrassing state. She was originally on the victim's side, and the plot reversed and became a saboteur.

Especially the roast chicken that fell on the ground and was full of dust, at this moment, it was the biggest mockery of her.

There is hard to say, there is hard complaint, this kind of aggrieved and uncomfortable, scratching her heart like a cat's claw, can't burst out.

If it weren't for so many people watching, and the other party's special identity, she vowed that she would definitely beat this little girl to death, no, it wouldn't be an exaggeration.

"Hey, don't cry soon, and the prince's brother will catch you a fat pheasant later." Prince Ouyang panicked, watching the little girl crying sadly, distressed.

I knew I wouldn't waste that roast chicken, I blamed the woman Shui Ruoyun, why did she provoke her when she was fine.

If Rufeng is bullied, his baby Cici will also be sad and sad. Anyway, it's all about this woman.

"The girl won't be beautiful anymore. Without the roast chicken, shall we eat roast rabbit?" Mu Rufeng stepped forward, squatting in front of Ouyang Qian and coaxing softly.

The little girl who was crying sadly stopped abruptly, her big watery eyes regained her clarity, her little face flushed and her eyes were particularly energetic.

"Cici is hungry, eat roast rabbit."

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they all said that in June, the child's face would change as soon as it changed, but the child's face changed faster.

I was so sad and weeping just now, where is the slightest sadness now?

Ouyang Qian pulled Mu Rufeng towards the roasted rabbit, and made a face at Mu Rufeng when everyone couldn't see it. She looked like she was going to talk about it again. Let me be smart.

Mu Rufeng was startled and laughed blankly.

This little clever ghost just pretended his feelings.

Tears flowed out, and there was no one in this acting.

"Hmph, that ugly woman, she will dare to bully the beauty sister in the future, Cici will help you bully back together." Ouyang Qian said viciously while chewing on the rabbit's legs.

"Are you sure you are bullying and going back instead of performing another crying scene?" Mu Rufeng raised his eyebrows, narrowing his eyes.

"Hate, Sister Beauty, you made fun of Cici again, huh, Cici ignored you." The little girl pouted and turned to look to the side.

"Puff, eat quickly, it will be cold if you don't eat meat." Mu Rufeng is funny, it's rare that this little girl is taking good care of herself, so she won't play with her.

"Cousin, how can I see people like this? Are you just watching outsiders bullying and I don't care?" Shui Ruoyun turned his head, looking at Duanmuxuan with Yingyingshui eyes.

"Your business is my cousin's business. Besides, I promised my aunt that I would never let anyone hurt you." Duan Muxuan's tone was firm, his eyes were as deep as water, his tone changed suddenly, and he looked at Ouyang Yu, "So Prince Ouyang, I hurt my cousin's jade hands. Tell me what to do."