
The royal family hosted a banquet, stunning the audience

The sedan chair landed, and Mu Zhonghun's grandfather and grandson were almost the last to be there.

Cangyu Palace and Longtai Hall are tall, majestic, and extraordinary.

"General Mu is here!" With a high-pitched announcement, everyone in the hall was shocked, including Emperor Cangyu Duanmuxiu, all eyes focused on the entrance.

General Mu wore a dark purple robe, his temples were white, his body was extraordinary, and he stepped into the hall steadily.

Behind him, the girl in white clothes wins snow, with exquisite facial features, like the best masterpiece in heaven, with a beautiful face and independence from the world, every move, indifferent, elegant, and calm, has captured everyone's attention from the moment she appeared. .

"Who is she?"

"How come you haven't seen such a stunning woman before?"


The teenagers took a deep breath, their eyes were burning and unbearable. The girls were envious and jealous, their eyes staring, unwilling and angry.

Sitting in the upper position, Duanmuxiu's eyes flashed a little astonishment, his gaze only stopped on Mu Rufeng for a few seconds before returning to Mu Zhonghun again.

It's no surprise that she is just a beautiful woman. In comparison, the strong green rank has more weight.

is her!

Duan Mulin's hand holding the wine glass tightened, and his jet-black eyes fell deeply on Mu Rufeng. Ouyang Yu, who was sitting opposite him, had his eyes lit up. There was a kind of pierced iron shoes and nowhere to find, he looked back suddenly. But the sentiment in front of me.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't find it for so many days, but now she appeared by herself.

But who is she and why did she appear with General Mu Da?

Ouyang Yu's doubts are also the doubts of everyone in the audience, but also the focus of attention of all the teenagers present.

Without squinting, Mu Rufeng followed Mu Zhonghun and sat down beside him.

Hey, this woman, understand the rules, too arrogant.

It is forgivable that General Mu Da Qingling's spirits are not polite, but what about this woman, it's too much to put your majesty in their eyes.

Duanmu's face on the dragon chair turned gloomy, because it was brought in by the soul of Mu Zhong. Today's celebration banquet was specially set up for him. If he questioned it face to face, he would definitely sweep General Mu's face.

"Is this girl?" Duan Muxiu pressed his inner unhappiness and asked a little smile on his face, looking at Mu Zhonghun.

Mu Zhonghun's expression turned weird on the spot, and Mu Rufeng's lips were smiling, and his eyes were joking.

All eyes were cast over, waiting for Mu Zhonghun to reveal the answer.

"Oh, your majesty doesn't know? She is Feng'er!" Mu Zhongshun turned to Duan Muxiu's eyes, and Feng Danyun asked back.

She is Feng'er! She is Feng'er! She is...

Mu Zhonghun's words lingered in everyone's ears like a magic sound, replaying them over and over again...


Feng'er, Mu Rufeng? That ugly trash?

Everyone's expressions were like swallowing a fly, and the collective was disgusting.

This is absolutely not true, absolutely not true!

That woman is so ugly, how could it be this stunning beauty?

General Mu is joking, right, it must be so.

"I admire Zhong Zhongshun, so I wouldn't make jokes about my granddaughter." Mu Zhongshun sneered, seeing everyone's suspicion and unbelief, he could not help humming.

His granddaughter, who admired Zhonghun, was originally stunningly beautiful, but when she thought of being misunderstood and rejected for so many years, her heart seemed to be grasped by a big hand, and she felt uncomfortable.