
The prince pretended to be sick, and time is running out

"The spirit-gathering liquid that has been passed down in the imperial city before will be auctioned in Jingbao Pavilion soon. Your General should have received the news."

After the meal, Ouyang Yu took a sip of tea, looked at Mu Zhonghun, and asked.

He just said casually that the General Mansion was different from the past, and they did not receive news as quickly as they did.

Tell him that it is also for him to prepare more liquid funds in advance, so as not to have enough funds when he wants to bid.

The auction of the Soul Gathering Liquid is bound to arouse the attention of many people. I am afraid that there will be too many people and the auction will be too intense.

"Thank your Highness for your kindness. Someone has already revealed this to the old man. I will definitely go there." General Mu nodded.

Gathering liquid, of course, the more the better.

I bought a bottle for Feng'er from other channels before. Now that the auction is open, it is natural not to be missed.

Mu Rufeng, who was eating dessert with the little princess Cici, flashed in her eyes, and disappeared from the thoughts in her eyes.

After returning from the general's mansion, a certain prince's emotions have not been stable.

Especially thinking of the indifferent words of the little woman, I felt extremely anxious and unhappy.

No one has ever been able to control his emotions like this, the little woman is the first.

"Come here!" Duanmu Linyuan yelled, his deep eyes hiding violence and danger.

"His Royal Highness." The guard entered the hall, lowering his head tremblingly, in an attitude of standing by with his head down.

"Go, check it out with this seat. You must know everything about Miss Mu." Duanmu Linyuan ordered.

His little woman, never want to escape his palm.

An hour later, the guard sent a detailed investigation result and handed it to Duanmu Linyuan respectfully.

Duanmu Linyuan looked at the content above, the corners of his lips pulled Xie Ning's arc.

Did you compare all of the imperial physicians in the imperial physician's hall? His little wild cat is quite capable.

"The news that came back also said that Miss Mu seems to be particularly fond of herbal medicines and has purchased large quantities of herbal medicines several times."

Are you in love with herbs?

Prince Linyuan's eyes deepened with a smile, just as he had hobbies, he was afraid that he would not find a chance to please him.

"Order to go down, collect herbs vigorously, the more the better." Duanmu Linyuan's cold voice sounded.

The guard below is a jealous spirit, what is your Highness doing, don't be what he thinks.

The guard retreated, Duanmu Linyuan walked out of his bedroom, and headed towards the Queen Mother's Palace.

"What are you talking about, I feel unwell, quickly, pass the imperial physician, and call all the imperial physicians." The queen mother was startled, when she heard Duanmu Linyuan say that she had a physical problem, her complexion suddenly changed and her face was full of panic and worry.

Duanmu Linyuan looked weak, leaning weakly on the back of his chair, and then he was sweating in a short while.

Even wearing a mask could not hide his fatigue and pain.

This frightened the empress dowager and kept urging the doctor.

A group of imperial physicians filed in, headed by Huang Shen, at the urging of the empress dowager, stretched out their hands for Duanmu Linyuan's pulse.

At this touch, Huang Taiyi's complexion changed drastically, and his expression directly rose to panic.

Seeing him like this, the other imperial doctors waiting next to him felt uneasy.

"What's wrong, what's going on Yuan'er?" The empress dowager was extremely anxious.

Huang Shen retreated, and other imperial doctors stepped forward to get their pulses.

After a quarter of an hour, the emperor's doctors remained silent, standing still, afraid of the atmosphere.

It is obvious to all that the empress dowager attaches great importance to them.

Now if you tell the Queen Mother that your Royal Highness's life is not long, and the Queen Mother is angry, they may not be able to keep their heads.

"What the hell is going on?" The Queen Mother was furious and scolded on the spot.

"The queen mother, dear, the prince..." Huang Shen stopped talking.

"If you don't want to lose your head, please tell Laejia the truth quickly!"


Huang Shen bent his legs and knelt down.

"The ministers are incompetent, I am afraid that the body of your Highness cannot be cured. Your Highness, I am afraid, I am afraid that time is running out..."

"The minister is incompetent..."

Boom boom boom, the doctors knelt in a row.

Prince Linyuan's pulse showed signs of exhaustion, even a living god could not save it.

Time, time is running out...

The empress dowager softened and fell backward.

"Niangniang, what's wrong with you, Niangniang..." The palace maid who was serving the queen mother was shocked and quickly held the queen mother.

His Royal Highness didn't heal, so don't let the empress get sick again.

"Mother, Erchen still doesn't want to die." Duanmu Linyuan, who was leaning back in the chair, suddenly opened his eyes and gasped weakly.

It seemed as if she would die in the next second, and she saw the empress dowager cruelly in her heart, tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm not dead, I'm not dead, with the mother's queen, we Yuan'er will definitely live a hundred years old." The empress dowager struggling to rush over, holding Duanmu Linyuan's head, constantly comforting.

"Come here, drag this bunch of waste down and cut it down." Her Yuan'er can't survive, so what's the use of keeping this bunch of waste.

When Yuan'er died, they were buried with him.

"The empress dowager is forgiving, and the empress dowager is forgiving..." A group of educated doctors turned pale in fright, squatting their heads at the empress dowager.

They are still young and don't want to die...

"The empress dowager, the minister thought of a person, perhaps the prince's sickness, she can treat it." Suddenly, an imperial doctor's eyes brightened, and she became wise.

At this time, he just wanted to save his life, without the slightest guilt of pulling people into the water.

"Naughty, she can't." Huang Shen shouted angrily, disagreeing with his actions.

His Royal Highness's situation is so bad that pulling Miss Mu out will only put her in the same situation as them.

He doesn't do this kind of deceptive deeds.

No one can frame it.

"You said, who is it?" The Queen of Heaven asked, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, no matter who it is, she will invite Yuan'er.

"It was Miss Mu from the General's Mansion. Princess Ouyang's illness was treated by her. At that time, the ministers were helpless, but with acupuncture and moxibustion, she rescued the little princess who had been determined to be hopeless."

"So the minister felt that only she could cure the sickness of His Royal Highness."

In order to save a little life, the imperial doctor was so eager that he could not wait to lift Mu Rufeng to the sky.

Only by holding that Miss Mu up higher, the empress dowager can let them go when she is happy.

As for whether Mu Rufeng can heal the prince, everything is a story. He only cares about whether he can survive.

As everyone knows, his actions made a certain prince who pretended to be sick on the chair secretly remembered in his heart, and he was completely condemned to death.

Dare to cheat Feng'er under his nose, damn it!

"Chuan Mu Rufeng, let her always come to the palace to treat the prince." The empress mother ordered.

There must be nothing wrong with her Yuan'er.

"No, send this seat to the General's Mansion." Duanmu Linyuan's weak voice interrupted.

"Yes, time is running out, so let's send the palace directly to the general's mansion." The imperial doctor spoke again, thinking that this proposal was simply wonderful.

If Prince Linyuan accidentally died in the General Mansion, by then, all the anger of the empress dowager would fall on the General Mansion, not their emperor.