
The prince asked to marry, the general refused

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a chill!

Mu Rufeng is here to make up for it, but she doesn't know that someone has been paying attention to her in secret.

Have a panoramic view of her every move.

Prince Duanmu and King Lin stared at the man they admired from the bottom of their hearts.

Since they can remember, the emperor's grandmother has been instilling various glorious deeds of the emperor's uncle.

Therefore, even if they have never seen it before, the famous emperor's uncle is generally imprinted deep in their minds.

When we meet now, the aura and majesty that is more noble than the father's emperor is awe-inspiring.

Seeing the emperor's uncle frequently cast his gaze toward a certain direction, Duan Mulin couldn't help being surprised, and then his gaze followed.

It happened to see Mu Rufeng sitting with the little princess Ouyang.

Goodbye, the uncle's lips evoked the ruinous arc, and the dark and deep eyes, my heart trembled, and a bold idea came to mind.

The big palms in his wide sleeves were clenched tightly. This discovery made him sour and uncomfortable, with an uncontrollable jealousy and madness.

No, maybe he read it wrong!

The emperor's uncle has always been free and unruly. The reason why he has not been married for so many years is that he is not close to women and has a natural sensitivity and rejection of women.

That being the case, he would definitely not have that kind of thought for Rufeng.

His Royal Highness Lin Wang, who was committed to comforting himself, automatically ignored the situation of Duanmu Linyuan holding a certain woman when he came in.

"Why don't the empress dowager take advantage of today's birthday to choose her beloved for the prince?" An old official couldn't help but stand up and suggested.

Anyway, the prince and concubines will also be selected from the women of the appropriate age in the ministerial homes.

That being the case, why not take advantage of the presence of the female family members and just get things done.

"That's a good idea. The joy is added to the joy, and the double happiness will definitely make a good story." The ministers were excited and agreed with their approval.

How can you miss such an opportunity?

They couldn't wait to immediately push their daughter under the Prince's Palace.

"Haha, okay, okay, it's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, or do you choose the concubine for the imperial brother on the spot while everyone is here?"

Duanmuxiu applauded and smiled.

Choosing a concubine for Duanmu Linyuan, but also a concern about the queen mother, as a child minister, should be filial piety, this little thing, he still agrees.

"Prince Linyuan's concubine, naturally, she wants to be good in all aspects."

"Why don't you put on another performance, who is the best, how about the Aijia grant her to Yuan'er?"

The empress dowager was excited, she sat up slightly, glanced around the audience, and said with a smile.

In my heart, I was secretly comparing several boudoir women who were more optimistic in my heart.

Can't wait to choose the concubine, concubine, concubine, etc. all at once for her Yuan'er.

After the empress dowager's words were over, the female servants in the selection range had crimson faces and were eager to try.

The ministers repeatedly applauded and expressed their approval.

Mu Rufeng, who was sitting next to the little princess, was just watching the show, watching everyone's expressions, and sighing in her heart, she didn't know how happy these people were.

Is it really that good to marry your own daughter to someone who is about to become his father?

Moreover, this Duanmu Linyuan looked like a tough one to deal with. Wouldn't such a dangerous man be in the mouth?

Tsk tut, right in their eyes, actually better than family blood.

Shaking his head, brushing away the thoughts in his heart, anyway, grandpa loves her, it is impossible to send her to the mouth of a tiger.

With the Duanmu Royal Family, the cleaner the better, she didn't want to be involved in it.

"Why is it so troublesome, I already have a candidate in my heart."

Just as everyone was excited and preparing for the next prince's selection, a strong magnetic voice floated out, Duanmu Linyuan squinted his eyes, and the corners of his lips were filled with a faint smile.

What, what, there is someone you like?

Everyone staggered, their bodies trembling fiercely, and they were shocked by Prince Linyuan's words.

Like the same basin of cold water, the spring hearts of many young girls were wiped out.

His Royal Highness actually has someone he likes, so are they hopeless?

Thinking of the seat of the prince and her passing by, this stalwart prince will accompany another woman by her side. The girls look lonely, disappointed and unwilling.

"Yuan'er has a girl you like, why didn't you say it earlier, quickly, bring it back for the queen to see." The empress dowager was startled, and then she looked happy.

The woman who can make Yuan'er admire is definitely extraordinary.

Although she wanted to personally choose a good concubine with both talents and virtues for Yuan'er, no matter how good she chose, she was not as good as Yuan'er's own heart.

In this matter, she did not want to wrong her baby son.

Therefore, she has basically admitted the existence of that mysterious woman in her heart.

Yuan'er has been away for many years, and it must be that woman who often accompanies him to keep him from being so lonely.

"Far away in front of the horizon!" The arc of Duanmu Linyuan's lips widened, and the magnetic sultry voice resounded again.


The audience was restless.

The woman the Prince's favorite is in the temple!

The ministers were shocked, and they didn't know which woman was so lucky to be favored by the prince.

The lost hearts of the female family members once again showed signs of warming up, with spring on their faces, and their eyes were concentrated on Lin Yuan, hoping that they would be the lucky one.

The empress mother's eyes widened, her eagerness even worse.

This Yuan'er, deliberately wanted to die of her anxiously, she was far away in the sky, who was she?

Everyone is waiting for Prince Linyuan's answer.

On the seat, Mu Rufeng couldn't help being curious, wondering which hapless ghost was.

Duanmu Linyuan's gaze cast faintly towards Mu Rufeng's direction, the smile in his eyes was secretive, and the corners of his lips were curved with Xie Ning.

Mu Rufeng's face sank, and suddenly he had a bad feeling.

"In this hall, the wind must be the only thing that can make this seat move." Duanmu Linyuan got up and walked step by step until Mu Rufeng stood still, looking at the woman in the seat, condescendingly announced on the spot.

The magnetic voice filled the audience with spiritual power.

It was as if there was a thunder in the same place, everyone was stunned.

His Royal Highness's favorite woman is Mu Rufeng, Miss Mu from the General's Mansion?


The audience was in an uproar!

Mu Rufeng's pupils shrank suddenly, his expression as cold as frost.

Duanmuxiu and the queen dowager who were sitting in the upper position changed suddenly, and the clouds were overcast.

Duanmu Linyuan can choose anyone, except Mu Rufeng.

If this woman who had been retired by the royal family was brought into the royal family again, it would be an indescribable humiliation to their Duanmu royal family.

The officials in the hall looked at Duanmu Linyuan with sympathetic eyes.

Why is this prince looking for such a woman?

That Mu Rufeng was retired by his nephew. Isn't he afraid of people making jokes?

"Impossible, my granddaughter of Mu Zhonghun refused to marry the royal family." Mu Zhonghun's loud voice suddenly sounded, not afraid of the prince's momentum, and refused on the spot.