
Teenager in ice coffin

Mu Rufeng came to the cliff of Houshan according to the memory in his mind, looking for an antidote called Hibiscus.

Take out the rope prepared in advance, tie one end to a thick branch, and one end tied around your waist, and slowly move down from the obvious raised rock...

Not knowing that all of this fell into the eyes of a little guy.

The little guy was furry and cat-like, and at this time he was tilting his head, looking at the long twine with curiosity.

When Mu Rufeng looked up, he saw a small thing crouching on the cliff and biting the rope hard. At this scene, she felt a daze in her heart, staring at the little thing.

There seemed to be a sense, the little guy looked towards Mu Rufeng under the cliff, and squinted with her big eyes.

Then there was the grin of teeth, and then the sounds of whimpers, and looked at her with eyes, as if Mu Rufeng looked like he was begging.

"Oh..." The little guy pressed his mouth hard, and the original thick rope was just bitten off by it.

Losing his fixation, Mu Rufeng's body lightened and fell towards the bottom of the cliff.

A strong sense of weightlessness came, his eyes closed subconsciously, and his lips twitched a bit of self-deprecation.

Haven't you been dead for two days?

The body fell quickly, the branches on the cliff cut the skin, and the blood dripped...

The ripples in the sky froze, and in an instant, the surrounding scenes were replaced. Before that, with a green environment, all of a sudden, it turned into a icy and snowy ground, and it was frozen in the eyes, and the boundless cold air was striking towards the wind.

The expected pain never arrived. After Mu Rufeng recovered, he saw that he was hanging about one meter above the ground.

Standing firm, in front of him, a one-person cave came into view, as if there was a strong suction that guided her forward.

As soon as he entered the cave, a burst of heat came out, which was completely different from the icy and snowy outside. The heat inside was hot, the stones in the cave were burned to fiery red, and the hot high temperature was uncomfortable.

The deeper the cave, the wider the cave and the higher the air temperature.

Suddenly, an ice coffin hits the eyes, and the red clothes in the ice coffin are enchanting and burning, and the young man in red is lying quietly in the ice coffin in the fire waves around him, like If you want to keep this way, you can't afford to sleep.

Mu Rufeng stepped closer to the ice coffin, and Su Bai's small hands overwhelmed the ice coffin involuntarily.


There was a loud noise, and the ice-coffin that had just stood still suddenly burst out with a crisp sound, and it shattered without warning.

Mu Rufeng was stunned, somewhat incomprehensible. It seemed that she did nothing.

After losing his support, the young man in the ice coffin will fall to the fire below. Mu Rufeng's body reacts first and takes the young man who is about to fall into his arms.

The teenager's body is as light as nothing, and is embraced in his arms. It has no effort at all. The delicate facial features are particularly eye-catching. The skin is delicate, crystal clear, and pale to almost transparent.

The brush-like eyelashes cast a faint shadow on the eyelids, and the sleeping man is quiet and serene, giving people a sense of world calmness.

Suddenly, the teenager opened his eyes.

As if there was a beam of light, the glazed purple eyes lit up, clean, pure, and bright, like the last Wang Qingquan in the world, not stained with a trace of impurities.

As he opened his eyes, the original pale look was instantly alive and dazzling.

The teenager looked at himself quietly, with curiosity and trust in his eyes. Suddenly, the brilliant and beautiful face burst out with a bright smile, like fireworks, wanton, intriguing and moving.