
Prince's Wrath, Purgatory on Earth

His Feng'er, even if he marries, he will never marry into the royal family.

It's just a matter of falling down once in one place, is it possible to send it up and fall again?

Even if this Duanmu Linyuan is excellent, it is definitely not his grandson-in-law's choice.

Hey, General Mu is too direct. Isn't he afraid of hurting His Royal Highness's face and making him unhappy?

"What if I insist on marrying?" Duanmu Linyuan turned around, looking at Mu Zhonghun's.

A royal prince, distinguished, domineering, and a general in Mu's palace, a strong young man with extraordinary strength.

The eyes of the two collided, and none of them lost, and they were on par.

However, that is just what an outsider sees.

General Mu had a great uproar in his heart at this moment, he was extremely surprised and shocked.

The aura from Duanmu Linyuan, powerful, domineering, extremely oppressive and aggressive.

Like a big net, trapping him, the spiritual power in the body is also shrinking a little under this unstoppable aura attack, step by step retreat, and soon will be defeated.

Mu Zhonghun's forehead oozes fine sweat, and as time goes by, his face slightly changes color.

Although this prince Linyuan was younger than Duanmuxiu in the last round, the talent and aptitude he showed since his childhood made everyone afraid to underestimate him.

When he was ten years old, he was entrusted with an important task by the first emperor. He wanted to pass on him, but he refused and left until now.

But in a mere ten years, has he grown to such a terrifying point?

His strength is definitely above him.

At such an age, he has reached a cultivation base of the Youth Rank or even above the Youth Rank.

It can no longer be described by a normal person.

"Duanmu Linyuan, stop!" A soft drink came out from the mouth of self-admiration.

Originally sitting calmly on the seat, her face was anxious, her eyes filled with worry and anger.

She had thought that this man was powerful, but she hadn't expected that he would be so powerful that he couldn't match his grandfather's strength.

Others couldn't understand, but she could see at a glance that Grandpa's expression was not right, the fine sweat on her forehead and the clenched fists on the side, everything showed that he was holding on at the moment.

Mu Rufeng's words fell, and the scene was strangely quiet.

Duanmu Linyuan?

The prince's name, can she call it?

And what's the meaning of this obvious questioning tone?

What does Miss Mu think of Prince Linyuan, and what does she think of herself?

Oh, I don't know what is good or bad.

The empress mother was angry and stared at her gloomily.

Seeing how much she likes performing a surprise dance, I hate her at the moment.

Her Yuan'er was afraid of melting in her mouth, and she was afraid of falling in her palm. She was so distressed that she never said aloud to him.

After a long absence, he finally returned, but was scolded by this little courtier.


The empress dowager stared at Mu Rufeng's gaze, wishing to swallow her alive and make her unhappy.

"People who Feng'er cares about will not hurt me." The plot changed sharply.

When everyone thought that His Royal Highness the Prince would convict her for this.

Prince Linyuan turned around, and a pair of deep and secluded eyes poured out a slow smile. The tone was naturally unique. Is it comparable to ordinary people?

He has enough patience to wait.

One day, this little woman will take the initiative to embrace herself, and will obediently let him go.

"Yuan'er, don't be fooling around, come back and sit down soon." The Queen Mother frowned and said softly.

Seeing her youngest son leaning in front of the girl was unhappy, and made up his mind that they should never be together.

"Erchen didn't make any mischief. Feng'er is a woman recognized by this seat. She does not marry!" Duanmu Linyuan squinted and solemnly emphasized.