
Poison in the body

Mu Rufeng raised his head, clear water eyes, flexible and persevering, floating with palpable colors. At that moment, the change of breath made people ignore her face directly, as if she could see the flash of her soul.

Mu Zhonghun's tiger body was shocked, and looked at the granddaughter in front of him in surprise, like the dusty Puyu finally shined, shining, charming and surprising.

"Grandpa is assured that Feng'er was not sensible before, so you worried. In the future, Feng'er will definitely work hard to make those people look at each other." Mu Rufeng promised not to worry about the only relative who cares about his origin.

The once Mu Rufeng has passed, and now it is a new beginning.

"Okay, okay, Grandpa believes you, Feng'er must do..." Mu Zhongshun's eyes were wet, and Feng's sensibleness made him sour and unbearable, and he felt guilty.

It's his uselessness to be a grandfather, which won't give her a strong support.

Seeing her being forced to grow, in addition to distressed, or distressed.

If he could, he would prefer her to be a waste of her life, worry-free, as long as she finishes having fun every day.

Unfortunately, with Duan Mulin's retirement ending, the wind in front of him really changed.

It both comforted him and distressed him.

All the people present in the hall sighed in the heart, and only the owner would treat this waste as treasure.

Haha, hard work? I believe she is strange.

Since it is waste, it is destined to never change, and in her life, don't want to be impressed.

Mu Rufeng glanced around for a week, glancing at everyone's expressions, and playing with lips.

These mischievous people waited for her to work harder, then slowly cleaned up, made an excuse, and then retreated from the hall.

Back in the boudoir, Mu Rufeng sat in front of the dressing table, his eyes flicked inadvertently, and when he saw the look in the bronze mirror, his eyes flicked, and his eyes were crossed with disgusting colors.

The facial features are still exquisite, even several times better than before, but the full-faced potholes instantly lowered the appearance by several grades, and the skin was dull and dull. The entire face can be directly called disfigured. No wonder this body Ugly is known all over the world.

Put the right hand on the left wrist, and his face sank again.

Liuli drunk.

This drug domineering, after being absorbed by the body, spreads quickly, destroying the face and clogging the meridians, so that it cannot be cultivated.

But the poison is extremely concealed, the pulse is beating and normal people are healthy, the average doctor can't detect it, and it's no wonder that even Mu Zhonghun didn't know that she was poisoned.

I just don't know who is so insidious, so she poisoned her, and it is clear that she will ruin her life.

Knowing the root cause, Mu Rufeng is more relaxed. The problem of poisoning is easier to solve than the problem of the body itself.

With a sigh, as the only hope in the government, he was secretly poisoned and became a waste wood.

It seems that this general mansion is not as strong as the outsider's eyes, and even precarious, it may be pulled out at any time.

Mu Zhongshun used to protect the original body. Later, she changed her to protect the general's palace.

Even if this body is really the body of waste wood, she still becomes a genius.

Only because she is Mu Rufeng, she is the heir to the heavenly continent, the ghost valley god doctor, and the most feared talent.

If it weren't for an unexpected accident in the advanced stage, the energy exploded and eventually exploded, she would not come here.

But she believes that the height that she could reach before can be achieved even if she changes her body.