
Marry the prince brother

The Queen Mother's birthday is here.

Prince Ouyang and the little princess came to the general's mansion as scheduled.

Also accompanied by them was His Royal Highness King Lin. The guard of honor stopped at the gate of the General's Mansion and immediately filled the gate of the entire mansion.

Taking into account the Queen Mother's birthday, it is not appropriate to wear white, Mu Rufeng put on a lavender Luo skirt.

As he walked, his clothes fluttered and the blue silk danced.

The already beautiful and white face was lined with purple clothes, adding a touch of femininity.

The temperament of the whole body is dusty, as if walking from a painting.

The people in Duanmulin who were waiting outside the house trembled, and their eyes flashed with stunning colors.

I have tasted her beauty a long time ago, but now I changed my clothes and it was even more breathtaking.

As soon as she came out, all the focus was on her.

"Wow, Sister Beauty is so beautiful!" The little princess exclaimed and happily stuck to her.

"Feng'er go with them first, grandpa will come later."

General Mu greeted the two Highnesses and said to Mu Rufeng.

This time, he and Feng'er were the only ones attending the birthday of the General Mansion. The other members of the mansion were not invited.

"Well, Feng'er will go first." Mu Rufeng nodded, and was pulled into the sedan chair by the little princess Ouyang.

King Lin and Prince Ouyang were riding a horse, Mu Rufeng and the little princess sat in the sedan chair, opened the curtains, and looked at the street scene.

The birthday of the Empress Dowager is celebrated throughout the country, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

Seeing the royal guard of honor, passers-by on the street gave way, watching curiously.

The little princess Ouyang has long been accustomed to all this, and has not much interest in it. Instead, she keeps her eyes on the beauty sister secretly.

Hey, Meiren's sister must be the most beautiful woman in the world.

Anyway, what she saw was the most beautiful Sister Beauty, and she couldn't even compare with her mother.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Mu Rufeng turned around and met the little girl's eyes.

"My elder brother said he would take me back soon, 夘夘嘤, but Cici couldn't bear you."

The little girl frowned, and she was immediately unhappy at the thought of never seeing Sister Beauty again.

"Or, Meiren will marry the prince brother and be my imperial sister-in-law, so that Cici can always see her sister."

The little girl held her face in her hands and looked at her with bright eyes. The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was a good idea. The heat in her eyes made it scary.


Mu Rufeng was startled, almost choked by his saliva.

What is this little girl thinking about all day long, to be her imperial wife and marry Ouyang Yu?

At the thought of this, Jiao Shi trembled, and the goose bumps all over his body rose.

It's not that Ouyang Yu is bad, but that kid is not the type she likes at all.

"Sister Beauty also thinks Cici's idea is good?" Seeing Mu Rufeng's strong reaction, the little princess mistakenly thought it was too excited.

Meiren sister is the best sister in the world, and her prince brother is also the best brother in the world.

Beautiful sister and prince brother, a perfect match!

"Ahem, kid, don't think about it, it's impossible for me and your prince brother." Mu Rufeng's face was black, interrupting the little girl's fantasy.

"Why, isn't the prince brother okay?" Ouyang Qian asked sadly and stubbornly.

But she feels very good.

The prince's elder brother is handsome and suave. There are countless famous families who want to marry him. Why is the beauty sister unwilling?

"Here, we should go down."

Mu Rufeng breathed a sigh of relief as the sedan chair landed, and walked down first.

This is the second time Mu Rufeng has come to Cangyu Palace since the last banquet.

It was too early for the Queen Mother's birthday, and King Lin led everyone directly to the imperial garden of the Cangyu Palace.

The imperial garden is full of flowers, a scene full of vitality.

Many family members and children have already arrived in the garden. Prince Duanmu sits down, and everyone chants poems and composes poems and shows off to the full garden scenery.

The arrival of Duan Mulin and his party attracted everyone's attention. The movements in their hands stopped, and they got up and saluted King Lin.

"The courtier please greet the emperor brother!" Duan Mulin said hello to Duanmuxuan on the main seat symbolically.

"You don't have to be polite, Wang Di, Prince Ouyang, princess, you guys will be seated soon too." Prince Duanmu swept his sleeves wide, with a kind smile on his handsome face.

In Mu Rufeng's opinion, his smile was a little fake, and the corners of his lips were a little stiff.

If he hadn't read it wrong just now, when this person saw him, his eyes flashed cold, even with a hint of killing intent.

It seems that they didn't provoke him except for two meetings.

Moreover, the words in his mouth were also full of malice, calling a few people into the seats, squinting her like air, and deliberately embarrassing her.

"Miss Mu, please!" His Royal Highness Lin Wang also didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and reached out his hand to make a request to relieve the embarrassment.

"Thank you!" Nodding, Mu Rufeng took a seat and sat down.

Because he lowered his head, he did not notice the harsher killing intent in the eyes of Prince Duanmu.

Sitting next to Prince Duanmu, Shui Ruoyun Baiyi Shengxue.

That beautiful face was as cold as frost, and from the moment Mu Rufeng appeared, the breath of the whole body became even colder inexplicably.

She could never forget that this woman humiliated herself last time.

It's really humiliating to be planted in the hands of a woman whom she regarded as rubbish.

"Look at it, does this big sister have cross-eyed eyes?"

Seeing the bad woman staring at her beautiful sister last time with extremely unkind eyes, the little princess Sisi became angry, and then a trace of cunning crossed her eyes, and she suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone's gaze swept along in the direction pointed by the little princess.

Uh, except for Prince Duanmu, only Shui Ruoyun is sitting there.

So the big sister in the mouth of the little princess is self-evident.

Shui Ruoyun was suddenly watched, and the expression on his face had not been recovered in the future.

The cock-fighting eyes fell in her ears, and her expression was cracked and she almost exploded.


Someone on the court couldn't help but snorted.

Emma, ​​is this little princess here to make a smile?

The water girl is an honorable guest of the royal family. It is said that she is the cousin of the current prince, and her biological mother is a popular tutor at Xuantianmen. The background behind her is quite big.

Now the little princess Ouyang pointed out on the spot that she had cross-eyed eyes, and everyone covered their mouths and couldn't help laughing.

Shui Ruoyun sat with a cold face, her palms in her wide sleeves squeezed tightly, but there was a child on the opposite side. If it happened, she would appear to be caressing.

"Miss Shui, don't care. Cici is young and ignorant. This prince is not here to accompany her."

Ouyang Yu put his fist to his mouth and coughed dryly, concealing the smile in his eyes, sorry.

It's a pity that there is no sincerity in listening to those words that are neither light nor heavy.

"Where, the little princess Ouyang is innocent and romantic, her childless words, this lady won't take it to heart."

Shui Ruoyun replied faintly, speaking against his will.