

Introduction by

Mary Da Silva Santos Junior

Of all the books and films I read when I was young about supernatural it amused me that humans are very creative and intelligent beings that they think about that is really out of their comfort zone and think out of the box. I watched films like Van Helsing, Twilight, Interview with a vampire, Day breaker, Vampires and finally Underworld. These films flicked something inside me that I didn't knew about, obsession with supernatural. It also terrified me first but then after some hesitant steps I found out I was a great imaginary person and had a vast concept of the supernatural world which I imagined because I read books and watched films. Demonology and mythology also add fuel to my imagination to think about the supernatural. However different religion has different beliefs. But it up to us what we want to belief about these demons.

I am new to this. so umm here's a little information about me.

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