
The Bride of Lucifer XVI

Kazuki Tachibana is a vocalist of a band that's supposed to debut on the weekend. But a few days before his debut, a tall handsome man came out of a portal inside his bedroom and claimed to be the Demon King, Lucifer, and is looking for his bride. Lucifer must now protect his bride from his uncle, Beelzebub, who plans on destroying the entire planet on the day of Kazuki's debut. Heaven and Hell now unite to eliminate Beelzebub and his allies before he becomes too powerful on the night of the Blood Moon. Will Lucifer and Kazuki's love prevail? Or will darkness overpower them and pull them apart?

DudeNamedAna_016 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Blood Moon Part 1.A

Concert Venue in Tokyo...


"Makoto!" This guy is Saga Makoto, the younger brother of Yuki (Takeru's first love), and he is considered as my closest friend. We met in high school at the orientation about seven years ago. He's a very lively guy and I got to know Yuki because of him. We often hang out in ramen shops after school and we became regulars in a few shops back then. "Glad to see you again! How's life in Canada?"

"It's okay." He smiled, "It's always cold there and it was hard adjusting to the environment at first. I'm not that good in English so it was a struggle when it comes to communication. But it's been two years now since I moved there so my life is stable."

"Ah I see." I'm happy to meet my old friend after two years, "I'm glad you're safe and happy."

"But of course, I still like Japan more." He chuckled, "I feel homesick sometimes when I'm home alone in Canada. I missed hanging out with you and the others like we did when we were in high school. It's sad that I had to leave home..."

"Hey, it's okay." I smiled, "I'm really happy to see you again, especially here in our debut concert!"

"When Takeru told me you're having a debut concert I immediately cancelled all plans for the whole weekend. I booked a flight to Tokyo three days ago so I can get here in time and..." He held out a bag that was behind him this whole time, "Ta da! I got you a present!"

"Oh my gosh! You didn't have to get me a present." I feel so happy right now that I began to shed tears.

"Hey it's not much so you don't have to cry." He reached out and wiped the tears off my face, "I won't miss your big day for the world. You deserve all of this! You're the first person in my entire life that has worked this hard to achieve his dream."

"I guess you don't know a lot of people, huh?" I laughed.

"Don't laugh." He pouted, "Oh don't open the present yet! Do it after the show."

"Oh okay." I hugged him, "Thank you for travelling around the world just to see me tonight. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you." He smiled, "Well, it's only 2 hours left before the show starts so I'm gonna buy snacks and find my seat."

"Alright I'll see you in the crowd then."

"I'll be waiting for you to wink at me." He laughed.

"If I can find you that fast." I laughed with him, "I have to rehearse now. See ya later, alligator."

"See you in awhile, crocodile."

We walked in opposite directions. I went to my changing room to fix myself up. "Whoo... Two hours left before the show starts... Gosh I'm so nervous!"

"What for?" That voice...

I turned around and it was him. "Lucifer!"

I was so happy at the moment that I ran towards him and hugged him. "Eh?"

"Are you really this happy to see me?" His voice is so deep and calming.

"Uhh... I was happy to see my old friend awhile ago and the uhm...Adrenaline rush is still inside me." I forced a laugh.

"A friend of yours?"

I nodded. "He's my closest friend and he came to see me perform! He travelled from Canada to Tokyo yesterday and even gave me a present." I gladly showed him the paper bag Makoto gave me, "But he said I should open it after the show."

Why does he seem unhappy?

"Are you okay?" I caressed his face, "You don't look happy at all."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not." I burrowed my eyebrows, "I was waiting for you to come... Because Takeru wants to meet you in person."

"Who's Takeru?"

"He's my older brother. He saw me wearing this necklace and asked where I got it so I said that you gave it to me. This was from you, right?"

"Yeah I put it on you that night. I had to leave because somebody was about to enter your room and I cannot be seen. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye before I left you." He frowned.

I stood on my toes because he's way taller than me and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You don't have to be sorry... I mean, you got me this necklace as a farewell gift so it's okay." I kissed him on the cheek.

He hugged me and sighed. "Tonight is the Blood Moon. I'm just worried about you and everyone here. Beelzebub might appear anywhere and anytime so you have to be careful."

"You suddenly appeared in my changing room and all you did was frown and look serious. How am I supposed to enjoy my performance later if you're giving me negative vibes?" I let go of him, "I understand that I'm in danger right now and also everybody in this venue. But if I let that shit get over my head then it would be much more of a disaster."

"Are you mad?"

"No." I turned around and fixed my stuff, "It's your duty to protect me so I have no reason to get mad. I'm just a little disappointed, that's all."

He hugged me from behind. "I'm sorry, Kazuki." He's calling me by my name again, "I'm not doing a good job as a husband and that's why I failed to make you happy. All I did was to protect you but I didn't consider your feelings."

I turned around to face him. "It's not your fault, Lucifer. If it weren't for that Beelzebub demon you wouldn't have to protect me so much. It's his fault not yours, okay?" Please don't look so down...

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "I don't want you to get hurt, Kazuki. That was my reason for being strict on myself and acted like a bodyguard even when I'm not with you. I appointed offensive demons to protect you while I'm gone. I guess you didn't see them."

"Huh? There were demons with me this whole time?!"

He nodded. "But only when they sense danger. They are well behaved when everything's going good but when they detect dark energy they get hostile."

"I thought I just got lucky but it turns out I had personal bodyguards around me that I couldn't see."

"Got lucky?"

"Yeah. You see, when big things in my life are about to happen, I usually get jinxed and end up getting hurt sometimes. Like one time I was going to my college of choice to hand in my requirements and then suddenly... A kid almost ran me over with his bicycle!"

"Huh?!" Oops I think I made him worry too much, "You should've been more careful! What would happen if you got seriously injured from that accident?"

"It's not as worse as the time I almost fell off a-" I should have not said that...

"Fell off a what?!"

"A..." Should I say it?!, "A bridge before my 18th birthday celebration in Osaka..."

"You..." He held me tighter.

"B-but I'm fine! See? I'm standing right here in front of you and you're hugging me tightly."

To the point where I cannot breathe properly!

"You mean so much to me..." He started crying, "I don't know what I would do if my fated pair dies... I can never find love from others but you."

I kissed him on the neck to calm him down. "I'm fine and I will forever be fine because now you're here with me." I wiped the tears off his face, "If you keep crying like that you'll get ugly and I will not marry you anymore."


"Just kidding!" I laughed, "I don't care what you look like on the outside... When I'm with you, I get warm inside and I feel at ease everytime you touch me. My heart beats so fast whenever I hear your deep voice as you whisper in my ears... Don't you see? I started to feel weird ever since we met for the first time a few days ago... You made love to me and now my body is itching everytime I think about you."

"So you've been thinking about me this whole time?" He raised an eyebrow. "And you're body is acting crazy because of it?"

"Of all the sweet things that I have said, you're asking me about that part?"

He laughed. "I loved hearing these words from you, Kazuki. It's just that when you said you were thinking of me I got excited and couldn't control myself."

"You are one perverted demon."

Wait what's that hard thing against my belly?

"Y-you're hard?!"

"I'm sorry... I couldn't take it anymore." He pushed me away from him, "You look so cute tonight and you smell good I can't control myself!"

"What are you going to do about that?" I pointed at his penis.

"I should go for now... I don't know what I might do to you if you come closer."

I crossed my arms. "So you're keeping it inside your pants even though it hurts just for me?"

He nodded. "I don't want to force you to do it with me without your consent."

"You are so sweet." I walked closer but he backed away, "Hmph! Let me touch you."

"N-no! My self control is limited so don't test me."

"We don't need to have sex to relieve you, you know?" I slid my hand down his groin and he quickly reacted to my touch, "I can suck you so it won't hurt any longer."

"K-Kazuki wait!"

Oh, Lucifer... This is what you get for choosing me as your bride...