
The Bride's Replacement

Skylar Izara Ishaani is a great journalist in Canada. She crosses path with the great Royal Maverick. She asks him bold questions that no journalist had deared to. Impressed by her boldness,Royal decides to marry her. Not for love but due to pressure from his parents. When she finds out why he wants to marry her,she disappears a day before her wedding. Her younger sister,Calista Serenity Ishaani suffers the price of her actions. Out of fear of her image in the public,Ishaani Kapoor,their mother,asks Calista to save her from embarrassment. She is to stand in the place of her elder sister. Since her sister ran away from home,away from her forced marriage,she is to pay the price. Calista agrees to marry Royals Maverick Atlas for her mother's image. She is the only person that can save her mother from the embarrassment that comes with her sister's disappearance the day before her wedding ceremony. She suffers in the hands of the young business lord,Royal. He has married her for his family's satisfaction but he is in love with a different woman all together. A woman that would bring her pain and unbearable life to leave. Let's begin together the journey between the great,famous and eligible young man,Royal Maverick Atlas and the most beautiful lady,Calista Serenity Ishaani. Will they fall in love and will their love grow there after or how is it going to be for them?

Linnah_Charles · Urbain
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56 Chs

So embarrassing!!

Calista's POV

I slowly opened my eyes adjusting to the bright light in the room.

"Who on earth opened those curtains?" I mumbled sleepily. That person whoever it is,is very annoying. The memories of last night came running back in my head making me sit on the bed and stretched, yawn escaping my lips.

"That shameless annoying woman!"I cursed silently as I remembered what happened at the Atlas Mansion.

I brushed the hair that had stubbornly fallen on my face then let out a loud sigh.

My eyes flew to the clothes I was wearing and I frowned. I was in my sleeping pyjamas. What I could not tell is how I got into these. I remember sleeping with my dress on but now,I was even well covered with the soft white furry blanket.

"Maverick...ooh!"I groaned when I just guessed that he took off my dress and helped me into these pyjamas,but why could I not remember.

I was just asleep not drunk!

It was already thirty minutes past eight a.m according to the alarm clock.

I hurriedly got off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I needed to see Maverick and confirm my doupt but I really hope it was not him who took off my clothes.

I began stripping and my eyes widened the more.

No brasier!

I quickly took off the pyjama trouser and I felt my blood rush in my vein. I think am having a hypertension attack with this revelation.

Just my pant beneath!

"Oh crap!! This shameless man saw my naked body! Oh goddess!" I exclaimed. I could not continue with the taking off of my clothes.I quickly put back on the trouser and the baggy shirt and ran out my room.

"Let it not be you Maverick!!!"

I muttered under my breathe as I matched to his room which is actually not too far from mine.

Now here we are!

Knock! Knock! Knock! Bang!

I literally banged on his door but got no response. I twisted the knob and another disappointment hit. The door was locked.

I hit the door and turned,walking towards the stairs. I came across two ladies who bowed as I approched.

That took my attention. I had only seen Liz since I arrived here and I met Meshach yesterday,the butler,and now other maids!

"Morning ma'am!"they greeted in unison while bowing their heads.

They looked young and very pretty as well and the uniform looked good on them. I almost thought they were from Maverick's office!

"Morning...girls!" I hesitated not knowing how to call them,until I rested on..girls.

I almost wanted to ask them who they were but I was on hurry to meet that man. I ran downstairs and found Meshach and four more girls cleaning.

"Good morning Mesh..ach!"I wanted to shorten his name as I did with most of my grandpa's workers but what if the rules in this house are different!!..

"Good morning madam!"he responded giving a slight bow.

"Where is Maverick?"I did not want to waste anymore time.

"He already left for work!"

His response made me want to hit him. Did he think I needed to know that he was too far from the house right now.

"He asked me to give you this when you finally woke up!"

He said handing me a small black bag. I nodded then left with the bag to my room.

I sat on my bed and opened the bag!!

"Oh Lord!" I exclaimed not knowing whether to be happy or...

Should I even accept these or should I return them? Am sure they cost a fortune.

A small apple laptop and a beautiful camon phone. I placed the bag on the bed but realized that there was something else inside it.

I dipped my hand and what I pulled out made me hop off the bed.

A gun!

This man is crazy!!!

What would I need a gun for!!

"He really must have lost it!" I muttered.


At Royals Fabian Auto Company,

Maverick was busy with work. Managing all his companies had never been easy for him. Atleast when Fabian was alive,he took care of this Auto Company and the Firearms Cooperation while he took care of the hotels,casinos, hospitals and other companies.

But now he was the one taking care of all those single handedly with just the help of Eddy and himself.

And his dad was also bugging him with taking charge of his legacy,his Atlas International Airport,the biggest in US,with branches in every country.

How could he do all that all alone. It would have been much better if his stupid brother would be of some help but he chose to help running the Royals Super Voice and Royal Entertainment House.

It had been just a week since he left to check the other companies and he had a huge pile of file waiting for his attention.

He was deep into this particular file that was about a proposal to start another brand of car. It was too interesting that he decided to take it home later in the evening and go through it tonight when he was done with the other files. He dropped it on the table and was about reaching another one when a knock disrupted him. His gaze flew to the walk clock.It was almost ten am.

He frowned deeply then called the person to get in. He was sure it was Arianna, his secretary.

He placed the next file before him and flipped it open.

"I told you to cancel all the meetings and appointments I have today!"he spoke calmly but his voice was stern and sounded irritated.

"I already did that sir.."Arianna spoke,making him shift his eyes to her.

"Then speak up Arianna,you are wasting my time,"he growled making her flinch in fear.

"Sorry sir but there is a phone call for y.."

"Is something wrong with you. I ask you to cancel my meetings and you disrtract me just because of a phone call?"he barked even before she could finish her statement.

"I told her sir but she insisted that she needed to talk to you. She said it's urgent.."she squeaked in fear while talking.

"Get out of my office!"he roared taking his attention back to the file.

"It's Calista sir!"she quickly spoke and he looked up at her.

"Connect her to me right away and don't come back here unless I ask you to. Now walk out!"he spoke in a much lower voice.

Arianna walked out with relief all over her. She expected that before going there but that Calista girl was really disturbing her,she was left with no option.


Calista wondered why that rude secretary was taking too long just to tell him that there was a call for him.

She had never been this stubborn in her life and she never questioned anything but it seems even her character changed with Maverick in her life and not just her fate.

"Yes!!" a deep hoarse but contrastingly sweet voice came to her ears. She stood from the bed and cleared her throat quietly.

It seems all the need to scolding him for scaring her with the gun in that bag,for taking off her clothes and spending so much on laptop and phone vanished.

Her head was blank and her throat suddenly felt dry. She quickly swallowed nothing but her lips remained sealed.

Maverick frowned when all he heard was silence. He checked his screen,she was on.

'Did she just lost her voice now or what!'he wondered putting the phone back on his ear.

"Do you realize that am at work and I was definitely busy?..what is so urgent?"he asked making her jerk back to her senses.

"Y- y- yes, I - I- I mean ofcourse yeah,"she stammered hard making her bite her inner cheek in embarrassment.

"What is it Calista?"he asked again.

She wondered what she should say. Why did those words suddenly vanish leaving her so blank!?

"Thank you!"she said the first words that came into her mind for aid. There was silence at the other end as Maverick listened.

"Yeah. Thank you for the laptop and phone and the unwanted gun," she quickly added then hanged up the phone before he could say anything.

"Oh no Serenity! No no! That was too embarrassing!"she exclaimed falling on the bed.

"Did I have to call him just to embarrass myself? He must think am a big fool now, thanks to you!"she scolded herself then burried her face in the pillow while hitting the bed hard with her legs.

Maverick held the phone still staring at the screen. He couldn't tell what just happened.

A smile appeared on his face as he imagined her blushing at her own silly behavior. He got back to work after placing the phone back in the holder.

He could not wait to see how she would react later when they meet at home!