
THE BOYS: Reborn As The Homelander

Homelander is known throughout the series for his temper, sadism, and ruthless behavior. However, what if there was more to him than meets the eye? What if Homelander is no longer the same villain everyone thinks he is? What if his body was taken over by a soul from Earth right before the start of Season 3? How will he change the world of superheroes with his future knowledge and Homelander's invincible strength? Read to find out. ______________________ I'm reposting this story by freeraynman on FF. net, and if you like this story, be sure to check out the author's profile there. You can also explore his other fanfic works, such as DBZ, SG, and HP. ______________________ Release schedule: 1 chapter daily at 6 PM EST.

freedomfic · TV
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70 Chs


[Date: March 2023]

Through hungry eyes I watched the synchronized bounce of the perky, soft and creamy round mounds decorating Victoria's chest. My hands grabbed her ass and my fingers dug deep into her fleshy buttocks bringing her closer as my mouth dove into the cream.

"Oh fuck!" she yelped as I slurped up her nipples with my tongue.

Her fingers pushed deep into my back, nails desperately trying to break through with no avail as my strength took over, forcing her wet slippery tightness up and down, up and down on my rock hard member at a higher rhythm than she expected.

"Oh fuck! Oh..Fuck! Oh! …Oh!" her voice higher pitched now as the pounding increased with each slap, the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

As I finish suckling the last of the cream I grab her tight and hold her in place against my torso, my member deep inside of her. I feel her quiver and tremble against me as she catches her breath.

I stand us up on the bed and her legs wrap around me as if afraid I'll slip out. Her weight means nothing to me. Our eyes meet and I start back the rhythmic thrusting. Her plumps lips dive into mine and I share the last bit sweetness as we dance with our tongues.

Her scent intoxicates me with unrelenting fire, my mouth moves to lick and suckle on her slender neck.

"N..o! F.. ..!" She says between panting breaths. "…Hic…keys!" Her resistance only serves to excite me, get me harder and I pound harder than before.




Until the fleshy noise blends into one continuous stream.

"AaahhH!" She squeals and I feel her all her muscles shudder and contract against me.

Her excitement and ecstasy is infectious and I feel myself reaching the peak as well. With one smooth motion I unbuckle and let her drop on the bed and I shower her quivering form with my hot seed.

It takes a brief moment for me to regain control of myself and I float off to grab the box of tissue off the night stand and offer it to her.

She needs another moment to catch her breath then she accepts my offer.

"You didn't get any on my hair did you?" she asks and starts the cleaning process. "Do you have wetwipes."

"No I didn't." I respond. "You can take a shower if you want. Washroom's all done. Everything up here's all done. Only first floor needs some touch ups."

She shakes her head.

"I can't. No time. I have a strategy meeting in an hour. Some DNC big wigs are going to be joining my team." I nod and give her the wet-wipes box I fished from the bottom drawer in my nightstand.

"When are they going to announce your nomination?" I ask.

"In a week, after the funeral. Sensitivities and all that." She confirms, her hands diligently covering all the sweet and sticky spots.

I snort. "At least there is still a pretense of manners in our politicians." I put on dark slacks and went downstairs to the kitchen to grab us some water and wait for her to be done.

I use my X-Ray vision and peek. I admit freely I felt great enjoyment watching her shimmy back into her clothes. Maybe it's just the satisfaction of a job well done or just the jiggliness of the flesh brought joy to me.

It takes her a few minutes and a washroom break before she makes her way downstairs all proper and prim, her scent being the only clue of our midday activity.

I hand the cup of water and she downs half of it. She puts the cup down and looks up, our eyes meet, golden brown and sky blue.

We hold the silent connection for a whole moment and then she speaks.

"You know we won't be able to meet up like this?"

"I know." I confirm. "The scrutiny will be too intense."

She nods. "Even today, I really shouldn't have come."

"You had official business." I say and she really did, though not really necessary for the director of the FBSA to come in person but close enough. "Silver Kincaid joining the team, Starlight's training program, new hero standards with FBSA buy in and all that."

"Which my successor will actually see implemented." She responded with 'Hmph'

"Nonetheless you'll still get the credit for it." I say with a smirk.

"I know." She says as a gentle smile touches her lips.

"All business from now on." She says after a second.

"All business." I confirm and we move to the elevator.

We hold the silence as the doors open with a ding.

She enters, presses the button and turns to me our eyes meet again but neither of use say anything.

1..2..3 time passes slowly, an eternity.

Our eyes don't dare to break from their embrace and as the doors finally close I hear a faint whisper.

"Goodbye John."

I stare unblinking at the closed doors with their cold metallic sheen and whisper -

"Goodbye Victoria."


Author Note:

This is the end of Homelander and Victoria, the personal affair ends and it's all about business now.

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