
The Boys into The Magical world


SpedDbzFankid · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Prologue of The BOYS!!!!!

???:Hello let me introduce myself my name would be is Kristin I am one of the boys in our group and I am know as the Mexican or the Taco Bell talker i in our group was known as the best athlete because I could do 10 different sports at different time will I would be at times I can be a swordsman or soccer player and maybe a boxer an etc i was not the only one who had talantes for things we all had our things and my town and all of my friends or the boys we were know as the trouble makers in the town doing prank and stuff and as we would do things like training together and doing karate, shoplifting, and we've done things like the place called the shooting grounds and have use pistols we would do a bunch of shit but now I will humbly introduce the boys the ones that go on with me into this fun journey and one of them is name Jon but well known as the Korean kid in our group or the smartest one and we'll he in our group would be was the best person who could be the best at karate and Taekwondo and as he had the best thing for them and another reason because we'll you know but moving on we have another one of the boys his name would be Known as Jorden or the British Boy sometimes known as the Scotland king and the thing he had a knack for was he was the best at Aiming or shooting out of all of us and even more surprisingly said by the military yes the military said he was better at some who were veterans or higher ranks in the military who has train for years and years while Jordan training only lasted one week why he was better at aiming than others was because he well because he had that "legendary Scotland blood"but now never mind that the last and not only than the last one of the boys was name as Tyrone and of course know as the black kid or the black Hacker he was the best for being a shoplifting or robber this is the reason we afford these stuff and how was because he was a hacker and one thing he sure did at 10 that blew away our mind was he somehow hacked a bank to transferred 250k into his bank account and more better they could not fine us now to explain why we are the boys was we had one thing at common no parents my parents were killed at the hand by arson or person who made a fire happen and who did was a white person who was very racist to Mexicans and committed arson to my family and as I watch my dad and mom scream at me to run at the time I was only 5 years old Jordan family die at the hand of a killer his dad tried to fight him off but to only just die than was his mother than his sister but he was able to escape death hands by killing the murder with a gun his father had and he two was the same age as me Jon family died to the hand of his brother his brother had so much pressure from his family to only later gone mad and skin his mom and dad face Infront of him while crying and his brother laughing like a maniac he to was five as us Tyrone family died to a school shooting while his mom and dad where going pick him up from school but before he knew than his mom and dad died protected him by covering their body from the shooting and Tyrone was five to we all had a lot of things in common family died at the same age we all were the same age and we all had the same birthdays now will be the time of all of us had gone to a magical world———————————————————————

Kristian is looking at his phone while being in the group chat of the boys in the chat it states

( The Boys )

(Kristian)so what you guys what to do Y'all sorry looking motherfuckers wanna hang out in the bar or robs some shit or hang out

(Tyrone)Kristan I know you ain't talking man boi if you don't shut your dumbass up boi but sure I ain't got shit to do so why not y'all up for it

(Jon)Sure I gotta take a break from studying so what do you think rooms we are going to hang out think time last time was Tyrone's room

(Jordan)Sure why the not mates but hmmmmm who room will we go to hang out today hey why not hang out in my room I can show the new guns I have got from the store

(Kristian)oh naw Hell to fuck no man Jesus the last time we went to your room you had a ak47 and a golden degal and your dumbass almost shot me thinking you had no fucking bullets while also having the smelled of fucking metal!!!

(Jordan)Hey I tell you what you fat little shit I will slap the bitch out of you doge looking ass man I know you ain't talking man with your room reeks of fucking sweat nasty ass boy

(Jon)Both of you can shut the fuck up come we will hang it out in my place it's will probably be the cleanest out of y'all dirty asses

(Kristian)sure we can go to your room and we'll hang out there for today does anyone else angrees

(Jordan)Sure mate we'll go with this faggot looking ass with his no tag bitches

(Tyrone)Okay sure Niga but Kristian you know me personally I would not let's that shit slide my guy

(Kristian)Shut up Tyrone!!!!

Ten minutes later they all make it to Jordan room and they all do games to go do pranks than go back to Jon's room to speak all the things they did till now and talk till midnight till but out of ordinary a blue light shine to than hits all of them to only leave a burn circle where did the boys go find out in the next chapter THE BOYS!!!