

I stopped,looked in her direction and said,"Me?",in anger she replied,"How many of us are here,see her asking me silly question,me? No the one in front of you,

come here and be quick fool."

I tried giving an excuse, "Senior Vivian,I just need to go and....,"

"Go and what," she cut me off,"Ehn,go and what,mtcheew, silly girl,come here now before I drag you here myself." Meekly,I went to where she was and said,"I'm here." Then she started:"Welcome to senior class." I just looked at her unsure of what was coming next,it was senior Vivian I was dealing with,she could kill you with suspense,she might start with a soft statement and the end would be a bombshell,so I just looked at her waiting for the landing of the bombshell."First and foremost,sit down."she pointed to my bed.What? Sit down?Does this one want to kill me before I die?No junior student dared sit when a "senior bully" is talking to you,they would receive the punishment of their life,even though I was no longer in the junior level and now possess some level of authority,I was still a junior to senior Vivian so I dared not sit.I replied her and said:"I'm okay standing senior."

"God saved you!" she exclaimed,"God saved you." she repeated and then continued,"I thought now that you're in the senior level, you would sit when I was talking to you are asked you to sit,I would have done what you wouldn't like. Anyways,you are welcome to senior level,"she paused and looked at me,"You must be feeling you are in power now and to top it,you are in the same twin room as THE SENIOR VIVIAN."

She laid much emphasis on the senior Vivian as if I didn't know she was the one,she even got up and poised like a mannequin,just imagine.All I could think of was to get out of that room,afterall I was done setting my things up so what next,it was a Monday morning and students were in the multipurpose hall now to receive the welcome speech by the principal,in Rosebud,it was the culture that on every resumption day,which was always Monday,all students were to gather at the multipurpose hall to be welcomed to a new term or session by the principal, without this classes could not begin. I ought to have been in the hall now but this bragging bully would not allow me. As if she was reading my thoughts,she looked at me and said,"You know girl beauty,your parents have specifically asked me to take good care of you and direct you,I don't really care about that you know,but because they gave me some things today,I'll just act like the good,no, perfect senior, remember,just today," she paused and looked at me for a while and then continued,"So my beautiful junior,it's almost time for the welcome speech, which means that right now, we'll leave the room and head for the multipurpose hall to hear from our beloved principal,we mustn't be late,so,we gotta go."

"Okay senior."I replied meekly then she replied wittingly,"You know,for today,just today you can call me sister."

"I'm okay calling you senior."I said.

"No,sister for today okay? Opportunity comes but once you know."


We both headed for the multipurpose hall and we were very lucky as we were not late.We sat down in the front row,even though we didn't get to the hall very early, senior Vivian had a way of getting things she wanted so with that influence,I also got to seat in the front row(even though only third year seniors were allowed to sit in the first row), remember she said she would be my sister for that day.Even as I sat beside senior Vivian,I was very uncomfortable because I knew the kind of person she was,even if she gave me the free offer to be her sister for a day,her friends did not and they could sight her anytime and want to reconnect with her after a very long holiday,and that would be another issue for me,they sure would do their best to ruin the day which senior Vivian had already saved through her free offer (to be her sister),"Oh God, what do I do?" I thought to myself.While I was still wallowing in my thoughts I heard a loud crackly sound and I immediately snapped out of my thoughts knowing already that the welcome meeting had begun.There was an empty seat beside me and I was wondering why it was still empty,even if no junior dared sit there because of only third year seniors were allowed to sit there and also because senior Vivian was there sitting,how about the other senior ones especially the bullies,at least they probably could have seen senior Vivian and decided to come and sit there,whatever,it's none of my business.So the welcome meeting had begun,we started by praying and praising God with songs,then we sang the national anthem, pledge,the school anthem and pledge as well before we settled to receive the welcome speech from the principal.While the principal was delivering his speech,I felt someone bumped on the chair beside me and I turned to look, brothers and sisters,I was surprised at who I saw and my heart almost stopping beating.IT WAS SENIOR JULIUS!My God , senior Julius was seating beside me,I was speechless,I stylishly looked my side again to be sure it was him,as I looked,he looked at me also,raised his right hand and said,"Hi beautiful.", shyly I also replied,"Hi senior." He was really the one ,how wonderful,by this time,I had already been distracted so I wasn't hearing much of what the principal was saying.All I kept thinking about was senior Julius ,how most girls in school would love to associate with him and how he only chose me as the only female student he related with,this was one major reason I often got into trouble with the senior female bullies.You know,when you've tried your best to get close to a particular boy in high school but you couldn't,even though you're hot and all that,and then one little girl from the junior level is easily getting the attention of that particular boy,then you sure would try your best to threaten or even try to eliminate such girl to gain the attention you so desire from the boy.But in my case they had never been able to threaten me neither have they been able to eliminate me like they have done to many girls because the boys were always coming to my rescue,though they had bullied me a lot.

The principal had finished his speech and students were clapping,that was when I realized I hadn't been listening to what the principal had been saying.The meeting was resolved and the students were dismissed.I got up to go to my new classroom but I found myself sitting on the chair again, what was going on? Someone had pulled me back to the chair, I was trying to figure out who it was when senior Julius told me he was the one,he looked at me and said,"Beautiful,you are on the first row,the principal and committees have to get out of the hall first before you can." I looked at him with clear confusion written all over my face,he must have noticed this and said,"You are confused right?I know,it's normal,it's your first year in the senior level and also you are not used to sitting on the first row." He then looked at me and asked,"This is your first time sitting on the first row right?" I nodded my head

"Well you would have to get used to it."


"Sitting on the first row now."


"But what?It's reserved for third year seniors only right?How did you manage to sit here?You are in the first year."

"Through senior Vivian."

"What? That devil?"

Senior Vivian heard that and screamed from where she was,"I am not a devil Julius,I'm a beauty queen."

"Well Delilah was."That was senior Julius' reply before he turned to me and said,"Beware of the devil,he has only come to steal,kill and destroy,those are his mission,also beware of his children, Vivian is one of them,and she also has the same mission as her father the devil."It was really funny the way he said it but I couldn't laugh,but then we heard a shout from behind,it was senior Vera,she was coming to attack me,as she made to hit me,we heard another shout which came from senior Vivian,"Don't you dare touch my sister Vera."

Hi guys, thank you for reading so far and I am very sorry for the late update, please bear with me.I promise to try my best in creating time to update more

chapters.Also let me know how you've loved the book so far in the comment section.I love you.

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