

There lived two parents who loved each other and wished to give birth to a baby but they had different decisions , the male parent wished to give birth to a girl yet the female wished to give birth to a boy . These two parents didnt come to making a decision instead they started creating up quarrels, they went to their friends for advise and their friends told them that its not you guys to decide but its the lord to decide . After being told so , the female parent took the words but for the male parent said that , "no i wont accept if the comes when he or she is a boy."

After a week , the female parent went for scanning to see the child she was bearing inside, the results said were that she was bearing a baby boy inside . She went back home and told the husband but he got irritated and venomed , the husband the care he had towards his wife got decreased , he started talking on top of his voice to the wife saying that "that is not my son, in our family we dont give birth to sons", the woman felt angry because the man was denying the baby but she had nothing she could . After all that , the following days the man started to go back home in the late hours , he started to take alcohol, he started hitting his wife yet the wife was pregnant and couldnt provide medication to his wife .

After a while, since this man had started taking alcohol, "he kicked the bucket" and left the wife as a widow . Life started to become hard for the woman but she had to find a solution of living and protecting the child , she started to do house chores but she was feeling too much pain hence the fact that she had only one month left to give birth. Time passed on the day for giving birth approached , the woman felt too much pain and called for help but she had no response , she couldnt go to hospital by then because of the too much pain and she was bankrupt for the hospital and so she gave birth to the child . After giving birth immediately , the woman died and the baby was left an orphan..

As the baby was crying loudly ,, the old lady was passing and he heard the voice then she went closer and saw a baby plus a dead body of a woman beside and got shocked , the old lady felt sorrow for the orphan.

The old lady took the baby to her place and called for help so that the body could be buried , after the burial ceremony the old lady went for shopping to shop for the baby and to get to know about the baby's background whether he still had some relatives left but unfortunately , all she did was just passing time because she found out nothing and decided to stay with the baby , she cared for the baby as a guardian and educated him till class 2 where she died because of the heart coronary disease she was having . But before she had died, when the bog was 6 years he asked the old lady that , "do u know my parents?", and the old lady replied to him that "they are there up the sky watching you" but the boy didnt know what the lady was meaning .

After the old lady passing on , a woman from a certain orphanage who was a friend to the old lady came for the boy and she took him according to the old lady's will she had made . The boy went to the orphanage and started staying there but he was disturbed by night mares every night and other orphans were fed up of him because he could shout for them as they were sleeping . As the boy turned 8 years, he started practicing music and his voice was so nice and so perfect at music but there were some bad boys who used to bully and torture him but whenever he could report to the head of orphanage , the head could say that "try to cooperate with your friends" , the boy was a good writer of songs but it was one day when he went outside of the bedroom to play and bad boys snicked into his bed and stole his book where he was writing his songs and burnt it to hash .He could no longer withstand the condition because he had nothing to do , he couldnt even report because he knew what the reply was going to be instead he decided to make an escape plan and so he escaped. Surprisingly, the head never bothered looking for the boy and the bad boys were so happy but some of the friends the boy he had made were so sad and worried what could happen to the boy .

One year passed on and the boy was no where to be seen but instead, when the boy escaped, he found a car which which collects garbage and fell into it , the drivers didnt know that they had a boy on the car , reaching at the garbage pit they started pouring the garbage but were so surprised seeing a little boy in the garbage. They picked him out and asked him that "how did you get into the garbage" the boy narrated the whole story and the drivers were in a sad mood , they said to him that dont worry lets help u but the boy thought they wanted to take him back to the orphanage and decided to run.

He ran too far and got into the park , he found there a girl taking ice cream and looked at her but the girl was sharing and loving so she decided to call and share with him . The girl's parents came and found there girl with a boy and asked that where are your parents? , so the boy replied that he has never seen them before and the parents were like "oh sorry" . They decided to take the boy at their place and started taking care of him as his new guardians and doing for him whatever as his parents could do , they took him to school and the boy got new friends but as he was passing by the principal's office ,he had someone singing and he was so interested in seeing who really the singer was and went closer then he saw a boy and asked him to join because he said that "there is something missing" , the boy joined and started singing together then they made nice team work making other students to be trapped by their sweet voices and went to see where the sound could be coming from but on reaching, they all got surprised seeing only two boys singing yet they thought that they were even more than. The principal too got appreciated and loved the song ending up giving the two boys sponsorship and joining them to musical class.

When they got into the musical class, they felt like they were in heaven and said to each other that our dreams have come true , they went back home happily and the parents were even more happy than their children after hearing the good news. These two boys started practicing and made good friendship, went further and started composing songs together and became well know, popular celebrities, stars and everyone yearned to have a talk with them.

Conclusively , this is how the young orphan became successful after passing through all the difficulties