
The Boy From Ectopia

When power is desperately desired in the whole universe and this power only existed in one place. What do you think will happen next? Kein has been living comfortably on his planet until one morning when a spaceship from nowhere destroyed his home. Later on, he discovered that the spaceship that destroyed his world and killed his father belonged to humans. The death of his mother afterward was his endpoint and made him vow to avenge his parent's death against humanity. Assuming that Earth was just a big town like his planet, Kein set out to destroy every vile thing in the galaxy. Watch his transition from a nobody to the destroyer of the worlds!

chiboss050 · Romance
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17 Chs

Chapter Sixteen :

" Jaden, is that you?" Doctor Beasley was shocked at seeing Jaden.

" Doctor Beasley! It is nice seeing you again. It has been a long time" Jaden greeted the old man.

The doctor was a head scientist in the organization. He was in middle age and white hairs could be seen on his head.

He started working in this organization ever since he was a kid and earned a lot of titles and privileges.

He was well known in the organization for his discoverings and product. He thinks of things of the future and makes his imagination alive and that brought him the title of the head scientist.

" You are alive?" 

" Of course. Should I be dead?" Jaden replied to the old man, laughing.

" But seriously what happened? You called us for help that you guys were in an emergency and when we brought help, you guys disappeared" 

Jaden sighed heavily before replying, "You won't understand doctor, we went through a lot and have seen what is meant to be kept a secret. But am grateful that I made it alive" 

" Are you the only survivor? What of Lewis?" the old man asked.

" Yes I am the only survivor and as for my captain, his selfish interest was the thing that led us into the predicament. I don't know what happened to him after but the only thing I remembered was how I was pushed into a portal by an explosion and my captain flew across the wall. I have no idea if he had survived that" 

" Explosion?" Beasley was even more confused, " Seriously, what happened?"

" Old man, I can't answer that right now. A lot is happening as we speak. I might have survived but I am still being hunted. Until I die, the hunter won't stop haunting me, and not just me but everyone as a whole" 

Beasley was still disoriented by the parables. He stayed silent for a while to think about what Jaden said and when the realization got to him, his eyes widened in shock.

" What have you guys done? Don't tell me you guys brought another war upon us. We are struggling to survive the last invasion!?" Beasley asked with rage and fear, looking at Jaden for answers.

But Jaden exhaled in deep frustration, " see you later doctor" he gently said and walked away.

 However, doctor Beasley was not satisfied with the way he handled the matter. He continued shouting at the top of his lungs, cautioning Jaden.

" If this was ever to be true, you and your group will be severely punished!"

Jaden again, left his line of duty and entered another elevator, leading him into group 3 because he needed to discuss something very important with the leader.

When the door of the elevator opened, what Jaden saw was a group of soldiers marching from one place to another.

" What is happening," he asked himself before going over to look for an answer. 

He went to one of the soldiers who was busy aiming himself with different weapons.

" Sorry to disturb you but do you mind telling me what is happening here?"  He asked.

" An alien has been spotted somewhere in the city and we are trying to capture him before he causes any harm" the soldier answered and continued with what he was doing before he got distracted.

Jaden paused for a moment with a creased brow as he thought about what the soldier said, "Is it the alien boy?" 

" Sorry did you say something?" the soldier raised his face to ask.

" No, never mind. And thanks for the answer" Jaden replied as he walked away.

As soon as he left the soldier, he headed straight to the bulky man's office with different questions running through his mind.

When he reached the office door, he knocked and awaited an answer.

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

" Yes, who is there?"  A deep voice responded from inside the office.

" it is me, Jaden" 

" Jaden? Please come in"

Immediately Jaden walked into the office, the bulky man rose from his seat to go hug him.

" It is nice seeing you again, healthy and alive. What happened?" the man asked as soon as they separated from the hug.

" Thank you, Donald. But that is what I came to talk to you about" 

" Okay I am all ears" Donald replied and went back to his seat, " and please take a seat" 

" Thanks" Jaden pushed back the seat to sit comfortably on it.

" So what's bothering you?" 

" I think we might have brought another alien invasion on us again"

" What do you mean?" 

" This is a long story but I will cut it by saying that we invaded another planet or can I say we were tricked," Jaden said, looking remorseful.

" Tricked by who?" Donald asked, seeming confused.

" By Dizirela, the queen of the Zilla planet"

" You mean Dizirela, the cruel Queen? One of the deadliest enemies of the Earth. She was the most heartless alien that invaded Earth at the time and wanted to destroy us completely but didn't succeed"

" You know her?"

" I read about her in the history book of the invasion and I noticed all the havoc she brought to Earth with her" Donald explained before opening his drawer to bring out the book, " so what happened after you met her? Because you can't tell me she didn't kill all of all"

" No, she didn't kill anyone, only one of our crew members who talked when he wasn't allowed to talk. She conversed with us well but we never knew that she was only acting that way so we could act with her plan"

" We attacked the planet she sent us to attack and destroyed a lot of things. Now two alien teenagers from the planet called Ectopia are after Earth, thinking we were the cause of what happened on their planet" Jaden narrated

" Wait, did you say teenage alien?" Donald asked and Jaden nodded.

" I think we have spotted something like him. Does he have golden hair?" 

" Yes. All the habitat of that world has golden hair. I don't know if it's from their trait or something like that " Jaden elaborated

" Thank you for this information but what was Dizirela looking for in that world?"