

It was a dark and gloomy day there was rain, lightning and thunder. I had left to get some groceries from the market unfortunately I was murdered by what looked like a giant snake with wings sounds crazy right well let's backtrack to the beginning of my life. It all started when I was born into a world of wonder and by wonder I mean people who all had some kind of power all except for me I was born powerless. I still remember what the doctor said "sorry my boy you seem to be powerless and it doesn't look like you'll get any when ya grow up" and just like that I was beat up, bullied and laughed at it is my dream to be a hardworking person what am I working for you ask well to be the first powerless hero and before anything I must work hard as a citizen at least That's what I told myself I was always in my younger brother's shadows his name is coco he has everything I dont have bravery, courage and honor I lack all those qualities fortunate for him he got a power his is called (speedy shot) and its crazy cool but basically he doesn't need to reload a gun and its fire time is faster than its original speed but anyway enough of him let's get back to the end of my life. I had seen a girl running and the next thing I knew a giant snake with wings flies above the air it seemed to be after the girl running away so without thinking I ran after the snake and caught up to the girl before I could ask her what's happening she kicks me into the alleyway and im knocked unconscious and I black out. when I regain consciousness I see the girl who kicked me cornered by the snake with wings I look around for anything to use I find a long sword on the ground I didn't hesitate to attack the giant snake I leaped in the air and land on the snakes head and jabbed the sword in the snakes right eye it hissed in what sounded like agony in snake and that's when the snake flings me on the ground I still have the sword but the snake is above my as I get ready to die the snake suddenly gets hit by a loud wave of noise and it lands right on me but as it lands I take the sword and jabbed its head and I was squished and I have little consciousness I see the girl say something and runs off I couldn't hear her but soon my family made it and now I'm going to die nothing successful done in my life now it's over I can see my mom crying my brother looking at me in disgust like I did something wrong my dad is working like always I bet cause he wasn't there and as i took my last breath I try to say "I've failed in life" and just then I feel a voice in my head saying "how could you fail if you were never given a chance?"