


After a long night of talking to her best friend and calming her nerves about the 'almost rape', Cryssy tried to sleep, but she couldn't. She still needed someone to talk to. Someone to make her feel safe. Even home alone, with all the doors and windows locked, she felt incredibly vulnerable as she lay in bed. But, who could she talk to? Louis'd be passed out drunk by now, talking to her best friend didn't help, and no one else could really make her feel safe other than them.

Well, maybe one other person.

Shakily, she wrapped her pale and bony fingers around her phone. She slowly typed in the number Louis had given her. After three rings, a husky voice answered.

/"Hello?/" he said. Cryssy sniffled, trying to form her fright into words.

/"Harry?/" she croaked out.

/"How did you get my number?/" he moaned, tiredly.

/"Harry please, I'm scared./" she heard a huff on the other line and a bit of shuffling.

/"What is it?/" he asked.

/"I almost got raped and I'm terrified of being alone . . . I don't feel safe,/" she explained. Harry groaned.

/"Look, you're fine, okay? You've got nothing to worry about. No one's going to hurt you,/" he said. She sniffled again, bringing her blankets up to her chin. /"What do you want me to do about it?/" he sighed. Honestly, Cryssy didn't know. She thought since maybe he was the one to save her, he could bring her some much needed comfort, yet she still felt utterly alone and by herself.

/"I don't know,/" she began to cry. /"I'm just scared and alone./" It was quiet on the other end of the line, so she whispered his name. No response. Had he fallen asleep? It startled her when he spoke again.

/"I'll be over in ten minutes./" Then, the line went dead.

Cryssy stared at the phone curiously. She knew he had to care if he would come over just for her, even if he acted like an ass-hole who didn't give a shit. Honestly, she'd never be able to thank him enough. And, just as promised, ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door and Cryssy scurried out of bed with her small black shorts on and an old Eagles T-shirt. She opened the door after checking the blinds to see if it was him. He walked passed her as soon as the door was open and let his eyes travel around the small living space as she closed the door behind him.

/"Thank you,/" she said softly, now becoming entirely too self-conscious of her body and non-bra-ness. She crossed her arms over her chest, sheilding what he might have seen earlier in the night. Harry hummed in response, looking incredibly exhausted himself. She was sure she looked no different. Her own curly hair lay in messy waves down her back as she awkwardly stood to the side.

Not a second later, a loud bang sounded outside and she gravitated towards Harry, her already frightened state of mind fearing the worst. Harry put an arm around her, surprising them both. /"It's okay,/" he muttered /"Just some thunder./" She nodded slowly. Even though his gesture was small, it currently meant the world to her as a feeling of safety overcame her.

/"Thanks,/" she murmured again. /"How's your lip?/" she asked suddenly, peaking over to see his busted lower lip. It looked painful. Harry shrugged.

/"I've had worse./" Cryssy nodded softly. She couldn't help but feel bad.

An hour later, they had moved to the couch, at first both of them about a foot from each other but, with each dark rumble of the sky, Cryssy subconsciously moved a little closer until he once again had his arm around her, telling her it was okay. Despite the distance between them mentally during a usual day, they were a lot closer for now. Harry knew the awful feeling of being alone and scared, so he did try for once, despite his mind telling him it was all just a hoax.

But, as the rain calmed and the movie began to end, Cryssy's head rolled onto the spot of Harry's shoulder right beneath his neck. She fell asleep and nuzzled herself closer. Harry felt strange, straing down at her. It was almost alien-like as she tried desperately to get closer to his warm and safe feeling in her sleep. But ,Harry still kept her close and decided to make the best of the situation by slumping down slightly and getting comfortable as the credits rolled by on the screen and his own eyelids felt heavy until he himself drifted off to sleep.


They didn't speak to each other for a week after that. Harry was nowhere to be seen in the morning when Cryssy woke. She was confused, but still felt the faded warmth of Harry's touch around her. It made her skin tingle.

Louis couldn't pull any information out of either of them for that week, either. Both of them said nothing happened at all. But, he was certain it was a lie. And it was. So, he kept persistent.

/"For god's sake, just TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!/" Cryssy rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, sinking into the cushions of Louis' couch as a boring soap opera played in front of them, neither of them really paying attention.


/"What, did you guys kiss or something? Please just tell me,/" he whined. Once again, she rolled her eyes but sat up and stared at him.

/"You really wanna know?/"


/"Fine. After I left, I decided to walk home. But, someone tried to rape me and Harry showed up out of no where and stopped him, then took me home. The end,/" she said

/"Bullshit,/" Louis responded. She sighed.

/"I couldn't sleep that night and I didn't feel safe at all being alone. No one could make me feel safe like Harry did, so I called him. He came over at three in the morning and we ended up watching a movie and I fell asleep on him, but when I woke up the next morning, he wasn't there,/" she murmured. Louis stared, shocked.

/"Really?/" She nodded.

/"We haven't spoken since./"

/"I can't believe it,/" he mumbled. /"I knew you'd make the change in him he needed. I knew it!/" Louis grinned proudly, wagging a finger in the air. Cryssy rolled her eyes.

/"I didn't change anything in him, Lou. He just helped me out. I doubt he'd do it again./"

/"I beg to differ,/" Louis announced. /"He's never done anything like that for anyone, besides his ex. I'm telling you, Cryssy, he's gotta feel something for you if he's willing to go over to your house at three a.m./" he said.

/"Well, don't count on it happening again,/" she muttered, standing up again. /"I'm gonna go home. I'll see you later Lou./" Louis sighed, but walked her to the door, stopping her when they made it.

/"At least have faith in him. He could use some./"