
The Boundaries Beyond: Omni Realm's

Darius BrightBurn is your everyday person. At the age of 16, he lives with both his parents who own a small store. Darius is bored with his life and right now he is on summer break with nothing to do until he sees a strange survey appear on his laptop. Answering the questions on the survey will change his life forever.

Monster_Paradise · Horreur
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28 Chs

The Survey!

On this planet known as earth, there have been many strange phenomenons at night that couldn't be explained. I won't go into detail but they will be explained later down the line. In a normal place located in Michigan, there lives a boy by the name of Darius Brightburn. He was just getting out of school and this is his last day before the summer break.

"Man, school is finally out, I can play some call of duty the whole summer, it's not like I'll be able to go on any vacations anyway." Darius's parents owned a small store in the area, it did alright for the 3 of them to get by but it wasn't enough for a vacation at all. Darius unlocked the chain on his bike and hopped on it, he was now on his way home.

"When I get home, I'm going to watch a movie or something. I'll watch Alien Covenant or something after I take a shower." It was quite hot outside at the moment so taking a shower was a must in this type of weather. It took Darius 15 minutes to get home by bike, his parents had worked hard to move out here through a lot of savings. They wanted their son to have a good school life and moved away from Detroit.

Darius arrived home, he had a key to his house since his parents wouldn't get off work until later today. He went to his room and undressed to take a shower, but decided to take a bath instead since it would be more refreshing. While the bath water was running, Darius decided to cut on the television, the news was on at this time.

"In news today, there was another school shooting. The kid was being bullied and came back the next day with his dad's pistol. 9 people were shot, 4 died and 5 were badly injured." The news lady said as she continued to explain more about it. Darius shook his head, it was nothing new to him, this was happening way too often now.

"Man, I wish I could get strong like those super-powered heroes in the comics so I could defend myself if this were to happen to me, I also want to be rich." Darius knew such a thing was ridiculous and wouldn't happen, so he immediately discarded those thoughts and went to the bathroom to take his bath. After about 45 minutes, Darius finally came out of the bathroom to dry himself to put on some fresh new clothes.

"Alrighty then, let's go watch some Alien Covenant! I'm with that sci-fi kinda scene, these are my favorite type of movies." Darius had his laptop in his hand as he went to the living room to watch the movie. Darius sat on the couch and searched Alien Covenant to watch, it didn't take him long to find a decent site that would view the movie for him.

"Alright, I haven't seen this movie before so this should be good. I've watched all the other aliens but I haven't seen this one yet." Darius clicked the movie's start button on the screen to begin the movie.

Time passed on as he continued to watch the movie, soon the movie came to an end and Darius was shocked at the ending. The android at the end was the bad one the whole time, he had a feeling this was so.

"Wow, stuff like this always has to happen to continue with the series, I guess."

"Hmm, the news is still on? What are they talking about now?" Darius had cut the tv back on and saw that the news was still on.

"Let me turn it up and see what's going on now, it's always something."

"In news today, the strange phenomenon in the sky has occurred again. In what people describe as a strange vortex in the sky. Many scientists don't know what to say about it, many claim that it's a black hole forming and that it's the end of the world. We're interviewing some locals on the situation; to you Ben." The lady turned it over to some other news guy

"I'm ben and we're here to interview some people in the area, young man, what do you have to say about the strange phenomenon?" Ben asked

"I think it might be some aliens trying to get to our world. Who knows, maybe some of those experts should send a droid with a camera through the strange vortex to see what going on with it." After Darius heard what this guy said, he turned the tv back off.

"People are losing their mind these days, this idiot said aliens! They should just dump that kid into an insane asylum!" Darius couldn't believe idiots like that still existed; damn aliens! Someone grab him now and toss him into an asylum!

"It's whatever, let's see if I can find another good movie to watch." Darius went to a website where tons of movies popped up. There were movies about zombies and all. Just when he was about to click a movie, something strange popped up on his screen.

"What the heck is this? A survey? Hmm, seems interesting, let me see what questions it'll ask." Darius saw a total of 5 questions he had to answer.

The questions were quite strange but they weren't hard to answer, they were multiple choice.

1. Would you like to become very powerful? Y/N "Clicks (Yes)"

2. Would you like to become a hero and save people? "Clicks (Yes)"

3. If you could travel to different worlds, would you? "Clicks (Yes)"

4. Do you like movies? "Clicks (Yes)"

5. Do you want to save your world from the incoming calamity?

Seeing the fifth question pop up on his screen, Darius's expression changed a bit. What did this mean by an incoming calamity?

"It's just a strange survey, what am I getting so worked up about, haha!" Darius then clicked Yes.

As soon as he clicked his answer, some more text appeared on the screen.

〚You've taken the survey and is qualified to participate in the Realm Survival Games! You will be teleported away with other participants that were also chosen!〛

[Initlizing teleportation in 1 minute!]

"What the hell going on!? What Survival game? What is this!?" Darius wasn't feeling so well seeing this notification, he had a bad premonition about this! However, he strangely got up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife!

[Initlizing teleportation in 15 Seconds!]

"Son of uh bitch, how are you in my head!?" Darius was shocked, the voice was now in his head,

What did this mean? Was he going crazy?

[Initlizing teleportation in 3..2..1- Teleporting now!]

Darius's body flashed as he blacked out on the spot. Minutes later, he opened his eyes only to find himself in a huge room.

"Ugh! What is going on? Where is this, this isn't my kitchen." Darius rubbed his eyes and looked around, he spotted multiple figures that were also on the ground getting up as they rubbed their heads.

He also found that his knife was gone.

"Where the hell is this? Who dares to kidnap me in my own house!" One man got up and raged as he looked around at the people in the surroundings.

"Bro, relax! We are all in the same situation as you, we don't know what's going on!" One blonde-haired man said, he had an accent, he was clearly British.

"Kore wa dokodesu ka?" One girl got up and said, she appeared to be Asian. Judging by what she said, she was clearly Japanese and couldn't speak English. There were different people here of all nationalities, it was also an Indian guy sitting crosslegged with his head down.

Darius didn't understand what she was saying, she was fainted next to him and asked him.

"uh, I... don't... know." Darius said it slowly, he didn't know what she was saying, so he just said he didn't know anything. The girl nodded and looked around.

Soon other people started to wake up.

"Damn, my head is killing me, did someone sneak attack me from behind?" One man with a bunch of tattoos stood up from the floor, he looked around and was surprised to see so many people. The man also had an accent, he was clearly Mexican and wasn't happy about the current situation.

"We don't know what going on either." The British guy from earlier said.

The British guy decided to do a count and found that there were a total of 50 people in this room. There were no doors but one person looked up a bit and saw a cube descending downward.

"What is that cube thingy?" The man exclaimed. Darius didn't say anything and just monitored his surroundings. Once he saw the cube, he was stunned, it was all black with a different colored crystal embedded inside of it on all sides, each side had a different colored gem.

It had a Tron vibe coming from it, at least this is what it reminded Darius of.

"This cube looks dangerous! Everyone, back up!" Someone yelled. Most of the people instinctively backed away but some didn't since they could understand English, so they stayed where they were as they scanned the cube during its descent.

The cube stopped as soon as it got close the to ground.

"It stopped, what is it going to do?" Just as some random dude asked; the cube began to glow, then it shot multiple beams of light towards everyone. Some tried to dodge, but it was simply unescapable, the laser hit everyone in the head.

The horror on everyone's face was priceless but they soon found that nothing happened to them, but instead, some strange information was being pumped into their minds.

"What the hell?"

"What is a status page?" Some lanky guy exclaimed, but as soon as he said that, he was shocked.

"A screen popped up with numbers and... what, my strength is pretty good!" The man couldn't even say much, he was kinda speechless.

Darius was a little surprised too, he could clearly see the information filling his head. Darius found out that this cube was like a store where he could purchase items and abilities from. However, he knew that he had no currency to purchase anything now so he didn't bother with it.

At that moment, the void behind everyone shook and 2 portals opened up. One of the portals was red and the other was blue. Above the portals was a number, it was the number 25 above both of them. Everyone was confused when they saw this and turned to each other, as surprise could clearly be seen from their expressions.

"What are these portals for? Are they our way back home?" As soon as he said that; a cold voice rang out in everyone's head.

[Choose a portal in 3 minutes or you will die!]

Everyone felt a chill run down their back's hearing the cold voice. The voice spoke in the language everyone could understand, so everyone knew what was going on.

"Fuck it, I'll choose the blue one since it represents goodness." One burly man walked toward the blue portal and jumped through it, disappearing. The number above the portal sudden change into 24 once the man walked through, what did this mean?

"Dibs on the blue portal!" Another man ran towards the blue portal and jumped in it and disappeared as well. At this point, many people started rushing the portal, that voice was no joke.

They were assured about their situation since this mysterious cube could put information into their minds. Many people were running toward the blue portal while Darius ran to the red portal, he liked red of course.

The number soon reach the limit on the blue portal and it closed up, leaving only the red portal. Darius and everyone else who didn't go into the blue portal jumped into the red portal. A moment later, they arrived in an alleyway in a city.

"Where is this, is this Newyork?" The man had been to Newyork before, so he could recognize the surroundings pretty well. Darius looked around and indeed confirmed that this was Newyork.

Everyone jumped and celebrated that they were out of that place. However, what they heard next nearly scared them to death.

[Ding! Mission: Survival!]

〈Mission Log: Survive for 48 hours

〈World Type: Movie

〈Movie: World War Z

[The Infectious outbreak will start in 1 hour!]

"What?" Many exclaimed in unison. They were scared out of their wits!

"NANI?" The only one to reply differently was that Japanese foreigner.

Darius' face turned dark, it was really a survival game, or was this a joke? Darius wasn't taking any chances and walked off from the group.

"Hey, where are you going? Did you just see what that mission log thingy just said!?" The man spoke in a somewhat shivery voice.

"Of course, that's why I'm leaving. See ya!" Darius kept walking and ignore the rest of the group.

"Whatever, just let him go. This is probably just a prank, I'm heading to the airport, I need to go home ASAP." Some of them deemed it as a joke. However, that Japanese girl was different, she walked off as well.

Darius continued to walk until he was out of the alleyway.

"I will need to head to a gun store; if I can rob a gun store, then I should be able to survive." Darius said to himself and continued " A gun store it is, let's do this! I Should rob it at the last moment or when the disturbance starts." He didn't want to possibly get shot by the police, then it would all be over.

"Ah, right... Status!" Soon a sheet popped up with his stats.


|Name: Darius BrightBurn

|Race: Human

|Bloodline: N/A

|Innate Ability: N/A

|Vitality: 4.1 |Strength: 2.4 |Dexterity 2.5 |Ability Power: 0| Stamina: 1.9 |Speed: 2.9 |

|Combat Techniques: None|

|Special Abilities: None|

|Passive Abilities: None|

|Attribute Points: 0 |Survival Points: 0


"Wow, I wonder if this is weak, mediocre, maybe even pure trash!" Darius shook his head and proceeded to the gun store, he knew where it was because he had been to Newyork with his Grandpa before when he was alive.

"And so it begins!"