

A highschool boy named Billy who had a normal family though not rich provided him with everything within their capabilities for my success. Though life wasn't easy but strife to support my family in anyway possible until a day when I was late coming back home from work, I was attacked and stabbed by a group of bandits. Suddenly, instead of being dead, I was reborn in another world full of zombies, demons, monsters, and all sorts of creatures whose main aim is to destroy humanity. I was reborn in this world with a boss system and time will tell how my journey in this new world will be....

Billy_Akwe · Fantaisie
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Saving The Survivors And Upgrading The Shelter to level 4

At the territory of Cain, 

The Cain city,

The executives were discussing on the attack of the main city walls. The Mayor Alex Wayne wasn't in a good mood, he just got information that the Lauren village was destroyed by a horde of zombies, and they couldn't even send reinforcement to protect the villagers from the attack and evacuate them.

"Presently, we have been invaded by horde of more than 10,000 level 1 and 2 zombies, 5 level 5 zombies and a level 10 zombie leading the horde. For more than 8 hours now, we have been fighting the zombies and the military had a lot of pressure, we had some casualties, luckily the arrival of the cannon infantry relief the pressure and aided in the extermination of these horde of zombies, the walls has equally been played its part in defending the city. Presently, the walls are undergoing repairs and should be completed by tomorrow evening if nothing unexpected happens," the chief general Kim Jong reported.

Food is becoming scarce coupled with repeated attack from these zombies, monsters, beasts and our own kinds for resources and land. Though we are fighting together as one with the other cities against these zombies, monsters and beasts, the moment we falter, the other cities will want to take us down. Presently, the food supply is enough but can last for about a month or 2, so we need to find other places to gather food supply to mitigate the current food crisis.

The meeting with the top officials continued for long time.......

The next day,

At the shelter,

Billy woke up early in morning and stepped out of his lord house, he discovered that the soldiers were already awake and awaiting his new orders. Since he now has 17 soldiers and 9 workers he decided to summon extra soldiers and workers from his free daily summons and points obtained from the past 2 days. Presently, he has 5 free summons and 458 points, so he summoned 6 archers, 13 soldiers and 11 workers. Now he has a total of 30 soldiers, 20 workers and 6 archers, so he shared them into 8 teams.

Three teams of 4 soldiers, 2 archers and 4 workers each to kill zombies, monsters and beasts and gather resources not more 1 square kilometer away from the shelter. Then he instructed the fourth and fifth teams which comprised of 5 soldiers and 2 workers each per team to clear the surroundings surroundings of the territory, 2 square kilometers away from the shelter. Then Billy Akwe instructed the sixth and seventh teams made up 4 soldiers each to investigate and gather information on the surrounding 5 square kilometers away from the territory and he ordered all the teams to depart, to be careful and to stop work before the sun set and return to the shelter. 

Billy led the eighth team made up of 4 workers to begin the building constructions assisted by the carpenters and blacksmiths starting with the shelter guard post, followed by the arrow tower, then the architect workshop and the alchemy workshop. If there's more time after the construction of these buildings, then 10 to 15 more houses can be built and I will level them up to level 3 since I am the only one that can level buildings in the territory.

From the upgrade of the shelter yesterday to level 3, Billy Akwe discovered that he has a special function in the exchange shop only him the lord can operate and make transactions. He went to the exchange shop to check it out. As soon as he arrived, he buy, food supply, fertilizers, equipments, weapons, basic unit of materials (such as wood, iron, steel of iron, stones) and he could buy many other type of basic resources from his previous world and this world with gold coins. Presently, the more advanced resources were not found like gun manufacturing blueprints since his shelter was only at level 3.

Since he had more than 2000 gold coins, he decided to buy a variety of food supply such as spices, various types of fish, various kinds of meat, beef, and chicken. He bought quite a lot of delicacies and sweets amounting to 500 tons of various food supplies and stored them at the warehouse since they can't get bad. 

He equally bought a cafeteria and the commercial blueprints and 30 bags of 

organic fertilizers.

All of which cost 25 gold coins. 

Billy was still left with 2054 gold coins.

Billy continued supervising the territory and constructions.....


  5 hours and a half later, the shelter guard post, arrow tower, architect workshop, alchemy workshop, the commercial and cafeteria buildings were completed. Each of these buildings had 2 summons except for the architect workshop which had 1 summon. All of them were summoned, then the architect joined in the construction of the remaining 15 houses to complete today's task whereas the chefs from the cafeteria where instructed to cook a lot of food for tonight by the lord Billy, to thank all his summons on their great contributions in the development of the shelter.

An hour later,

In the forest east of the shelter, 5 kilometers away from from the shelter, the few survivors comprising of 26 people, that's the chief, 6 men, 11 women and 8 children. The survivors were running away from pursue of 10 zombies. They were formally 41 of them that escaped the Lauren village but many of them died along the way from zombies attacks.

Leon, a 55 old man who was the chief of the village was leading them. Trying his best to save his villagers but now it seems there's no hope and everyone will die here. All the villagers were hungry, tired and thirsty. All of them lost hope and couldn't even protect the younger once. The zombies was already 10 meters away from them and they were prepared for the worse, but at this moment 4 men from nowhere suddenly appeared and slaughtered the zombies. All the villagers were happy of been saved. The villagers were afraid of this unknown individuals that saved them. They were afraid of the unknown especially in this chaotic world where many people take advantage of others. 

At this time, the 4 soldiers from the shelter had already killed all the zombies and collected the loots. At this time, the chief moved forward to thank the unknown people that helped them. Though the villagers were grateful but were afraid that these unknown people will harm them. At this moment, the 4 soldiers moved forward and asked them some few questions and why were they attacked by zombies. The chief equally had a small understanding of the situation and asked for their help. After hearing their explanation, one of the soldiers used the telepathic communication to talk to the lord Billy about their encounter and were authorized to bring them to the shelter if they won't bring harm to the shelter upon inspection. Billy equally needed some information of this world, that is why he equally accepted them to the shelter.

Upon hearing that, the villagers were happy to have a place to stay and followed the four men to the shelter. 

After awhile, it was almost sunset. Everyone returned to the shelter. 

"The harvest was great, it is enough to upgrade the shelter to level 4. Just the sixth team that are remaining, I think they will be back soon with the survivors, it's better I upgrade now before the arrive, so that we can focus on our first feast" Billy said and equally to prevent the survivors for now from knowing his power since he didn't know if they were trustworthy.

Billy immediately began the upgrade of his shelter.

<System detecting host initiation, shelter upgrading.......< p>

Upgrading in progress.......

Upgrading complete>

< Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the shelter to level 4.

All buildings and wall within the shelter has been upgraded to level 4.

The shelter has expanded and now occupies 4 square kilometers. The territory has expanded and now occupies 5 square kilometers.

The walls are now 10 meters tall and 2 meters thick.

The host has just been rewarded with an iron chest and a bronze chest.

The host has received 200 gold coins.

The host has just obtained 2 blueprints, guard tower building blueprint and bronze tier cannon tower blueprint.

The host has acquired an extra feature from the shelter (shelter army system controls function).

Then, all the buildings that had summons, now has one extra free summon slot each. 

The host has acquired 2 new skills which includes;

First skill: Instant speed boost (the host speed increases 5 times than normal for 1 minute, cool down 10 minutes).

Second skill: strength boost (the host strength increases 3 times than normal for 10 minutes, cool down 1 hour).

All summons have acquired bronze level strength, and those that already had bronze strength, now their strength has elevated to bronze level peak.>

After seeing that the shelter upgrade was completed, he didn't bother to check the details now, he plans to check everything tomorrow. He went to the exchange shop and bought 1000 plastic bottles of juice for a gold coin and placed 300 in his space ring and 500 of them in the warehouse.

He plans to use the remaining 200 for the feast celebration for a bountiful harvest.

He went and summoned the remaining summons from the various buildings.

He had about 510 points left so Billy summoned 20 more workers, 26 more sword type soldier and 14 more archer support type soldier. This makes a total of 56 sword type soldiers, 20 archer support type soldiers and 40 workers.