

A highschool boy named Billy who had a normal family though not rich provided him with everything within their capabilities for my success. Though life wasn't easy but strife to support my family in anyway possible until a day when I was late coming back home from work, I was attacked and stabbed by a group of bandits. Suddenly, instead of being dead, I was reborn in another world full of zombies, demons, monsters, and all sorts of creatures whose main aim is to destroy humanity. I was reborn in this world with a boss system and time will tell how my journey in this new world will be....

Billy_Akwe · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


Billy lived a hard life with his loving and caring family. They provided him with everything within their capabilities for him to succeed. Though his family wasn't rich, they did their best to provide for him. He lived a normal life, trying his best to support himself, working as a restaurant attendant with meager salary. He felt like a burden to his family and he tried his best to lessen their burden by working in various areas. He was in his last year of highschool waiting for his graduation and preparing for the future. His life wasn't easy and he tried his best to support to find a good job that could pay him a descent amount for him to be able to support himself and his family. One day, coming back home from work late at night, suddenly he was attacked by a group of bandits and he was stabbed. Blood continued to drip from his stomach. The regrets of not able to achieve anything worthy for himself and his family rang in his mind. "Dying in such a miserable way, my mom, dad, and younger sister, sorry I could not make it home" his thoughts kept on and on. " If only, I could be the boss, where everything can be within my grasp, my life will have taken another turn" he thought on his last moments,

Suddenly, a voice rank out in his head

<System activating, initializing the system>

"What is this am I hearing, system, perhaps it's the after life" he thought

<System activation complete, new system, Boss system with unlimited opportunities in the apocalypse.< p>

Transferring all Data into another world beginning....complete>

"What is happening, where am I ???

This doesn't seem like the hospital, I think I was stabbed, huh, I don't seem to be wounded" Billy said

<Welcome to the apocalypse world full of challenges and opportunities where you can die or live, all depends on you.>

"Wait, what does that mean, where am I ?? " He said, he immediately understood that he was reborn into another world but still has his appearance

" Everyone is brought into another life with great advantages but I just arrived like that, do they want me dead again" He thought

<Boss system activated, beginning pack generated, new functions activated - first function summon class< p>

- Worker class (active - 5 points per summon)

- beginner Soldier class (active - 10 points per summon)

- Intermediate soldier class (inactive till level 10)

- Advance soldier class (inactive till level 20)

- Scout class (inactive till level 10)

- Assassin class (inactive till level 10)

- Special black ops (10) class (inactive till level 20)

- Magic class (inactive till level 20)


Second function

Level 1 shelter (15 iron, 10 wood, 25 leaves, 50 points)

He checked his system, "Wow, finally I have something good to live"

then he open his beginner pack and saw 100 points, 25 iron, 25 leaves, 25 wood, a bottle of water and 2 loaves of bread.

"At least now, I have something to eat. This doesn't seem bad. I need to find somewhere confortable to build my shelter. For now I will keep 50 points for the shelter,


It's time for summoning,

System, summon 2 workers and 4 beginner Soldiers"

<Summoning in progress..... Summoning complete>



Suddenly, 6 mists where form, condensing in 6 people

" Cool, they are humans, this system is cool, hope they can work for me well"

Greetings my Lord ×6

We are here to serve you my Lord ×6

All the six summons greeted him