
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

The hunted Hunters: Offering, Prolog

Two days after

the thugs' accident

Every year in certain day of certain month, Aerium swarmed by certain creature. It's an event created by the guardian herself.

"Aaahh..it's already that time huh.

I can't wait looking at their effort this year, even more there's my reliable hero right now. Fufufu..."

Freya wonders happily what might happen in this year's event.

Cowfering, that's what mentioned in history of Aerium.

The event is started since the first saintess summoned to Aerium. It's celebrated in every villages, city, town, organizations and even countries.

They come from any backgrounds: Royalties, Worshippers, Commoners, and ofcourse Adventurers.

The event is simple, yet amusing.

Any participants have to hunt a special creature, be it may individually or in group.

The special creature will be spawned out of nowhere, it's called Calden.

It has robust body with height 13-20 metres and weight 300 kgs - 1 tons. It has four big horns and tough skin like steel, despite the normal appearance as a cattle. Its muscle is solid like rock which hides its tender flesh and sweet fat deep inside.

It usually leads a group of 3-5 minotaurs.

That's why the participant usually is a group consist of 3-7 high rankers. The rich ones usually hire a group of mercenaries for their individual name. But in fact, there're still many people who try to hunt it solo.

From everyone percpective, this rare event is a chance to make a name for themselves.

The event that initially intended to strengthen the bond between people of Aerium become another bloody battlefield.

Low-ranker, high-ranker, nobles, commoners, it's the same case. Most of them try to hunt the creature individually. Their greed costs them greatly. Massacred.

The ones who act individually fight each other over the Calden without noticing the minotaurs attack, it leads to their own miserable end.

Every survived individual who has participated this event at least once, realize their humane limit. In the end, all of them agree to only one conclusion...

Never participate this event alone.

That's embedded in their deepest conciousness.

Since then the highest authority in each organizations and countries issue an order of law that regulates the procedures for participating in this event, in the name of safety for everyone.

Low-ranker party is allowed only to hunt minotaurs adjusted to each person's capability.

B-ranker, despite being high ranker, stationed as scout or leader of low-ranker group.

Only A-ranker or S-ranker that allowed to form a party with 7 members at most to hunt the Calden.

Noone is allowed, or even dares, to participate in this event ALONE.

That's what it should be.






Until now....

- Special event: acquired -
