
The Borrowed: Aerium's Breeze

I am a cursed child by fate. Lose almost everything since child. The last straw i have is this curse... While getting harsh training everyday, waiting the only-god-knows fateful day, i'm almost dead by boredom even before fight to death with the devil of desire. Now there is no one with the same age as me can rival my power. I'm itching to dive into adventures, discovering magical land hidden at the corner of world. And that day my wish is granted..(?)

Yatoshu · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Character review #3

Finally we get to introduce some chars~

I present them to you before

we start a new event.

Some of them will be frequently appeared, other important figures will be published later.

Hope you can imagine of them.



Hair: Dark brown

Skin: Brown

Eyes: Black

Race: Human

Weight: 74 kg

Height: 176 cm

Class: Honorary Knight

Job: Knight

Rank: A-rank

Visible trait: Stubborn, Stern

Invisible trait: Sensitive


A honorary knight that appointed to Spawnhall city. He's originally emerged from a noble family, but decide to leave out from the household with an unknown reason. He's a typical strict and stubborn person. In his entire generation of Knight academy, it's known only Felix who can stand and tame his stubborness.



Hair: Dark yellow

Skin: Light brown

Eyes: Gray

Race: Human

Weight: 67 kg

Height: 173 cm

Class: Honorary Knight

Job: Knight

Rank: A-rank

Visible trait: Easygoing, Playful

Invisible trait: Meticulous


He's a classmate of Briant in Knight academy. His origin is a far-away country at the other side of Aerium from Hearthen Kingdom. He has an easygoing personality, a really opposite polar from Briant.



Hair: Dark green

Skin: Light brown

Eyes: Gray

Race: Human/ Forest elf

Weight: 77

Height: 174

Class: None

Job: Rogue

Rank: B-rank

Visible trait: Composed, Caring

Invisible trait: Anxious


A veteran is known throughout adventurers as a senior of veterans. Rumor said he should be A-ranker since long ago, despite his current rank. He prefers take quests around the Willow's Creep and seen patrolling a while everyday, No one ever knows the reason though.



Hair: Dark orange

Skin: Light brown

Eyes: Brown

Race: Dwarf

Weight: 86

Height: 162

Class: None

Job: Gladiator

Rank: C-rank

Visible trait: Rational, Careful

Invisible trait: Reckless


A typical dwarf who travels to seek some fortunes. Instead an ore vein like his brethen seek, it's undiscovered treasure that always excite him.



Hair: Grey

Skin: Pale white

Eyes: Dark blue

Race: Dragonian-Lamia

Weight: 65

Height: 171

Class: None

Job: Sage

Rank: D-rank

Visible trait: Mature, Seductive

Invisible trait: Inferiority


A seductive lamia as in the legend. While her kind tend to stay at their nest and attract males, she ran to find her own fate. Despite her seductive nature, it's never heard that any males already lay their hands on her.



Hair: Red

Skin: Brown

Eyes: Dark red

Race: Harpy

Weight: 58

Height: 155

Class: None

Job: Slayer

Rank: D-rank

Visible trait: Glutton, Playful

Invisible trait: Sympathetic


An unusual harpy that rarely becoming an adventurer. Once asked by the Guild master about her reason, she only answered that she's lost when step outside of her home for the first time. She's always carefree of her surrounding that her party always lookout for her, despite her age.



Hair: Light green

Skin: Pale white

Eyes: Dark violet

Race: High elf

Weight: 65

Height: 168

Class: None

Job: Rogue

Rank: C-rank

Visible trait: Awkward, Too kind

Invisible trait: Responsible


His origin is only known as a high-elf from Delvera region, other than that is still mystery. He's an awkward person when the vibe is tense. His party members agreed to choose him as the leader, though it's more like an errand-boy in some situations.