
The Bored Immortal Became a Teacher

1,000 Years Ago... The Earth was shaken and evolved into a much more dangerous Place. The Earth got larger by twice its size, but the Portals suddenly appeared in front of the Human Being that reduced their Population to 40% left, but hope was almost lost. They have been granted one more time to survive, a System was brought to everyone that they can use to evolve and get stronger. A Hero suddenly came upon them that slaughtered all of the Monsters that came out of the Portal. She was then given the title, "The Primordial Goddess of Death". She was given that title as no one knew her face or name, the only thing that they remember about her is her Dazzling Black hair that was dancing through the wind as she kills all the monsters, while her Scythe was dripping with Blood. 1,000 years have passed since, and new Heroes were born because of the Prestigious School that helps students to become Aspiring Hero just like "The Primordial Goddess of Death". "Ahhh... I'm bored as hell, should I go into one of my Academies and be a teacher?" A.N Sorry for the inconvenience, I might actually add Romance to the story, but that would probably in the middle part of the Story. Cover Art is not mine, if the artist want me to remove it he/she can message me.

TOYAPUS · Fantaisie
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155 Chs

Removing the Blindfold Once Again Part 5

"This is the reason why I made sure to never look at you not until I fully control my "Crimson Draconic Eyes" because if something were to happen to you, I don't know what would happen. I know that it caused a lot of misunderstandings which led to only make-up just a few years ago, but I am really sorry for it. Because if I am given the choice, I will never take these Eyes as a reward even if it means that I will become much weaker now." Yuki explained as she then looked at everyone and out of pure instinct they all avoided her eyes as a precaution.

"Scary, huh? This is why I also decided to call it a Curse because, in all reality, it seems more of a Curse. I can tell you this, I have seen so many things with these eyes of mine, so many unimaginable things. A lot of people have already become a victim of these eyes too, all of it is because it is just too powerful." Yuki smiled lightly as she eased them that there was nothing to worry about, as unlike Somi's "Crimson Draconic Eyes" which wasn't under her control, she had full control of hers.

"Mom… can you tell me what is the difference between our eyes then?" Somi finally asked as she was extremely curious about it but also terrified at the same time, she was afraid that her Mother would tell her something that she couldn't even begin to imagine.

"There is a lot… Mine is a lot more powerful, but not because I have full control, but because you only inherited one of them. And yes, each eye is very different from each other. But coincidentally, you got the deadliest out of the two, which is really the cursed eye as it can literally kill anyone with just a single glance. But the other one calms it down, that is why they need to be together, but you're still lucky since you have the Blood of your Mother. It helped stabilize a lot." Yuki answered her question which was something she was not expecting.

But Somi knew that her Mom wasn't telling her everything and she didn't know if she could ask for more information about it, but Yuki had already seen this, and knew that she already needed to explain everything that her daughter needs to know about her Eye. Since it would benefit her a lot, she will know everything that she needs to know about the powers of her Eye.

"Don't worry, I'll explain everything to you. But only once you take full control of your Eyes, until then, I will not say anything to you related to it. Don't worry, you're not going to take a few million years to do it since I'm helping you externally by giving you what your Eyes need to stabilize it." Yuki didn't want to explain Somi everything at the start because it would only make things worse as the real power of those Eyes was still something that amazed Yuki with how powerful it was.

Yuki then begins to reminisce about the time when she first got the "Crimson Draconic Eyes", she killed all of her enemies with just one look. With the right intent to kill, she managed to kill all of them with one glance and it was time when the Eyes were still fairly weak. But it has already killed thousands of Gods in one single look.

"Alright, but can you tell me what I'll be able to do once I can control it?" Somi asked but she couldn't hide the excitement in her tone, but it wasn't just her, everyone felt excitement in their heart as they waited for Yuki to answer, especially Kurokami who was the most hopeful. Because they already saw that Yuki wasn't killing anything or anyone even with those Eyes of hers out. They have a chance for Somi to still live like a normal girl once she controls it.

"Well, you already see it. My words will sound harsh, but it's the truth. You can freely choose whoever you kill in one glance, you will also have the choice of whether to bring them out or hide them like what I usually do." Yuki said, she also made it seem like that was all there is to it, but in reality, it wasn't all. She doesn't want to tell everyone just yet what is the real limit of the "Crimson Draconic Eyes".

There was another part of it and it was the most powerful thing that Somi could do with her Eye, it was so powerful that Yuki only used it once in her lifetime because the damage that it dealt was just unimaginable. Those Eyes doesn't care about any Laws, it would destroy all of it. It has its own Laws and it was…

"Now, the reason why I'm telling you all of this is so that you would not blame yourself anymore. If you have someone to blame, then blame me. I am the reason why you got those eyes after all." Yuki said as she blamed herself, not to get the pity of Somi, but to just let her open up because she was just like her before she met all the people that she treasures. She was closed and didn't want to let anyone in even no matter who it was.

Somi just received far too much trauma at such a young age, no child should ever experience something like that in Yuki's opinion, but because of her decisions, she made her experience hell at the start. She felt very guilty about this which is also one of the main reasons why she doesn't want to see her because guilt just washes over her heart, if she chooses it, she can negate the effects of her eyes and let the pain that Somi will feel onto her own body just to see and hug her.

But she chose not to because she couldn't face her after everything that happened, that is why she chose to lock herself in and train hard to control her "Crimson Draconic Eyes" as fast as possible, but it was still too long. It still took her 50 million years, which was equivalent to 5 years in the Immortal Realm.

"Now… can you open your eyes for me… I mean for all of us? Your sisters have been waiting for this ever since you were born." Yuki smiled as she wiped the tears from Somi's eyes gently before lifting her up at eye level and waited for Somi to open them up once more.