
asmahans first day of her opperation

in the morning of 6th january asmahan woke up all of a sudden and she couldn't move her right leg and so therefore she wanted to call the ambulance (999) but she couldn't reach her phone so she had to try and shout downstairs and see if they could hear her (cause this young lady has a big huge house and she also has mades wich is very lucky) but lets carry on. so the made came up after Asmahan shouting and the made came screaming the house awake why is all this raccket up here honey. Asmahan said i can't move my right leg and i can't even reach for my phone,so the made said i will wake your mum and dad up so they are aware then i will offer to take you to the hospital,Asmahan just replied ok. the made walked out and knocked on the mums and dads door but they didn't answer so she knocked again still no answer so the made decided to knock three times like this (knock,knock,knock) and then there was a sudden voice in the room but the made couldnt hear it cause it was so faint so the then the mum and dad layed in bed untill another knock they both said yes. then the made when into the room and explained everything that the daughter said and the mum and dad got out of bed quickly and rushed to Asmahan's room