
The Book of Loki(Discontinued)

In a space that lesser beings could only perceive as darkness, there were several books on podiums and a new one had appeared. In an instant, a dark figure appeared and looked upon the book, instantly perceiving it. "Gather around all who can hear for a fantastical tale is to be revealed!" the dark figure boomed As he said that, many dark figures similar to him appeared before one of them said; "Oh, great one. What is this tale that even you shall call it fantastical?" "This tale is about a young boy not of that world reborn into one of its many gods. His adventures, his relationships, and much more will be told in this tale. This tale that I shall call "The Book of Loki" is going to be one you love my children and remember, the language of lesser beings is quite different compared to ours, so make sure to listen and translate it properly." "Oh, look, look it's about to start." one of the younger-looking dark figures said After they said that, everyone turned their eyes to the book as a small projection began to play as words appeared on the page. There will be some added concepts or characters from other fiction that will work themselves into the story. There will be a harem, but it's a small one with only three wives. If you're a Norse mythology fan, you'd know two of them. I'll try to post once a week This is posted on Webnovel (No images are mine)

Pure_Phoenix · Livres et littérature
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16 Chs


In time immemorial when the fire was made there was neither ash nor smoke. Until the blue-haired goddess of smoke, sociopathy, and ingenuity; the patron of geniuses, sociopaths and inventors came along with her white-haired brother the god of ash, psychopathy, and antiquity; the patron of historians and psychopaths. They were the children of Loki with no mother formed from his crazed state.


Loki kept apologizing for something he didn't need to apologize for until the time Mundilfari let loose the sun chariot and the mother of Nótt; Paiva blanketed the Up-World. His mental state was crazed and unknowingly he formed twins; a boy and a girl within his mind.

His family had no idea that he was in this state because of the soundproofing of his room. If they ever knew of this they would've rushed to him as fast as they could.

Loki slowly got up and wiped the dried blood from his eyes and he reached for a glass of water that he always kept by his bedside as fast as he could. In a second he drank off all the water, it wasn't enough to completely quench his thirst but it was enough before he had to leave his room.

He made his way towards the bathroom unsteadily and slowly got into the shower. He didn't care that he still had clothes on, he just needed to be under a cold shower. He just needed to be clean and find some way to revitalize himself. He was tired but something inside him told him that if anyone else went through that they'd be dead. He had a sneaking suspicion that the reason for his survival was due to whatever Ymir did to him and Odin.

'I need to ask Odin if anything happened to him last night and if not then it's highly likely the power Ymir gave us will help him when he hangs from Yggdrasil.'

As Loki came out of the shower and looked in the mirror he made sure he was spotless. He didn't want his family to know that he was crying and in pain. He had to uphold the image that he was alright so they wouldn't worry.

He made his way out of the bathroom and into the closet putting on some clothes before heading outside. The moment he opened his door he saw his blood brother just about to knock.

"Oh, I was just about to call you for breakfast and I also wanted to talk to you," Odin said

"Alright, Let's walk and talk," Loki responded

They talked about several things regarding last night. Odin constantly kept talking about Jord throughout the entire conversation and Loki just gave some tidbits of advice. Loki didn't even get to ask anything he wanted but considering Odin hadn't brought up anything he no longer needed to.


After breakfast, Loki stayed in his room and prepared for the ritual that would happen in two hours. While preparing, he also sent several notes to Angrboda and they messaged each other most of the time.

Loki's head was pounding at several different times. They almost felt like he was being kicked from the inside of his head but he just wrote it off as an aftereffect of his traumatizing journey.

It was now time for him to go to the courtyard for everyone was waiting. He wore his royal clothing and went to the garden in the yard.

There was a huge crowd circling the arch filled with flowers in the garden. There was only one way for him to get to the arch. He slowly walked towards the arch where his mother stood. He looked around and saw Odin smiling and giving him a big thumbs-up. He saw Angrboda mouthing 'you can do this' and he felt more and more confident with each step.

When he reached the arch Laufey smiled at him before she projected her voice.

"Loki, on the day of your fifteenth birthday! I give you your first gift!"

She pulled two daggers out of a bag and gave them to Loki. They were the most beautiful daggers he'd ever seen. They were made of ice but the dagger edges were as dark as the night and the gold looked dazzling.

"They were made with ice infused with the darkness of Nótt and special gold that allows it to temporarily replicate and come back to your hand."

"Thank's mother," Loki responded

"I give you your second gift!"

She pulled out of the bag a flower bracelet made of silver. Loki was confused about the practicality of this gift considering that's what his parents were very serious about.

"This bracelet may look impractical but it can transform into a shield. You can thank your father for this gift he worked for months on this."

Thank you, Father." Loki said

"Now, I give you your third and final gift."

She took out the bag an anvil and a hammer that were exquisite. The anvil was one of the finest that Loki had ever seen and the hammer was beautiful, it was obvious to anyone that the engravings on them were made with love.

"This was made by the whole family. Your brothers helped as much as they could when we were making these. I would have told you the secrets behind them but your brothers had other ideas."

"I expect nothing less of them but thank you all the same," Loki responded

"Are you ready?"

Loki nodded his head signifying that he was.

Laufey seeing this took up a dagger and cut her palm. She raised her palm to Loki's mouth and the blood dripped from her palm into his mouth she said.

"And now, your family's blood runs through you. Take of it and become whole."

As the blood of his family flowed within his body he felt a searing pain in his entire head. He fell on his knees scaring all who were there and started to hold his head as he began to scream. His family and friends quickly came to comfort him.

Suddenly, a part of his head just seemed to burst. No blood or anything signified any damage other than a hole in his head.

From the hole, a white-haired baby came out and a minute later a blue-haired baby came out. Loki's head seemed to reform itself magically.

Everyone was shocked but Loki opened his eyes and the moment he saw the babies, he felt love and felt as if he would die for them.




Hope you enjoyed this chapter and Have a wonderful day.

The ritual is from the show Half Bad: The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself.

Guess who one of the children is based on descriptions.

Paiva is from a fantasy name generator that I used to give the mother of Nótt a name. In Norse mythology she's unnamed and from research seemingly unreferenced, we know her father's name and we can kinda discern his character based on the etymology of his name.