


I'm here in the house bored so he told me to stay in the library first to find something to entertain but I really don't want to take and I also read what I want to read so I'm bored here I went to my office first and opened I'm still finishing with a heart of stone, this is the tearful thing that I wrote and I'm reminded of this story!

After a few chapters of typing on the laptop, I first went outside to reflect that I was just on the side of the highway while walking. I saw an old man pushing a cart. He was also carrying a book when he found out about maybe the story or what. He was about to leave when he suddenly fainted so he immediately ran and approached the old man and he immediately carried him to his house.

he made the old man sit on the sofa, he almost died when he saw him fainting. the old man drank the water he had given him.

"Are you all right? Do you want to eat?" He politely invited it. but it just nodded in response. he immediately went to the refrigerator to get food for the old woman and he immediately laid it on the table.

"Thank you I don't have you so I can be on the road. You are a very kind child. May God give you a good future" said the old woman. He also started eating, he just looked at it.

I remember my grandmother with whom Lola died due to Cardiac arrest so I didn't have it with her for a long time. But when he looked at the old woman in front of him there was something in my heart that could not be determined!

"What's your name?" He asked, suddenly entering his mind. Did I look at it with him? Have I been disrespectful to him? it might get mad at me for asking! he's serious!

"I'm Maria, I'll give it to you because you're a polite woman" She said with a smile. I also smile at his kindness. someone took it from his T shirt wearing a book he had seen earlier. I immediately raised an eyebrow given this book it was also old and crumpled crumpled the edge!

"Why is it so old?" I will ask. but when I saw that it was gone, I was suddenly surprised that he might have left, he came out immediately but it wasn't here either! Maybe it's already gone!

I entered the house carrying the small book to his library so that I could just collect it but he was curious what the letter was so I immediately opened it and sat down at the table. he opened the pages but it was empty the chapters of the page were empty so he was surprised when it suddenly lit up so he immediately released the book and shocked looking at the book now the page gradually opened became loud as well the wind inside was like a storm and he was also blown into entering the book!

"Help me!!" He just shouted. but his surroundings became dark!


When I woke up I had a woman in the room I was surprised because why is it here? I don't have a woman in my room! What's going on here? He looked at the woman but he was stunned by her beautiful pointed nose and red lips that fascinated the beauty of this woman!

"Stop it! It's just a woman, don't be weak! You're a man, you should be angry! Shout at her!"Her mind's rebuke! But he was just dumbfounded looking at the woman who was just awake and with a shocked face looking at me!

He stood up and looked at her in shock, but you could feel it.

"What happened? You took my virginity! Huh!" Shout it out. I stood up and looked sharply at the woman in front of me now. He went back and forth until the wall stopped this woman!

We stared at each other without anything coming out of our mouths. he looked at her red lips wanting to kiss her but I might just be rude at the sight of the woman in front of him. the cute girl in front of him couldn't shout it. What's wrong with me? The charisma of the woman he faces today is strong!

"You're beautiful!" I said before he grabbed her already seductive lips.