
The Book Collectors

Like any other planet with a sentient population, Earth went through the process of developing technology, conducting wars, and making loads of money off of people's existential crises. Earth was as typical a planet as any other, until the Library of the Multiverse opened its doors and spewed out its books containing the stories and adventures of heroes and villains from across the multiverse. Now, human beings have the chance to change their destiny by synchronizing with Multi Vs, the magic books that can give a person the power to exceed the normal and become the King or Queen of the Universe!

FramJam · Fantaisie
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Inside the Multi-V Library

The students walked into the massive library; if it could be called a library. The so-called "books" were a collection of crystal tablets of different colors. The colors ranged from nearly translucent like glass to obsidian black.

No one knew why the books ranged in color. It seemed like the colors served no purpose. Maybe it was to allow the different books to stand out from each other, some theorized.

The crystal books didn't have decorative colors, but like human books, the title and author were on the spine and front of the book. A summary of the contents of the book was listed on the back of the book.

Unlike regular books, the multi-v didn't open or have pages. It was simply one solid crystal tablet. The way it was read was by putting it to your head.

The information would enter the reader's head and he or she would 'read' the book. The reading required the person to focus. This allowed them to control the speed of the information.

The book offered the option to enter reading mode or synch. This way, a person could read the book and decided if they wanted to synch with it.

The students entered and spread throughout the library like a locust swarm. Descending upon the books and searching for their destinies.

The students were preparing for this day for years. During English class, they began to research the books that were found in the library.

The crystal tablet books could only be read in the libraries, but humans needed a print version to study the books. These print and digital copies were referred to as analogs.

Jay walked through the library and picked up books and "read" them. He was fascinated by the multi-vs. It was his first time to experience them.

He savored every moment, but he remembered he had limited time to find what he came here for.

Alejandra originally came in with her friends, but she couldn't help recall Jay's confidence. She was curious about his mysterious plan.

Jay was looking at a blue crystal book. She saw the title, "The Jungles of Moharg." It was a story of a young man, Kastil, from Earth 378,890 B123. It was a popular story of adventure.

Kastil set out on his first journey at sea as a cabin boy. A terrible storm assaulted the ship and sank it. Kastil washed up on a series of islands known under the rule of the Moharg Kingdom.

The islands had a strange energy that Kastil could feel move through his body. He didn't know if the energies were doing anything to him, but he started hearing a voice calling him from the jungle.

Unable to resist the call, Kastil went to answer the call. Unknown to him, the palace became aware of the boy and somehow knew of his strange connection to the jungle. Troops were sent to follow Kastil.

When Kastil arrived at the place of the calling he found a purple gem floating in a clearing. He reached out and touched the gem, which his body absorbed.

The gem eventually appeared in the center of his forehead filling his mind with knowledge and power.

The troops pursued Kastil through the jungle and they even tried to catch the boy a few times, but Kastil was able to escape each time.

When the troops came into the same clearing and found Kastil floating above the ground with the pulsing gem, they attacked him out of fear.

Kastil used his new power to kill the troops. Unfortunately, killing the troops was a great shock to the boy who was actually very kind. He rejected the gem and its power which caused him to separate from it.

The gem let out a mournful cry when it separated from Kastil saying, "Alone, still alone," before flying into the sky and disappearing.

The gem was gone, but the knowledge it gave to Kastil remained. The knowledge he gained allowed him to thrive throughout his life and go on many adventures.

The Jungles of Moharg was a popular story and many people synched with it. They achieved varying degrees of success as a result.

Some became geniuses similar to Kastil, while others were able to acquire the abilities of the purple gem. Those who succeeded with the purple gem had a purple gem appear in their foreheads.

"Are you considering 'The Jungles of Moharg?' It's a good starting book. A sweet voice said behind Jay.

"Nah, it's not for me. I just couldn't resist looking at it. It was one of my favorite stories as a kid," Jay said.

"If you like it so much why don't you synch?" Alejandra asked.

"Just because I like it doesn't mean I'm suited to it," Kyle said as he put the book back in its place.

"Truthfully, liking, and not liking a multi-v has nothing to do with its suitability for synching with the reader.

In fact, I might hate a book but it's exactly the multi-v most suitable for me to synch with." Jay said as he smiled gently at Alejandra.

"My father said the same thing when I was looking for a multi-v. You're pretty smart," she said.

"I'm pretty and smart, amazing. I like the second compliment but the first doesn't seem appropriate, Shouldn't you say I'm handsome and smart?" The look on his face was very serious as if Alejandra had just violated a taboo.

"Quiet you," she said with a laugh. Jay said weird things, but for some reason, she liked the way he looked at the world and his little jokes. She thought he was very clever.

While talking with Alejandra, Jay noticed his friend Jesse holding a black multi-v. Alejandra was surprised by Jay's sudden dash toward his friend.

"Don't do it, Jesse, don't sync!" Jay yelled to his friend. He received both dirty looks and shushes from students and librarians.

Jay ripped the book from his friend's grasp. "What did I tell you, don't synch with the black ones," Jay said angrily.

"Why not, that's a good story..." he was suddenly cut off by his friend. What did we talk about? Get a crystal multi-v. I thought you were going to sync with the Kennedy Zero comic?"

Alejandra was surprised when she heard the question. "You're okay with him taking such a big risk? she asked.

"Of course, it was my idea anyway," he responded.

Alejandra was very surprised and angry, "What do you mean, it was your idea. Are you trying to hurt your friend?"

"No, I'm trying to help my friend, trust me, Kennedy Zero is his best bet for hims to sync," Jay answered defensively. He gave Jesse a stern look and turned to walk away. Alejandra was surprised by the abrupt end to the conversation.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To make my choice!" Jay did his best maniacal laugh as he walked off.

"Don't follow me, it's a surprise," he said to the group behind him. It was time to test his theories!

I hope you enjoy today's release. Let me know what you think!

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