
THE Boogeyman

The synopsis of "The Boogeyman" tells the story of Nick, a seasoned hitman, who accepts a job from a client to take out a high-profile drug lord. As he carries out the job, he is double-crossed by another hitman and finds himself in trouble. However, he manages to escape and later confronts the drug lord, but things take a deadly turn. Nick fights his way out and completes the job but makes a lot of enemies in the process, making him lay low for a while until things cool down. The story is full of action, suspense, and unexpected twists.

The_Boogyman · Action
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4 Chs

Unholy alliances

<p>INT. SECRET LOCATION - NIGHT<br/><br/>Nick, Jane and Jack gathered,<br/>Nick was standing at windoe in front of billboard, and Jack was sitting on a chair and Jane was seeing them, their faces etched with determination and grief.<br/><br/>NICK (looking at billboard),<br/>We lost Reven, but we can't let her sacrifice be in vain. We must complete our mission and bring Paul and his allies down. This is no longer just business; it's personal. They took one of our own, and now we'll take everything from them.<br/><br/>JANE (fists clenched) Nick's right. This goes beyond business now. We need revenge. Paul and his cronies won't get away with what they've done. We'll make sure they pay for their crimes and suffer till the last breath.<br/><br/>JACK (leaning in) But how do we even begin to take them down? They're well-connected, and the entire police force seems to be on their side we can't reach em directly.<br/><br/>NICK (smirking) That's where we have an advantage. They may have the system on their side, but we have something they don't—a team that's willing to do whatever it takes. We'll become ghosts in the shadows, striking fear into their hearts.<br/><br/>JACK (nodding) But we can't do this alone. We need allies, people who've had enough of Paul's reign of terror.<br/><br/>NICK (smirking) I've been making connections in the darkest corners of this city. There are others who share our desire for justice. We'll make forces for mission and hit Paul where it hurts the most .<br/><br/>The team members exchange determined looks, a silent understanding passing between them.<br/><br/>JANE (voice filled with determination) Let's make them pay. Reven's death won't be in vain. We'll bring Paul and his allies to their knees, no matter what it takes. The team members clench their fists, ready to embark on their mission to dismantle Paul's empire.<br/><br/>INT. LUXURIOUS PENTHOUSE - NIGHT<br/>Rick, Paul Waldorf's menacing bodyguard, sits across from a Corrupt Police Officer in an opulent living room. Rick's face is filled with an unsettling mix of anger and satisfaction.<br/><br/>RICK (smugly) I hope you understand the gravity of the situation now. Reven's elimination sends a clear message to Nick and his remaining team.<br/><br/>CORRUPT POLICE OFFICER (nervously) Yes, Rick. We're fully aware of the message we need to send. Charges have been fabricated, and we have officers stationed throughout the city ready to apprehend them.<br/><br/>RICK (leaning forward, intimidating) It's not enough for them to be apprehended. I want them eliminated. Shoot on sight, no questions asked.<br/>CORRUPT POLICE OFFICER (startled) Rick, we can't just...<br/>RICK (cutting him off) Don't question my orders! Paul wants them eradicated. I won't tolerate any hesitation from you or your men.<br/><br/><br/>CORRUPT POLICE OFFICER (deferential) I understand, Rick. We'll make sure every officer is aware of the shoot-on-sight order. Nick and his team won't escape this time.<br/><br/>RICK (smirking) See that they don't. Failure is not an option. I won't tolerate any mistakes.<br/><br/>CORRUPT POLICE OFFICER (swallowing nervously) Rest assured, Rick, we'll do whatever it takes to bring them down. Paul's enemies will be eliminated, one by one. Rick rises from his seat, exuding a palpable sense of power, as the Corrupt Police Officer nervously watches him.<br/><br/>RICK (sinisterly) Make sure you don't disappoint me. Paul expects results, and I won't hesitate to remind him who's responsible if anything goes wrong.<br/><br/>CORRUPT POLICE OFFICER (frightened) You have my word, Rick. We'll handle it accordingly. Rick strides out of the penthouse, leaving the Corrupt Police Officer behind, his face etched with fear and uncertainty.<br/><br/>INT. POLICE STATION - DAY <br/><br/>The bustling police station is filled with officers engaged in various activities.<br/><br/>Michael, the Corrupt Police Officer, storms into the room, his face flushed with anger and determination. The room falls silent as officers turn their attention towards him.<br/>MICHAEL (raising his voice) Listen up, everyone! We have a new priority. Find that fucking Nick and his team, and bring them in. No excuses, no delays. They're wanted for a series of serious crimes, and we need them in custody immediately.<br/><br/>Officer Jenkins raises his hand, seeking clarification.<br/><br/>MICHAEL (irritated) What the fuck is it, Jenkins?<br/><br/>OFFICER JENKINS (slightly hesitant) Sir, are we... Are we authorized to use lethal force if necessary?<br/><br/>MICHAEL (gritting his teeth) Absolutely! Shoot to kill, if required. These individuals are dangerous and a threat to our city. We won't tolerate any more of their criminal activities.The room fills with murmurs as officers exchange glances, some displaying a mix of concern and unease. <br/>MICHAEL (raising his voice again) I don't want to hear any doubts or second-guessing. We have a job to do, and we'll do it with extreme prejudice. This is our chance to prove our loyalty and eliminate these criminals once and for all. The officers nod, albeit reluctantly, as they disperse, each tasked with the mission to track down Nick and his team.<br/><br/>MICHAEL (to himself, determined) This is it. I have to prove myself in front of Paul. If I bring in Nick and his team, he'll reward me handsomely. This is my chance to rise through the ranks, to become someone important. A sense of desperation and ambition fills Michael's eyes as he clenches his fists, driven by his desire to gain favor with Paul.<br/><br/>The room fills with a mix of obedience and curiosity. Among the officers, Smith stands discreetly, observing Michael's demeanor and words with growing suspicion.<br/>SMITH (whispering to a fellow officer) Something isn't right about this. Why the sudden urgency to capture Nick? There's more to this than meets the eye.<br/><br/>FELLOW OFFICER I've been feeling the same, Smith. This goes beyond routine police work. It's as if Michael has a personal vendetta against Nick and his team. Smith's intuition tells him there's a hidden agenda, a deeper motive behind Michael's determination. He knows Nick and his team are no angels, but this relentless pursuit raises red flags.<br/><br/> SMITH (to himself, a gasp escaping his lips) If Michael is fabricating charges against Nick, it means he's serving someone else's interests. Could it be that Nick and his team pose a threat to someone powerful, someone like Paul Waldorf? A fire ignites within Smith—a burning desire to expose the truth and bring down the man he despises most, Paul Waldorf. He realizes that collaborating with Nick and his team might be the key to unraveling the tangled web of corruption. SMITH (determined, under his breath) I'll dig deeper. If Nick and his team hold the answers I seek, I'll aid them, but only until Paul is exposed. After that, we go our separate ways. Smith meticulously begins his investigation, seeking classified information, making covert connections, and analyzing every thread that connects Nick and his team to Paul's criminal empire. He must tread carefully, aware that any misstep could cost him everything.</p>