
The bond of the Phoenix

When the country of Surpyc is destroyed by an ancient evil, it is up to the power of the Phoenix to destroy him. But don’t celebrate too quickly, nothing good lasts forever, and this evil isn’t going to give up too easily. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made, but that doesn’t mean the war is over. What would you do if you knew you were the worlds only hope?

Star_Nee2017 · Fantaisie
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The six regions were always six regions, in fact they used to be a country known as Surpyc. It wasn't the best of a country, but it wasn't the worst. Most of the time there seemed to be swinging mythical about the place for there were some things that didn't seem to be normal about the place especially the royal family.

Maybe it was the legends surrounding them, maybe it's because the public didn't know their face. But one thing is for sure, they were normal. Some say they were creatures with mystical powers, others say a family of witches, but the most well-known legend was that their bloodline comes directly from the Phoenix.

The Phoenix was Surpyc's symbol and guardian, no on knows for sure what happened but it is said that the Phoenix was an all-powerful bird made of fire with unimaginable abilities. The Phoenix was the core of Surpyc's religion but that belief died when Savil showed up.

Savil was a mystical being old as the Phoenix itself, an ancient force brought upon this world as a way to balance out of all the light with darkness. But Savil went too far and destroyed everything, Hines were forgotten, cities destroyed, countries torn apart, innocents suffered, families separated, millions lost their lives. But he didn't stop there for he wasn't finished, in fact he never even began.

To make matters worse he is believed to be the one behind the assassination of the royal family. He messed with the minds of the council, turned the country against one another which started the war of darkness that lasted up to four hundred years and nothing would stop it. Savil had everything he wanted, death, destruction, chaos, and darkness, all in the palm of his hand.

It seemed like nothing would be able to stop this madness, but that was when a blessing was brought upon this world. A group of six individuals were gifted with great power, a gift that was believed to be given to them by the Phoenix itself. A way to stop this endless war and a way to repay them for showing the most humanity during this difficult time.

These six individuals were reborn as the Bond of the Phoenix, and when they use their Pierre's together nothing could stop them not even Savil. They branded themselves together and defeated Savil along with all the destruction he caused, then the war was over. The bond of the Phoenix disbanded and went on win the rest of their lives and Savil was never heard from again.

Or so they thought, for Savil never died, instead he sealed himself away so that they could never find where he was hiding. Years passed by and Savil was almost forgotten, but that was the perfect time and place for him to strike again. Savil returned, stronger, smarter, and full of rage for this time he came back for vengeance.

The bond of the Phoenix came back as well but but as strong as they were before, as determination was stronger than ever. Unfortunately, time was in Savil's favor and the bond of the Phoenix seemed to be losing the battle. Reluctantly, one of the member found Savil's power source and to their surprise, it turned out to be hidden in the royal palace of Surpyc.

They destroyed Savil's lower source along with Savil with him, but it costed a great price. While the bond of the Phoenix defeated Savil and reversed all the damage he caused, they also lost something else, the center of Surpyc which contained the palace and the village around it, vanished into thin air as if it were never there. But that isn't all, the bond of the Phoenix sacrificed everything to keep their home safe, including their lives.

After Savil was defeated Surpyc could be a country anymore and this the six regions were born, Gold, Silver, Diamond, Weather, Darkness, and Light. These six regions now replace what was once Surpyc never to be united again. As the years passers this was all forgotten and another tall tale.

Stories get told and changed time and time again, the only thing that can somehow bring them back together is to find what drove them apart. There are many things as to what that could be, it had never been confirmed. The only ones capable of finding the truth errr the bond of the Phoenix but now that they're gone it doesn't seem possible anymore because once again their story turned into another fairytale.