
The Bloodstained Affair

A struggle to restore peace upon the world, dotted with forbidden romance between a vampire and a human being. This story takes place in futuristic England where human beings, vampires, and werewolves co-existed on earth. Aiden Thompson was just a regular human being who was trying to live his life as quietly as possible without any entanglements with the two superior races. He had long forgotten a night twelve years ago, when he met a vampire and saved his life. Ryan Caldwell, the vampire, vowed to pick him up when he reached the age of eighteen. Meanwhile, his grandmother's sickness led Aiden to the muddy, illegal world of blood transactions, where desperate human beings resorted to selling their precious, young blood for a huge sum of money. And Ryan Caldwell. The vampire had not forgotten his promise, but how come the person he accepted into his family was none other than Alain, Aiden's half-brother instead? To make matters even worse, a new race emerged and threatened the facade of peace among the three races that populated the world. It was by then too late for Aiden to withdraw from the center of the conflicts... -------------------------- "Mr. Caldwell, please don't make me repeat myself," Aiden interjected. "It was my own fault. I... I just want to forget everything. Please stop reminding me of... of what happened last night." Aiden grabbed into his quilt. He pressed his lips together and furrowed his brows in indignation. He did not want to think about it. He did not want to remember it. He wanted time to make him forget, and heal the terrible heartache that plagued him. Ryan heaved a sigh. "Aiden, it was not your fault. We... I..." And yet, the young man did not allow him to explain. "There is no 'we'," Aiden corrected the vampire opposite him. The young man lifted his head and glared at Ryan. "I don't like men. Do you...?" "..." ------------------------------ This book is part of a series : 1. Pursuing My Rejected Alpha (Werewolf BL) 2. The Bloodstained Affair (Vampire BL) Cover image is taken from "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint", please inform if I need to take it down.

Lu_Shui · LGBT+
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438 Chs

James' Secret

Aiden wondered if it was the bad lighting that caused James to look a little pale on the face.

Exhaustion was visible in his eyes, almost as if the young man had gotten older by a few years within a single night.

When Aiden came in, Grandma Thompson was in the middle of persuading James to drink some warm tea and eat some freshly baked pineapple cookies.

James' younger siblings required neither coercion nor persuasion. They happily ate their cookies while sitting in front of the television in the living room.

After putting out another plate of cookies for her grandson, Grandma Thompson went to sit with the children.

Aiden and James decided to sit on the verandah to enjoy the last rays of the afternoon sun before sunset.

"Where did you go?" James asked while munching a warm pineapple cookie.

"Oh, um. The hospital," Aiden answered with a lowered voice. Although he said nothing about the biopsy result, James could see the strain on Aiden's face.

James looked around to make sure that no one, especially not Grandma Thompson, was around to hear their conversation. The collected laughter from the living room convinced him that it was the case.

"So... have you gotten any solution for the money problem?"

Aiden forced himself to smile.

Yes and no.

Yes, because he did get a part-time job.

No, because now that he had to magically conjure five years' worth of living expenses out of nowhere to pay for his grandmother's treatment fee over at White Chapel hospital, the little money from the part-time job was not going to cut it.

Aiden shook his head. He lowered his gaze and sighed.

"I need a lot of money, James," he openly said. "A lot of money."

James nodded in apprehension. He had been wanting to share something with Aiden for a while, but he was afraid to be judged. On the other side, Aiden needed a lot of money desperately and James had a quick solution for that.

"Aiden, umm, if you are open to some unconventional ways of earning money, I... I might have something for you."

"What do you mean, James?"

James swallowed hard.

It was not something pleasant to talk about, but it was the beginning of everything.

"When my parents died, we were allocated to different homes. I am sure you know that already."

"Yes, I do."

"Princessa was only a year old then, and she was quickly adopted by a nice old couple who had no children of their own. The rest of us were too old for adoption. Now,"

At this junction, James swallowed again.

"Around a month after Princessa was adopted, she got sick. Aiden, she got really, really sick. Her adoptive parents could not afford the hospital treatment. Both of them were covered under occupational health insurance, but the treatment that Princessa needed required her to go to a vampire hospital. You know that no insurance covers that."

James drew a deep breath.

"So the nice couple knew that Princessa still had older siblings, and asked us all to come to stay until..."

"Oh James..."

Aiden softly whispered. When all that happened, James was only a fifteen-year-old boy. He had just lost his parents. Aiden could not imagine the pain that he had to go through when he found out that he was about to lose his youngest sister.

James blinked away the tears that built in his eyes before he continued.

"... until she passed on. Now, I am her eldest brother. Of course, I could not just stand around waiting for her to die. Kneeling by her bedside and crying my eyes out ain't my thing, so I went to the recommended vampire hospital to ask if there is anything I can do to help."

Aiden widened his eyes in shock. James did what...?

James stretched out his left arm and rolled his sleeve up slowly.