

I opened my window wider and peered outside ,it was still dark and our neighborhood was still calm and silent .I could see nothing without my glasses but I still stretched farther out the window squinting my eyes for any kind of image.

"Please let him pass , please "

I held onto my window sill and leaned further out the window staring towards the horizon where I was seeing nothing .Frustrated I put my foot outside the window and straddled my window, I continued watching the far end of our street waiting for him .I couldn't look down, my room being on the fourth floor meant if I fell my survival rate was like 0% or maybe just 1%.

"What are you doing"

Startled I held the window tightly for dear life ,cursing under my breath I ignored my brother and continued my wait, no way was I missing the sight of glory that passed here every morning because of my brother .

"Hello, its rude not to answer questions little sister ,didn't I teach you better than that"

"Go away Tim ,stop distracting me from my future" .I was still concentrating on looking outside that I didn't hear him moving closer to the window.

"Ah your future of nothingness," he whispered in my ear, with a scream I let go of my window and felt myself falling towards the ground my eyes closed .I hit my body hard instantly going numb I couldn't feel any pain, actually I couldn't feel anything just numbness .

"You alright down there sis"

" I don't know, I can't feel a thing, I think i've broken some bones or maybe am bleeding"

."Well falling out a window and landing on a balcony garden full of thistle nestle can also cause numbness ". He snickered loud enough for me to hear him, I opened my eyes and groaned i'd fallen on our balcony some few cm from my window onto a bunch of thistles making my body go numb.

Groaning I stood up and climbed back my window "I didn't have my glasses so I couldn't see clearly"

"Am aware of that ,so..."

"So what" I looked up at him idling near the window as I went over to sit on my bed, the pain getting evident now that the numbness was slowly fading .Rubbing my hand over my face I breathed a sigh of relief ,at least my face was intact.

"What future were you staring at outside"

Good lord i'd forgotten all about him, I scrambled towards the window and peered outside all I could see was the sun peeping from the horizon but no sign of him .Turning towards my brother I smacked him on his forehead, hard enough to leave a bruise.

"The fudge" he shouted" what was that for."

"I just missed Niall Obrey because of you I looked at him smugly noticing the reddish spot on his forehead.

"Dammit girl you just broke my scull because of a guy who doesn't even know you ."

I shrugged heading over towards my bathroom." So what, me knowing him is enough for the both of us."

"If you like him that bad why don't you just tell him" I looked over my shoulder to answer him but was met by a cold blast of wind as he banged my door .Sighing I entered my bathroom wincing as I removed my clothes trying to remove thistles from my pajamas .

It had been a year since we moved into this new town where everyone knew everyone and a year since I started watching Niall jogging by my window .He was a sight to recon, long permed black hair falling slightly over his eyes dark brown eyes, so dark one could mistake them for black ,he looked exotic like a dark prince .

But that wasn't what attracted me to him, it was this feeling I got when I saw him a zap of electricity I couldn't pinpoint at. It was calling out to me, exciting me, reaching out to me,my thoughts were cut abruptly when the water from my shower suddenly turned cold freezing cold.

"Timmmm i'm gonna fucking kill you"

"Language woman ,serves you right .You need to cool down your hormones"

I got out of the shower, swearing bloody murder foam ,still sliding down my wet skin, grabbing at my towel I pat dry my skin because nowhere in hell was I rinsing off the soap on my body with cold water.

Quickly applying ointment on my skin for the sores I dressed up and headed down the stairs in search of my glasses.

"Hey Tim have you seen my glasses" he was pouring cereals into his milk .I shook my head wondering how anyone could add cereals into milk instead of the vise verser .

"Nope, why don't you put on lenses instead "

I gulped the coffee he'd made me and bit on the toast thoughtfully," I think I like looking like a nerd"

He looked at me quizzically as if he was trying to figure something out before he asked," who said you looked like a nerd ."

"My classmates"

"Do they know you .Have they seen your grades"

I quickly got up giving him the stink eyes before heading out towards his car to wait for him. I couldn't drive no matter how hard I tried during my driving class I couldn't get shit ,just like how I couldn't understand any of my classes in school.

He closed the house and got into the car where my head was lying on the window glass with my eyes closed.

"You angry"

I opened my eyes as he stretched out his hand to give me my glasses that had been in his glove compartment ,I shook my head and went back to closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said slowly backing away from our driveway towards school.

"It's ok you just have to read for the both of us ".I leaned further into the comfortable seat putting on my glasses .

My brother ,no, my twin brother, Tim, was bright, not just average bright but genius excellent bright, then there was me a whole nincompoop.

"You know it doesn't work like that" he sighed" you need to concentrate in your classes Eiolia"

I looked at him" Don't call me that, and you know how had I keep trying to listen, how hard I try to concentrate but I can't, I keep seeing them, hearing them". I looked out the window at the closely packed neighbor hood.

" Why can't I call you Eiolia" he was trying to change the subject as it was making me uncomfortable . I gave him a greatful smile watching him as he packed the car near where I could see my two best friends waiting for me.

"My name is Eilly, idiot"

"Keep telling yourself that little siz"

I banged the door hard as I alighted, heading towards my friends, a bright smile on my face when I heard him cursing behind me.

"Hi Eilly, what did that hunk of a brother do this time" Sasha dressed in a black leather jacket paired with a black tank top and black leggings asked giving my brother a scowl .I laughed out loud when he gave her the finger and walked towards school.

"Nothing, hey is there a funeral or something, why are you in all black "I asked her.

"That's because she doesn't own any other colour " Rita fake whispered in my ear linking her arms through mine as she dragged me towards school.

"Hey at least am not wearing a fucking rainbow" Sasha replied hooking her hand into my free one. I looked at Rita and shuddered, she was dressed in a short yellow dress, pink tights with matching shoes and a blue scarf around her neck .She was always dressed in different colours everyday ,how she managed to pull off all the colours was a mystery I was still trying to figure out.

"You can't deny I look good"

"No bitch you look sexy", Sasha said eyeing a certain footballer passing us as we headed towards our lockers. I looked at her and shook my head "why do I have a feeling that that sexy wasn't meant for Rita but for someone else."

"I don't know what you are talking about" she unlinked her arm from us and headed towards her locker where her boyfriend Max was waiting for her. She walked up to him and pushed him towards her looker before capturing his lips in a fiery kiss.

Rita looked away her cheeks turning pink from the embarrassment "Get a room already you fools, this is school."

Laughing I headed over to my locker and picked my English lit book ,looking back at the Pda couple going at it in broad daylight while my embarrassed friend stood there glaring at them, I excused myself and rushed to class .

Miss Awdy was already in class scrolling through her phone as she waited for the class to settle down. I headed to the back of the class where I always sat and flopped on my chair, settling in, ready to fall asleep the moment she started speaking. I couldn't help it, it was either sleeping or getting harassed by them as they flickered in and out of existence.

I knew I was the only one in the entire class who could see them but I wished others could see them too. Some were walking around and blowing air into people's ears making them uncomfortable, some were throwing student's pens or books to the floor and some even went to the extent where they made chairs collapse right when someone wanted to sit down ,making helpless students look more pathetic at their fellows.

Maybe if they could see them or hear them ,they wouldn't judge me , pity me or gossip about me .I had earned the name ghost seer because at one time id tried to stop one of them from raising a certain girl's skirt in front of everyone.

Everyone had looked at me while I was asking it to stop and when id noticed how quiet the class had gotten, id been so embarrassed that I vowed to never involve myself with them .That was hard because I could see them literally everywhere ,causing trouble, and no matter how hard I tried to ignore them, I couldn't stop myself from interfering from time to time, so I had made a decision to just sleep throughout my entire classes and read notes from Sasha and Rita later.

Id always been able to see them from a very early age ,actually I cant remember a time where I couldn't see the ghosts walking around, some tried talking to me but I always managed to ignore them because I noticed how they tended to follow me around, causing trouble, when they knew I could see them.

Id tried telling my parents about it but they couldn't believe me, they kept saying it was my young imagination running wild .So one time they came to me holding each others hands and when they saw me smiling at them, my mum burst into tears

"Can you see us baby"

I had nodded at them not understanding why they were expecting me not to see them until I noticed my dad flickering lightly.

Id started balling my eyes out screaming because I knew they were dead .My brother had rushed to my side trying to identify what was going on, but all I could do was point at the empty space where I could see them but he couldn't.

"Who are you seeing"

"Mum and dad" I sobbed in his shoulders , my brother always believed me even though he couldn't see what I saw.

"Are they here? Can they see me?" he'd asked looking around the room ,I nodded my head while he looked at the empty space, tears in his eyes.

"Hey mum, hey dad, I know I can't see you but am sorry for whatever has happened to you guys, I love you and I promise to take care of Eilly."

They'd nodded their heads before disappearing leaving me ,a screaming little bundle in my brothers small hands .Later that evening, my aunt had come to tell us of the misfortune and she was so surprised to find us so calm but she never asked as anything .Even when we went to see their bodies....

I shuddered and closed my eyes away from the memory putting my head on my locker.

"Hey Eilly did you get it good last night"

I opened my eyes to find Edwin looking at me, I stared at him in bewilderment. How did the most popular guy in our class decide to talk to me or better yet seem to know my name.

"Are you talking to me right now" he nodded his eyes filled with laughter .

"What was your question again" he repeated slowly as if explaining to middle school kid.

" Did.... you.....get... it... good.... last ...night..... You look sleepy right now"

"Did I what?" then it got to me what he was trying to mean," This piece of shit" I muttered

"Soooo how was it?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows for good measure .I smiled at him then leaned towards him ,catching him by surprise, before answering sweetly .

"I would have told you the details but I think that girl next to your ear wants to tell you how her night was down in the graveyard, she seems quite smitten by you actually"

He looked around him horrified at what I was telling him .I wasn't actually lying, there was a blonde ghost sitting on his desk looking at him with adoration in her eyes .She leaned in to whisper something into his ear, blowing a cold blast into it, he quickly got up, gathered his books and hurriedly left the class muttering under his breath about weird girls.

I smiled and put my head on my shoulder ready to go back to sleep

"hey what was that"

Irritated I looked up at the person disturbing my sleep and my eyes met the dull blue eyes of the blond ghost that was now sitting on Edwin's empty chair.

" Shit" I muttered putting my head back on my locker.

"No need to pretend you can't see me I know you can ". Her voice was airy and small as if she was trying to regain her breath after every few seconds .I ignored her and closed my eyes pretending to be deeply asleep.

"It's ok if you are not comfortable talking to me, I can just leave"

Well that was a first, no ghost ever left after noticing I could see them .I continued ignoring her, adding a fake snore in my feigned sleep.

"My name is Lizzy by the way and Edwin was my boyfriend in middle school "She sighed " I loved him so much but then I died, so now I get to see him everyday even though he can't see me."

I couldn't get sleep now with her speaking to me, and I was afraid the other ghosts would notice and come disturb me .I opened one eye and stared at her ,"I thought you were leaving"

She rolled her eyes "Why would I ? Of course I can't leave knowing that I can speak to one person who isn't dead like me so as I was saying....."

"Shhhhh..." I put my finger on my lips looking worriedly about the room ,"The others will notice and come here to disturb me ,please leave me alone" I pleaded with her silently so that my classmates couldn't notice I was talking to a ghost.

"Wait you can see them too ? I nodded

" That's cool

Tired of asking her to shut up, I stared straight ahead and prayed for the class to end without the ghosts noticing me or the class noticing the ghosts.

"So that old one standing next to your teacher ",I looked over at Miss Awdy and next to him was an old man ,no actually, an old ghost listening to what she was saying nodding his head at some points and trying to correct the oblivious Miss Awdy .

" That's Awdy he's that female teacher's father ,seems like she decided to follow her father's footsteps when he died .The one standing at the door with a sling bag is actually waiting for the bell to ring ".I looked over at the door and sure enough a young guy, maybe around my age was standing at the door impatiently waiting for the bell to ring .

"Well that makes two of us" ,I muttered loud enough for the guy sitting in front of me to hear .He turned back and raised his eyebrows .

"Am sorry I was just asking for the time"

He looked at me weirdly and pointed to the front of the class where there was a clock . Embarrassed I slunk deeper into my chair waiting for the bell to ring and release me from this torture.

Looking over the room I noticed Sasha and Rita looking at me in wonderment.

"What" I mouthed, i'd never noticed them in this class before because I always slept upon entry .

"Why aren't you sleeping" Sasha mouthed back, rolling my eyes I pointed to the chair next to mine which was empty and they both nodded sympathetically .I had told them about my ability to see ghosts and they'd been both surprised and amazed, I couldn't tell whether they actually believed me or they just went along with what I told them.

"Wait, can they see too? " blondy shouted beside me pointing at my two friends who were now looking back at the teacher .

"No" i closed my eyes and breathed in before opening them to see if the other ghosts had noticed.

"Oh am sorry you didn't want to be noticed" she whispered .Two of the ghosts had noticed and were heading towards us, while the rest continued on with their business.

"Go back guys she doesn't want to be noticed you'll just scare her" blondy told the two ,a little girl holding an older boy's hand tightly .I ignored them completely listening attentively at the teacher and even jotting down notes on the edges of my book.

"Are you sure she can see us or are you just making things up ,she seems quite engrossed with the class" ,the boy said looking at me closely.

"Of course she can see you, she's just pretending so that you leave". Blondy thrust her hand on my face and I flinched.

" See she can see us she's just pretending not to."

Just as the guy was about to comment the bell rang.

"Thank God" hurriedly I threw my books into my bag and ran out the door followed by an angry Sasha and a worried Rita.

"Did they hurt you" Sasha asked checking if I was ok .

I stopped and looked back before releasing the breath I had not noticed id held, the ghosts were not following me anymore .I could see other ghosts, but nowhere was blondy and the two siblings.

"Nope they were just making me uncomfortable."

"Next time we are sitting next you , so when they come near you i'm gonna ninja kick their asses," Rita said doing some ninja poses she'd seen in a certain series she was recently watching .I laughed while Sasha grabbed my hand pulling me away from the spectacle of Rita.

"I'm sorry she's not with us, we don't even know her"

"Where the hell do you think you are going without me", Rita shouted behind us making it so obvious that she was with us ,this made me crack up even more.

"Lets go eat am hungry" I stated heading towards the cafeteria with a bickering Sasha and Rita behind me .

Entering the now filled cafeteria I pushed my glasses up my nose and scanned the room for blondy and her friends .Sighing with relief when I couldn't spot them, I headed towards the counter passing through an old janitor ghost .I shuddered inside but smiled at the fact that she didn't notice me , after collecting our food we headed towards the empty tables in the middle of the room.

Just as I was sitting down I felt something like electricity passing through me ,I knew this feeling, I always felt it when he was around .

"Don't look Neill has just entered the cafeteria" Rita confirmed my suspicion pointing behind me .Sasha turned to stare and whistled.

"Mans so hooooot"

"I just told you not to look" Rita whispered .

"Why so you can ogle that fine specimen by yourself ? No way"

"But you have a boyfriend Sasha"

"Yep boyfriend, not fiancé" rolling her eyes, she continued staring behind her .I slowly turned and my eyes and met his strong grey gaze .He smiled and headed towards a table filled with the school's high people ..the table of the rich ,a table where only the richest, prettiest handsomest people sat, people on top of the high school hierarchy .Weirdly my brother was also sitting at that table ,well he's handsome but still ...my eyes followed Niall as he sat down , placing a carton of milk by him.

That was when I saw blondy smiling and waving at me as she sat next to him and drank from his carton . I quickly turned to my food to evade blondy and noticed my friends looking at me,

"What?" I asked them drinking my juice nonchalantly .

"You just saw a ghost doing something, right" Sasha replied excitement in her voice


"Yes we saw you staring at the rich table ,particularly the space beside Neill ".Rita offered

"Please tell us what you see, is it a boy, an old man, a beautiful girl, who is it and what are they doing? Sasha held onto my hands so that I couldn't eat until I told her.

"Hold your balls young girl" defeated I told them of meeting blondy during lit class and how she was now sitting beside Neill drinking his milk.

"Sweet ,he's going to drink ghost milk" stuff like this usually interested my best friends.

Rolling my eyes I continued eating my food as the two stared at Niall, waiting for him to drink his milk .He finished his food and got up passing our table towards the door, I felt the electricity zap through my body and I saw him tensing slightly in the corner of my eyes or maybe I was just imagining things.

"That's weird" Sasha said looking at Neill's back as he threw the carton of milk in a dustbin before heading out.

"What" I asked finally looking at them and noticing they had not touched their meal.

"He didn't drink it ,the entire time he was eating he never touched the milk he just got up and disposed the carton ",Rita filled me in.

"Well that was weird" I shrugged the weird feeling I was feeling maybe it was nothing and encouraged my puzzled friends into eating their food .As we walked towards our lockers I noticed the two siblings waiting by my locker .

"shit " I turned so fast, crashing into the wall of a man's hard chest, he held me steadily as I tried to regain my balance.

" thanks"

I tensed before slowly lifting up my eyes to the grey pools that made my blood zap in my veins .Neill licked his lips and gave me a lopsided grin before releasing me ,instantly I felt empty on the spots he'd held but I could still feel the zapping in my body.

"am sorry"

"Well you are clumsy, I saw you falling out your balcony this morning ,are you ok? he asked

"Oh my God" I groaned covering my face with my hands. I could hear Sasha snickering behind me but I choose to ignore her .I looked up at him ready to apologize when I saw blondy peeking from behind him

"Oh God not you again blondy."

"Blondy?" Neill looked at me quizzically" Wait, so it's true you can see her? You can see Lizzy?"

So blondy's name was Lizzy, I remembered her telling me something if that sort in...suddenly it dawned on me what he'd said.. I looked at him astonished

"What did you ask me"

"Can you see the blondy ,she's Lizzy my dead sister".

She can see ghosts and so does he but what if their meeting is more of a curse than a blessing?

Will they be able to fight for their love even if people were changing and dying because of it?

Or will they decide to part ways for the benefit of the greater good?

She might be stupid but she is the only one who can save them.

He might be smart but he is better with her

Ride along with the two necromancers as they try to fight their destiny.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Nora_Hamisicreators' thoughts