

Carlos couldnt help it but burst into serious laughter too. He knows his two sisters to be very crazy and funny when in good mood. He walks to them, "c'mon guys, we need to be superfast to harvest all.." he opens his cute big blue eyes as he pronounces the 'all', even stresssing the pronounciation. Then with raised eyebrows, wide eyes plus a very funny face, while he bends his neck gently up and down as he speaks mimicking a very old man he continues, "the riped ass tomatoes before it clocks 4:pm". Stefnih and Debbie have had it, they laughed so bad they seemed like beer drunken bad girls. The laugh continued till Carlos began regretting why he made them laugh coz the duo will laugh till they slow down as if they want to stop and start all over again.

He was also enjoying the show coz he's got his upper teeth on his lower lip and smiling too coz he loves to see his sisters happy as they're now opharns but Mr. Bullock's crazily moustached face appears in his imaginative eyes and he Carlos speaks up, "remember it'll take us a serious thirty minutes to haul it with the cart to Mr. Bullock's shop. He warned me not to exceed a second more", the two crazy sisters just allowed him to finish and both chorused, "use the old man's voice", Debbie and Stefnih laughing respectively looked at each other and laughed even more harder. Carlos couldn't help it again but join them, isn't this one fuckin funny-ass family, he thought. "C'mon Stef stop", Carlos finally begs, "he insisted l should be there latest by 4:35pm. His face was pleading. "Ok lets help our brother and let's make some money", she starts picking ripe tomatoes and dropping them carefully into the basket. But then she stops, "l wanna spend the rest of my life in the city". She has a kind of funny-crazy-desirous expression on her face, "and you guys are coming with me, were gonna relocate!!" She pronounces the 'relocate' with much confidence and excitement but neither Carlos nor Stefnih was convinced. With a tired tone he replied her, "Debbie the money we make from these cash crops barely sustains us, fire destroyed half of Kingsville", he resumes picking tomatoes but didnt stop talking. "What we need to be worried about is that l make it on time to Bullock's before these slow ass cows block the road while drinking water at May Stream. Stefnih was quiet while all this happened while but very busy with the tomatoes, "those fuckin cows", Debbie cursed, tightening her face and dimming her eyes as if she was about to give someone some serious warnings. Then she takes a deep bite on the tomato she's been holding, stops working, munches for a while then speaks with almost a mouthful. "Could you believe one of those ugly cows nearly struck my bums with it's horn while l was coming back from seeing Enzo off?..." WORRK!!! Carlos and Stefnih fires simultaneously at her, she laughs and continues working.

Its been like two hours of serious work, they have seven big full baskets of red ripe tomatoes to show for that, soon Carlos the 'strong' will cart them to Bullock's with the help of Buba and Torque, their old friends. These cows can pull anything no matter the weight along the hilly landscape of Kingsville so far its in the cart. Debbie just returned from getting an empty basket for her next fill but decided to clean her face, shes beginning to sweat even though the sun was very faint when she felt her foot sank into the dark black humus soil.

This was very unusual because it hasn't rained for months, the soil shouldn't be that soft, she thought. She pulls her leg out and behold she saw a shiny round object, the color of gold. Curious but excited she casts a quick glance at her siblings, none noticed what she's up to, then she picks the object. It was covered with sand but she cleaned it with her handkerchief, she needed no soothsayer to tell her she has found a reasonable piece of gold.

"Carlos, Stefnih come quickly", she couldn't contain the excitement, "l found..."' she stops, she needs to shock their ass. Carlos gets angry, "Debbie l need to get these tomatoes to...!!", Debbie displays her new found treasure, the other two became speechless. "How the hell?" voiced Carlos, Stefnih couldn't believe her eyes that she had to wipe them with the back of her hand just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "I told you we're going to the city.

Then she quickly decides to add more fun to the show, "l might be the last in this noble family but...", she opens her sexy eyes very wide and continues with a very hilarious facial expression. "Im very..", she takes her time to pronounce the 'very' enunciatingly, she adds another 'very' exaggeratingly, "very special", she boasts.

She bows to her siblings like a geenie and stands back up exclaiming with great excitement though carefully not being loud, "we're rich comrades, we're fuckin rich...". But the expression on the face of her siblings she couldn't fathom, something must definitely be seriously wrong. A man in his forties on ragged dark attire with a scary looking face mask emerges from the bush behind Debbie and grabs her round soft breasts violently with both hands, instantly he began smooching her onion-shaped round buttocks with his dick hardly pressed against her, laughing hysterically and moaning looking into the sky. She struggles to free herself but he's far more stronger than her, she could feel his hard, fully standing dick pushing her as if it wants to drive through her long linen robe into her anus. The gold fell, its the size of a cricket-24 carat.

Carlos draws his dagger, tightens his face angrily and runs to meet the bastard, Stefnih is anxious and confused, her heart pounds heavily. Debbie speedily stumps her boot's right foot heel on the toes of the ragged looking man, he screams shriekly and releases her. She angrily picks the gold, using it as a weapon and slams it on the jaw of her attacker, he dives headlong into the basket half-filled with riped tomatoes but two more desperate and heavily built ragged men ran into the scenario.

Carlos was already running to Debbie but when the second assailants emerged, in a second he took a very quick, crazy attacking decision. He was running straight to Debbie but he diverted a bit to his left from his track, sped up and dived headlong slamming the guts of one, the other he hit with his muscular and very strong shoulder, grabbing him as well. He succeded in falling the two heavy men down. "Run!". Stefnih screams at Deborah, Debbie took off like jet.

Now Carlos knew they were in great danger, these demons are oulaws, they get whatever they want whenever they want it. Theyre the occultic clan of Field Marines, known for broad daylight attack, maiming, vandalising, looting, kidnapping and their most favourite evil act of raping women regardless age in front of their families. But they're not from Kingsville or Green valley, the next town, they're from Bushworths, a cursed and abandoned evil forest where anyone hardly ventures. Rumours had it they're all dead because Marcus and his men invaded, killed and set Bushworth's ablaze, that was how the fire spread to Kingsville. We're these the surviving ones, how the hell they entered Kingsville unnoticed?

Your support, you dear highly esteemed reader is really inspiring me to drive harder and get better. Thanks so much guys, expect more coz the next chapter is really gonna be bloody...

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts