

But he must save his sisters, as the trio fell, he acted swiftly using the kinetic energy to perform a forward roll over, supporting himself with both hands he spinned like a young demon, landed, then squatting while the two men were still groaning on the ground.

He sprang up to go and help Debbie but a sizeable portion of wood smashed his jaw. Throwing him four feet into the air, somersaulting and landing with the neck though his dangerous hands pulled out on time to prevent his neck from breaking.

Stefnih saw it all, they're killing her brother,

"Carlos!!!", she shouts will all her might.

Marcus is beginning to enjoy the show, the four feet wood that slammed on Carlos breaking his jaw was still in his heavily muscular iron fist, seems Stefnih's voice infuriated him. He tosses it lightly to the left hand and throws it at her like a fuckin spear, he's really a good shot coz that wood flew precisely to her mouth.

Just as it was about to smash her pretty face, she ducks to the right with a very serious expression written all over her face. Her dark long hair swings gracefully. The wood missed her but was stopped by the face of another marine like six feet away from her, he suddenly dropped dead.

Stefnih's father was Dramindra San Diego, a well renowned hunter, farmer and business man.

He trained them well in combat and boxing but the random way the marines attack and their large number is something to be really worried about. She sped out of her position and stops, standing face to face with the devil.

His name is Kabir, he's the leader of the Marines but he has never been known to wear long suits which back is made of animal fur, he's not wearing the scary nose mask which has drawings of human skeletal teeth on the lips position. It covers the mouth and nose except the eyes but she's determined to protect her brother.

She advances towards him but a marine throws a vicious kick at her, aiming for her lower abdomen: right in-between her curvy legs.

She side-steps, grabs the attacking leg, bends a bit with both knees, slams her right fist to his dick, lifts him up on her shoulder and throws him into the air.

He lands on a basket full of tomatoes with the face. Like lightening another assailant was in the air flying like the wind towards her, he's got his left hand holding his deadly poisoned dagger. So ready to kill. Stefnih saw him on time and dodges smoothly rolling on her back to her right. Just as she was getting up, another marine aimed for her damn eyes as his left hand was viciously and fastly comning down on Stefnih's face.

But the quiet lady has suddenly turned bloody. She stopped the man's descending arm with one hand, kneeling on one leg, she twists his arm violently. He lets out a loud grunt then she slams her dagger into his fat belly with the other hand.

Fascinating, the scenario has become, Marcus couldn't help it but fold his arms around the chest, watching calmy. Many call him 'the bringer of death', it's no fat joke bcos he's a deadly, bloody Warewolf also fearfully known as a Lycan! He brought Kabir and his gang here for a purpose, a revenge! Kabir needs to prove to him that he's got the heart of stone before Marcus considers accepting his proposal.

The scenario simply depicts a bunch of demons from hell attacking a bunch of innocent youths in London.

Marcus the devil was really enjoying the show and while he entertains himself still folding his damn hands, the sky goes a bit dark and there was a loud thunder boom cum heavy wind.

The wind blows the long black leather mafia suit he wore, revealing his muscular straight legs and the black shiny leather jean which perfectly fits him.

Hell has been let loose, Carlos glances at the dark sky then his furious eyes caught something; a nice portable log of wood which Marcus threw at Stefnih earlier. He can use it as a club but it wasn't gonna be easy cos he needs to get past like three raggedly dressed, wicked marines.

But he has to because he's no match for these guys. He swiftly throws himself to his right, falling on his right.

One of the three marines he calculated to maneuver past before he gets to the wood saw his move and smiled hysterically then dived headlong at Carlos. Both leapt into the air simultaneously.

The marine leapt like four feet into the air, ready to stab at his prey but unbelievably Carlos saw this while he was in the air.

Still in the air Carlos spins clockwise to face the sky, by steering his shoulder. This enables him to balance his position, then he fixes his gaze up looking at the sky with a very serious dreaded face as if he was expecting a jet to fly by.

But it wasnt a jet that flew by, instead the marine found himself flying over the prey he dived into the air to stab once he lands on him. As the marine advances forward, theyre in such a position that the marine was backing the sky in a diving posture.

His legs were positioned as if he was about to take off on a hot track race. One more crazy fact about their positioning was that the marine's head was above Carlo's thighs, same crazily applies to Carlos.

Still in the air Carlos was very conscious, the marine was perfectly above him. Carlos lashes out a thunderous bicycle-kick like stunning footballers do and his left boot caught the temple of the marine. The diving stopped abruptly as the marine commenced descending on him.

Carlos quickly grabbed the idiot by the collars of his long suit performs a semi rotation of ninety degrees and changed their position whereby they're facing each other lying on their sides. Then he used the force of the spinning to push hardly at him, the marine dropped dead, Carlos landed like a Ninja with both palms touching the ground, like lightening the right hand hid itself behind his back.

The thunder strikes again, it starts raining, lightly though.

The second assailant sped to him, Carlos sped towards him with even more fury, the marine throws a powerful punch but Carlos dodges on time bending, allowing the blow to swing past his head. He was moving like a beast, done. But the third marine pulls out his sword swinging a vicious strike with the right hand shouting hysterically.

Yet again Carlos 'the fast' slides on both knees on the green grassed land, the rain enabled him to glide smoothly on the grass, but he was very conscious.

He bent his upper body from the waist upwards like he was celebrating a hot hat trick goal in a UEFA Champions league final football match. With this he gracefully dodged the marines incoming blood thirsty blade meticulously looking at the sky.

When he approached the wood he used the same force to roll on his side towards it, he grabbed it and let out a loud embittered, outraged cry as he gracefully rose up, water drippling from his torn red T-shirt and blue Vasace jean.

His voice echoed in the woods, startled birds flew, the thunder boomed again followed by another lightening. Debbie was still running, she saw the lightening too, three crazy marines were up against her poor ass

The rain continued, the wind blew harder at Marcus's long suit threatening to tear it off but it dares not.

He succeded in getting the attention of the whole pack, they're like twelve of them minus Marcus.

This gives Stefnih a little break, somehow she's seriously fixing her gaze on Kabir. His fuckin face seems familiar, she was right, the evil memory of that fateful night fills her mind...

That night the hoodlums attacked her family, her dad Dramindra San Diego was found mysteriously dead, they suspected food poisoning because of the thick white foam all over his lips. They were yet to fathom what caused his death when the hoodlums blew their doors open and attacked them. She's still very young then but following her mother's instructions, she hid her little siblings in the underground secret safe house.

Therese sacrificed herself to save her family, that same cold night Stefnih watched as Kabir slashed her mother's throat with a dagger, she was kneeling. Another man was standing very same way Marcus has been standing and monitoring all that's been happening today.

You evil men from the pit of hell, not again! Stefnih thought, her adrenaline rose a thousand times.

Rrrrgghhh!!! She yelled madly like a wounded lion, backing up her junior brother. The marines were confused as they've already directed all their attentions at Carlos, this made some of them to stop.

Some advanced to her while more of them advanced to Carlos. Stefnih grabs a sword, her sexy eyes fixed on Marcus then at Kabir. She's going to kill that bastard that slew Therese. She has to get past at least five marines all heavily armed to the teeth, she takes the first step...

The force with which her feet hits the ground causes the water gathered around her to splash gently parting outwards for her black boot, she takes another step. There was a second splash. She seems cold like steel and her swag is begining to make Kabir feel aggravated.

One of the marines rushed at her with his sword held by two hands, he looks very ready to kill, Stefnih runs to meet him. Two marines rush at Carlos, he yells like a young demon and runs to meet them too.

The marine strikes viciously at Stefnih, she's pretty good at ducking, she ducks passing swiftly below the sword which swooped with a great speed above her dark hair. Then she rolled on the watered ground, just as she was about to stand with water drippling down her curvy body, the next marine found her sword right inside his guts. Her eyes glowed with rage and fury.

Another rushes to cut her, he was approaching from her back, shes backing him. She heard the footsteps and moved fastly like ten inches away from her previous position.

The marine was very smart, he thrusts his long sword out with all his might maintaining a good distance from this bitch who dodges attacks like a Sumarai goddess but his sword ended up in the belly of his partner who's already contending with Stef's sword in his poor belly.

Aaarrgghh!!! He groans, poor marine, two swords one belly for crying out loud.

Stef, like her siblings love to call her got the marine exactly where she wanted him to be. With all her might she pulls and swings at the same time her sword from the marine's belly and cuts the left hand of the other marine. The strike was so powerful that it also sliced open his guts all in a split second. Same second she swung another powerful strike back at the marine who previously received the swords in his gut, this time his masked face gets seperated from his body.

Two men on black masks with white skeletal teeth drawing on the lips attacked Carlos, this guy's got a very sharp sickle in his left hand.

Rumours had it that most gang members of Field Marines are left-handed.

No wonder they never miss a throw but tonite with the Diego's, its a different story.

He swings his sickle at Carlos aiming for his throat but the thick log of wood is like four feet tall. Carlos skillfully used the upper end of it to stop the sickle, the lower end was very free, he slammed the marine's manhood with it, the latter growled painfully popping out both eyes and drops very slowly.

Another approaches from his left side but Carlos pulls out his kitchen knife turned dagger and flung it perfectly into his throat. He growled, staggered and clutched the knife with both hands as blood oozed out from his throat.

This just keeps getting bloodier.. So much thanks dear reader and much love and thanks to my dearest Indian readers, my biggest readers, Thanks guys. Please u can drop ur comments too, I'll love that. Also message me at blackmatrixreloaded@gmail.com. love y'all

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts