

The marines were gradually reducing in numbers, engaging a mere teenager and a lady. Kabir was becoming more impatient; his future new master is here to access how badass he and his wild dogs are so he can become a warewolf in a matter of days as the full-moon-day approaches but the reverse is happening.

When he becomes a warewolf, he will be very powerful above humans, he can leap from the ground, up to more than 20 feet or more. He can jump down from a seven-storey building and feel nothing, he can even dodge bullets like they do in the Matrix. He's gonna be super-fast, he's gonna be a god.

But another marine groans as Stefnih swings her sword with both hands and cuts open a marine's throat like she was hitting a baseball. She uses the same motion to turn round to her right, backing her victim who dropped on his knees clutching his throat helplessly as it shoots out blood like a spray.

She was facing her worst enemy, one of them to be precise. She was ready for the FIGHT of her life. Holding her sword with both hands, she points it at Kabir Makarani the grandson of Mercelos Goldberge Zamani Makarani the III. A life or death challenge with a pussy like Kabir's men think is definitely not a good sight for the Boss of the fearful Field Marines, people piss in their underwears and some do faint at the mentioning of their fuckin name.

Kabir is getting ready to unleash the beast in him, he's gonna chew this bitch like a fried chicken or hot burger and wash her down with an ice cold chilled bottle of soft drink listening to legendary 2-Pac's 'me against the world' rap song. His lips part stylishly, revealing his white shiny teeth and he's about to rush at her. But instead Murphy, one of the top dogs of the marines can't watch his Boss Kabir insulted. He's very big and muscular like a mega superstar wrestler. Yelling angrily he runs like a deer attacking Stefnih. Kabir heaves out an uncomfortable but proud sigh of relief, "ma men!", he must have thought.

When Murphy is in action, everyone else stops and watches coz he's the best besides Kabir their leader. Perharps the whole damn marine crew failed to realise what a devil of a man that was in their midst that evening. What Murphy did pissed Marcus off and the next thing that happened shocked everyone including Carlos and Stefnih.

As Murphy yelled, running to attack Stefnih; halfway before he got to her. Marcus sped like lightening with the type of speed the eye struggles to comprehend.

He approaches Murphy who was in a running posture, he kicked the left leg that was bent backwards that it collided with the right one as it was returning with great speed.

This made poor Murphy to take an unscheduled three and half feet dive into the air but what baffled everone was that Marcus strangely disappeared from his position with an unimaginable speed and stood ahead of the flying-incoming Murphy.

As Murphy drew closer to him, Marcus with an aggressive look lashes out a vicious kick as his right boot, the underneath, stopped the head of Murphy. The kick caught him on the face; the force of the stop abruptly broke his neck. He instantly dropped dead; everyone froze then each of the marines choreographically took two steps backwards, Carlos and his brave sister didn't.

"Enough of this nonsense child's play", Marcus barked, he sounded cold like a hulk. Only now did doubting-Carlos realize there are people beyond humans living in the same planet with him. He glances at five marines, fixing his gaze at one, he barked orders, "all of you", he fixes his gaze now at Carlos, "get that boy", he barked again. "Kabir", Marcus called out, he looks sternly at the latter, "kill her", he commanded. Kabir has been staring wickedly at Stefnih, all he did was nod his damn head. Kabir gat no hair on his skin-cut head; his side-beards were fully grown and dark, he's one mean looking handsome dude.

Stefnih and Carlos clearly understood this was no jokes, now that the devil himself has spoken. The dream she had last night flashed in her memory as a cold shiver ran down her spine. Could this evening be her last day on earth???

In the dream, she fell down from a very high mountain because Carlos failed to save her. There were too many crazy questions to be answered but as she tightens her face to encounter Kabir who flew with his right foot charged in the air, kicking.

The most complicated question that bothered her so much was how the hell is she and her brother gonna make it out of here alive; seeing how arch-demon-Marcus cancelled that huge Murphy???

Kabir's flying kick missed her by a space of breath but he managed to deal her a hot punch with his left clenched fist. Stef fell, rolled on the ground and got back on her feet. She knew she could be dead any second should Marcus decide to intervene but she was ready to fight to the death.

She remembers her two dear siblings, then her parents and an unimaginable strenght flows in her body.

With a loud cry, she swings her sword at Kabir; he dodges stooping down but Stefnih allows the missed attack to glide her sexy body as she used the movement of the swing to leap into the air as if it was intentional.

She spins a weird three hundred and sixty degrees in the air; spinning to her right and raising her sword up using both hands, with all her might. When when she faced Kabir again, she struck viciously at him bringing both hands down, clutching the sword.

Kabir couldn't believe what happened, he ducked back, the strike luckily missed him but the tip of her blood thirsty blade cut a faint line on his temple, the tip of his fine nose and finally sliced open his mafia suit. Leaving him with an ox blood Armani T-shirt that has a black large portrait of the human skull.

A very tiny straight red line marked his face from the temple, down to his lips. Its blood; its expanding. He went wild, lashing out his sword at her with the left hand, she dodges. Using the movement then he quickly and smartly with the right hand, turns to the right backing her and launches a blind attack with his second sword only to turn facing her again. Seems he picked this from the last move she just made at him.

But bad ass Stefnih dodged all two vicious attacking moves which aporoached like lightning by stooping to dodge the first attack and ducking backwards for the incoming blind attack.

As kabir was balancing his right foot on the ground after the second swing with his right hand, Stefnih who just finished a super ducking backwards leapt into the air and smashed his chest with her right kick, lifting his heavy body into the air. He flies back like a reversing truck, lands with a big splash from the pool of water as it kept raining.

Carlos swung his club using both hands, slamming it on the face of a marine, the blow sent him diving into the nearby bush. He quickly side-steps avoiding an attacking marine, then he takes another powerful swing when the marine sped past him. The club slammed the latter's neck, he was backing Carlos. He flew like a kite into the air diving head front.

Carlos unbelievably takes another crazy powerful swing instantly to his left even without seeing his victim. The previous swing he took was to his right. The wood was stopped by the neck of another marine, it hit the left side of his neck, causing him to somersault sideways to Carlo's left with a perfect spin and landing on the watered ground causing another big splash.

A marine from afar threw his jack-knife at Carlos; it dug into his upper arm. Carlos let out an agonizing cry and pulls out the knife only to recieve a hot flying kick on the face, it sent him crashing on the ground.

He used his fall to perform a backward rollover, pushing himself up with both hands, spun round like a freaky break dancer, lands on both legs but he received a deadly punch on the face.

The marines are pretty good at this type of massive counter-attack, like eight of them were all up against young Carlos. But to hell with there bloody numbers.

As he fell from receiving the blow, he remained on the ground beside a marine he killed earlier, he spits out blood and starts getting up sluggishly. Three marines closest to him smiled, one walked to him, letting his guard down coz he had his sword held in his hand but he wasn't gonna use it.

Maybe he thought he was dying.

Laughing, he approached Carlos, grabbed his dark long hair but his eyes popped out in uttermost shock as he received a sharp sword in his guts. He slumped dead.

Carlos charges like a mad bull, he swung his sword and dropped another marine but an arrow dug into his right leg. He cries painfully and staggers. A marine ran and dived like four feet into the air flying towards Carlos while he staggered back, he lands a deadly punch on his nose and all he saw was darkness...

Stefnih was getting weak, she's never encountered a fight like this all her life but she's never gonna give up.

Kabir got more infuriated, he can't be beaten by a pussy in his new master's presence. He's gonna kill this bitch, period. Yes! He's becoming a brand new born warewolf any moment from now.

He rose up from the ground; water drippling from his body. Grabbed and tore his T-shirt revealing a heavy pounding, muscular, hairy chest. On his back was tatooed a large black head of the human skeleton. He's pretty and radiantly fair causing the tattoo to grace his glittering complexion.

He grabbed his sword and sped to meet her; Stefnih with an aggressive look also sped up. As both jam, their swords clanged as they struck each other very angrily, each holding their sword with two hands. Simultaneously they tried hard to surpress themselves by pressing their swords hardly against each other, exercising great strength against one another. Very perfectly timed, both struck each other again in a similar attack but Kabir got the upper hand, he head-butted Stefnih just as their swords clanged. The force swept her black boots off the ground, tossing her backwards into the air; she smashed her curvy round ass on the water causing a big splash. Then she tries to stand, staggers backwards and wipes the blood oozing down from her broken nose. But stand she did, panting heavily and eyeing him.

She wasn't expecting such a disrespectful attack, probably if he were a decent gentleman. But this mad man knows no such words as 'decency' or 'gentleness', cos he's one mothafukn babarian that can rape an old woman to death. He even boasts on the street that he has sold his soul to the fuckin devil.

You won't believe l stayed up all nite just to type this chapter but you my wonderful reader deserves even more. Please encourage n inspire me by commenting, liking, buying and voting my story. May Allah bless all your efforts, God will supply all your needs in Jesus name. Albarka, shalom my guys. Mmuuaaahh!

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts