

The vampires call their mighty mansion; coven. Such a simple name and five lettered word for a gigantic state of the art constructed edifice occupying a whooping seventy thousand acres of land. This coven has five hundred master suites. Five conference halls which at the push of a button digitally transforms itself into a mind blowing auditorium with two thousand seats ostentatiously garnished with state of the art technology like eyes popping giant sized screens, virtual personal screens and head gears for international vampires conference and a digital blood bank.

It has a very big forest, a river, seven five star hotels filled with sexy and charming prostitutes and every other thing that makes a community worth living in or visiting.

The vampires are very powerful and influential breed of people. Be it in the government, industry, medicals, sports or entertainment. They're so woven into the fabrics of the human social life that one forgets these people depend on human blood to survive.

But seems they're getting on well with the humans since the planet is controlled by affluence; gold, diamonds, platinum, money, power and of course pretty women. When it comes to wealth possession, the vampires are stupendously rich coz you hardly see one that is poor.

Its very pretty hard for a powerful supernatural being like a vampire to be poor. One teenage vampire can comfortably beat up 4 well trained police men. They can leap high into the air like their counterparts; the lycans or warewolves. They can bite a man to death like the lycans too but the most amazing fact about vamps like most media folks call them is their ageing hypothesis.

A vampire can be amazingly seven hundred years yet look like a fifty year old man or woman. They age too damn slowly and also very sensitive, this has alot to do with their emotions and perceptions.

They're one hell of a very intelligent specie in the sense that a vampire can see and understand what another vampire or human is thinking, even their very old past thoughts just by tasting their blood.

When they drink or taste the blood of another, all the memories and experiences of the person flashes before the eyes of the host like a video clip and the host automatically understands all they need to know in a matter of seconds. Even their deepest secrets.

They're really a special specie but they have one great weakness which even kills them regardless of their uniqueness; rendering them very powerless.

A vampire cannot venture to stand out in the ultraviolet rays of our comfortable and warming sun, it'll burn them to ashes just like fire burns plastic bags or newspaper.

This forces them to avoid sunlight completely, this is also why they operate between seven o'clock in the evening till seven o'clock in the early morning.

They're also very scarily allergic to garlic. It's so dangerous that it can burn a vampire's skin, damaging it completely.

Speaking of uncovering people's secrets, Leonard Lancelot seems very pissed this night as he failed again to capture one of his greatest enemy; Marcus Banes. Vampires don't joke with history, they keep records and informations like no one else.

Leonard learnt from a very good source that Marcus is a very old enemy of the Diego's. They crossed paths in the past; this was a vampire versus warewolf war that lasted for thousands of years. The generations that initiated the war are all gone now but as time unfolds, when either a vampire or warewolf uncovers the cruelty bestowed on its bloodline. They trace the blood line of the perpetrating family, find them and unleash hell on them.

Same thing Marcus did to the poor, innocent family of the Diego's.

But Leonard finds it hard to complete the puzzle, he scans his powerful, high-tech, space-sattellite-equipped apple laptop but didn't get what he seeks.

He rubbed his vampire palm on his beards and wondered why Marcus attacked the Diego's. He Leonard knows alot of secrets but not this one. What confuses him again is the fact that the heir of Dramindra San Diego; Carlos bears the cursed tatoo of the cobra goddess.

He needs to uncover this hidden secret but...

"Hey babe I've been searching for you all over", she pronounces the 'all over', with much emphasis on how seductive she can sound; she knows pretty well how Leonard thinks.

Leonard quickly closes his laptop, he hates to be disturbed while engaged in special tasks like this but this is the hot, sexy Lucy from Johannesburg, South Africa.

Wait a minute, she has to take a better look at this hot sexy and charming lady. There's alot of curiosity that sprang up in her innermost mind concerning this young woman. It better not be true.

Stefnih walks to Lucy and discovered it was herself that walked in.... She was Lucy!!!

But neither Lucy nor Leonard knew she was with them.

She took her time studying her every move very well.

But what shocked Stefnih so much was she strangely knows alot about everything.

Most times she doesn't even need to learn things, the information flows in too fast; she just realises she knows things.

She returns her thought to her doppelganger. At least that's what she believes her to be.

Her beauty is simply irresistible that he had to make her a vampire just to keep her beside him and of course add her to his list of hot women.

"Just trying to dig up some old secrets about my bloodline", he lied to her. Making up a tired and unsuccessful face.

"Dont worry babe, I'll see you later", she bends her round hips, kisses him on the forehead, rubs his hair, turns to leave but Leonard grabs her wrist.

Lucy was putting on a dazzling Gucci sleeveless, red, long gown, fits her alot revealing her seductive curves.

She's tall, fair and endowed with a very sexy, captivating voice. Leonard couldnt let her go.

He was sitting on the bed when she came in, he shifs the laptop aside and pulls her closer, squeezing her soft buttocks with both strong palms.

He closes his eyes as he placed his cheek on her flat tummy enjoying her sweet romantic perfume.

Lucy knows alot about sweet perfumes. Her mother is from Egypt where women's beauty treatment and fashion matters alot, no wonder Leonard is so much into her.

He uses both hands to pull her elastic long gown up as his hungry hands caresses her soft, succulent, fleshy thighs. Her glittering complexion is something else.

Lucy withdraws from him, turns her back as Leonard unzips her long gown from her back; the zip runs from her back down to her thighs. It simply dropped on the tiled floor.

Now she stood stark naked in all her glory as she was wearing no bra nor underwear. Her breasts stood firm, shooting into the air. Her long hair carefully packed on her right shoulder. She walks to him, sits down on his laps and locks her lips on his, they kiss passionately for few seconds as Leonard becomes ignited.

He spins her round in less than a quarter second, assuming the top position. He's a bloody vampire, he didn't find it hard to tear off his Versace sparkling white long sleeve shirt. Quickly he removed his pants and rushed her.

Lucy is extremely good on bed, as he undressed, her legs were already parted; wide open.

He went into her with an agressive thrust and all her sexy body quivered.

As he drove in and out of her with fast thrusts, their lips meet again in a hot sizzling kiss. He continued banging her while she squeezed his buttocks with both palms

Stefnih couldn't control her damn self anymore, she found her middle finger creep in-between her warm thighs. Then it found her wet clitoris and she starts massaging it gently.

As the Leonard increased his pace, Lucy jacks her hip up to recieve him, moaning loudly; Stefnih's other middle finger found her left nipple. She rubbed it passionately.

Then she withrew her finger from her nipple and inserted it into her wet vagina as she couldn't cope with the sound produced by Leonard's thighs hitting at Lucy's.

Opening her sexy lips and breathing fastly, her middle fingers worked frienzly and she unbelievably opened her eyes. She felt like she just woke up from a 'time travel', but this was more real than travelling in time coz her sleeky night gown was wet with her semen.

"What the bloody fuck", she cursed keeping her tone very low.

She looked around, Debbie was snoring as usual. She tiptoed to his room, the door was closed. She carefully and gently pressed the handle down and took a peep, Carlos was sleeping like a baby.

"Oh my God", she thought. This can't be just dreams, they're too fucking real and... She found no word fit in.

She walks to the bathroom, cleaned herself and removed the soiled nightgown. She was completely naked, she stretched her hand to pick a fresh one when a loud thunder filled the midnight dead silence.

She felt her back burning then she screamed and fell down, shivering and dying.

The strange thunder blast woke Carlos and Debbie, but the latter was still on her bed wondering why the hell the thunder as the sky looked very peacefull with lots of stars smiling down. Then she startled as Carlos burst into her room and spoke as if he's got a mouthful of hot noodles

"Stefnih is dying Debbie", he disappears and she follows suit.

You guys are full of surprises (laughing).

Black_Matrixcreators' thoughts