
Home at Last

I slowly and quietly opened the front door which made all but a sound and then I called out to my mom but to no use there was no response. Then I heard a small sound coming from the closet and it seemed like a muffled laugh. So as I neared the closet I put my ear to the door and listened and then again I heard a muffled laugh which in turn sent a tingle up my spine that was a sound I would hear from a horror movie but against my better judgment I opened the door and saw my sister sitting their just laughing in a little ball holding her teddy bear. I was very curious and distressed but couldn't take the time to figure it out so I grabbed her hand and picked her up and took her upstairs and that's where I found my parents in the bathroom with the door locked so I let them know it was me, but they didn't say anything at first, so I called out again and this time my mom responded with "OMG MY BABY I'M COMING OUT"!. So they came out and hugged me and told me they knew something was going on since they heard screaming and gunshots, so they then hid in the bathroom until it was clear but it never did clear up. Then it was a moment of silence then I saw my mom started to cry. She was balling her eyes out and ran over to my sister and hugged her and said. "I thought you were gone that something happened to you, I love you so much don't leave me again.Then as soon as she started with that, it ended, she looked at my stepdad and then with a full blown force of aggression started yelling at my stepdad and saying things like "HOW COULD YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT THIS" and "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU… YOU… HELLSPAWN" and in the moment with adrenaline still pumping through my veins I was sitting there thinking about what the hell is going on here and why all this was happening to me. Then as I was lost in thought, I realized that my sister wasn't next to me anymore so then I left the room and looked for my sister and heard her laughing, it seemed happy but it wasn't her normal laugh so in a flurry of movements I ran downstairs to find the source of the sound and found out that she was outside with this man.... "oh my God" we're the first words to come out of my mouth and the sight was sickening.