
The Blackheart Kingdom

A man awakens in an unfamiliar world surrounded by people, things, and creatures that couldn't be explained. Will he fall or will he rise to heights never seen before as. Stay tuned.

Killgrave100_ · Fantaisie
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When you awake in a forest with trees spreading infinitely forever you would be beyond confused and most likely confused. That would be true for the man on the ground. His face is as soft as a baby's butt and had polished skin. He awoke from his seemingly infinitely long slumber by staring into the leaves majestically falling while a few rays of light that had penetrated through the endlessly tall trees and fell upon his face. He looked around and all he had saw was grass and trees surrounding him. He had realized that he was no longer on his bed but, instead on the ground. He had gotten up frantically looking around to see if he could recognize his surroundings. Unsurprisingly he was unable to. He looked at his hands and legs to see if he was still the same as before. He confirmed that he was still wearing the same clothes as before and was still in the same body. He looked up and saw a shadowy figure in front of him. He froze in place and was unable to move or talk. The figure had slowly pressed further and further out of the darkness and into the light revealing the figure to be a man. He was armed with a makeshift hammer made of a branch and a rough rock with slight cracks in it. The armed man was the first to make contact. " Uh hey there uhhh" seemingly unable to come up with a conversation. " The baby face man had regained control of his body once he realized that it was another person and not a beast. He had taken a step back and asked in a hurried tone " Who are you!? " following up with " Where am I!? ". The armed man had understood the situation as if he had experienced it as well. He calmly said " Calm dow-, " the baby faced man interrupted and screamed " DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN " the armed man took a step back not expecting the baby faced man to be able to scream that loud. The armed man then put the weapon on the ground and lifted his hands towards the baby faced man signaling that he was no longer armed. " The baby faced man was confused why he had dropped his weapon on the ground. " The armed man said " I'm not here to hurt you son but I need you to keep your voice down " the baby faced man had realized his situation and tipped his head signaling that he understood what the unarmed man had said. " Where are we? " " I don't know kid ". The baby faced man had slightly calmed down and asked who the now unarmed man was " I'm Tobias and you are? " the baby faced man hesitated and said " I'm Michael ". " That's a great name " Tobias said trying to ease up the situation they find themselves in. Michael asks " do you know where we are at? " Tobias reminded him that he had already asked the question previously while he was still in a frenzy. Nonetheless he had repeated himself " I don't know. What I do know is that we're in a forest " Michael rhetorically saying " oh no really I couldn't tell ". Tobias smirking from the kids reply had made it clear that he found it quite funny. Just then a shiny holographic system popped up in front of Michael saying " Merging of [ Michael Rodriguez ] with [ World System ] completed.