
The Black List: The Sniper

Synopsis: I do not own this work, all rights go to their respective creators, I only own the OC. , English is not my native language nor is it a language I master, I write on my cell phone. The usual MC dies and is reborn in the world of Blacklist mixed with The shooter, MC dies and reincarnates as Bob Lee Swagger's older brother, it's a mixture of two worlds, it doesn't contain information from the book only from the TV series. PS: This is my first work, I'm using translator to write, I hope you give this fic a chance if you're a fan of these two TV series, reviews are welcome both negative and positive (call garbage is not criticism if it's to belittle it's better not arrive).

Trouxa_157 · TV
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Confusion at the birthday party. Part 2 (Rewriten)

Earl PVs

After leaving June's house with sadness in my heart, I head straight for the ballroom.

'My boy, whatever happens, I will not abandon you, you are not to blame for my mistakes nor should you be held responsible for their consequences'.

After going through the doors, I bump into Lala, who seems to have seen a ghost." What happened Aunt Lala"

Lala looks at Earl with tears in her eyes and like a child she hugs Earl tightly and cries, telling everything that happened and what June told them." Uhh... Uuuh... Sniff... Uuh... Sniff... Little A!! that witch said that Little Alex was a bastard... Sniff... And that she and you are not going to celebrate the birth of such a being... Uhh.

My Alex is nothing like that!!! My Alex is an angel sent by God to brighten my old age!"

Earl surprised by what he heard is furious, but after looking at his aunt's pitiful state, he remembers June's pitiful state and becomes embittered, so he says, "Of course, Auntie is right, Alex is not a bastard. Look at his certificate, my name is there, he is my son, Charles' grandson, and Mary's grandson, and especially Lala's grandson! So don't cry, today is a happy day, Alex's day!"

Lala looks at Earl and opens the most beautiful smile she's ever had in her life and says." That's right! my Alex is the most beautiful baby! forever!

Hump. How can she not like Alex, I bet she's a witch!"

Earl, who heard this, couldn't help but smile bitterly to see that she is the same woman from his childhood.

Even after so many years, his aunt never changed, the same aunt who came to his house every day after work to play and be more of a kid than he was.

Maria PV

My son is finally here, my heart can be at peace at least he didn't abandon his son, if he did such a thing I could never find Charles in the next life.

Lala approached me and told me the whole situation she heard from Earl, apparently June had a jealous rage and broke up with him so she made that weird call to me.

The party was going on and everything was going well until eight o'clock, when it's time to sing happy birthday and cut the cake, a drunk and disheveled June, apparently upset, walks in and starts breaking everything.

Earl PVs

June walked in the front door at the end of the party, I can't believe the state she's in, all disheveled, barefoot, drunk and depressed.

"June, are you okay? Come with me, I'll take you home, so you can rest!" Before I could react, she started to break everything, screaming and crying, the situation only worsened when the children were startled by the noise.

When I appeared in front of June she got worse, stopped throwing things at random, and pointed at me, finding nothing else she started screaming things and telling everyone our intimacies and how I betrayed her.

June PVs

After Earl left I couldn't take it, in the end, I really can't hate him, I love him and I know the boy isn't to blame, but if I don't blame someone else, I'll end up freaking out! My god, help me in these dark moments of my life, what should I do, is what I do to this child right?

The worst thing is that he's right, if he abandons the son he had with the other if our relationship doesn't go forward, wouldn't he also abandon my son?

Thinking about these things I just feel worse, I went to the liquor cabinet and drowned myself in wine, with memories of our childhood, high school, dreams, Earl's courage in saying he's going to follow his family career, our marriage, and the end, his face took over my mind, and his voice in saying he had a child out of wedlock, flooded my mind, and I drank twice as much, I know what I'm going to do!

I arrived at the damn party, there I see everyone happy singing and playing in the name of the bastard, I don't admit that this bastard has everything he doesn't deserve! Everything that should be my son's!.

I break everything, I destroy everything I see ahead.

Only by doing this can I finally get this anger out of my heart!

Soon Earl appears in front of me, trying to stop me! he thinks he can stand there all pompous, even when in fact he's a traitorous asshole! not for long my love!.

Everyone will know that Earl Swagger is a cheater.

Soon I see, see him, the source of all my misfortunes, the damned, miserable child, on top of that is looking at me and laughing like I'm a clown who's here to liven up your party, it won't be like this little boy, watch how I sink your face into this cake.

Alex PVs

Finally, this party is over, I'm already getting tired of all this noise, so just when I finally thought it would be the end, a woman, apparently drunk, all disheveled and barefoot, is breaking everything.

Now the party is lively, I almost couldn't hold back the laughter, I made a crying face with tears in my eyes, which only got bigger when I saw my father approaching her and calling her name, then I burst into tears along with the other children.

June who saw me crying, looked at me as if I had killed her parents, her face was one of blind fury, she screamed at my father and threw a table towards her and ran towards me like a bull behind a red flag.

As she was getting close, my grandmother Lala slapped her so hard in the face that June fell in a faint.

My grandma Mary picked me up and took me to the other room, too bad I won't know how this show ends.

Lala PV's

Today is the best day of my life in a long time, my Alex looks so cute in this sailor outfit, hahaha Mary wants the boy to follow in his grandfather's footsteps and be in the navy and not the army like his father, his hat is so beautiful.

The whole party Mary and I stayed by his side and watched him play, until the moment the congratulations started, I went to call the waiters to see the cake, I couldn't let the end of the party be spoiled by anything.

As I'm walking back with the waiters, I see this crazy woman yelling at Earl, and the pastel does nothing to stop her from doing her dirty laundry in public, so I run to my Alex in case she freaks out anymore.

Said and done, when I got to Alex's side and saw him crying and screaming, I realized he was scared, even more so with the crazy woman looking at him.

Just before picking it up, I see the madwoman coming towards her at high speed, it looks like she wants to do some harm to my Alex, I won't let her!

When I thought about what she was planning to do, I was furious and I slapped her with all my strength, she fell to the floor and didn't get up, when I recovered I only saw Alex crying even more and burying his face in Mary's breasts, I think this madwoman traumatized him.

Looking at others around me, I see everyone looking at me like she is a goddess, hahahahah I feel great, I hit the switch, and that makes me very pleased.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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