
The Black Hearted King's Swapped Bride

[Mature content] A tale of two princesses unfolds within the pages of this captivating story. Born from the same womb, their destinies diverge dramatically. One, the embodiment of beauty and promise, is hailed as Rosemane's future. The other, hidden away in the depths of the palace, suffers in shackles. As the notorious King of Lowoak, known as the Black Death, unleashes chaos across the five kingdoms, a marriage is proposed to bring peace. But will the lord of Rosemane sacrifice his beloved Cayaline flower? Or will the forgotten daughter, teetering on the edge of death, be thrust into the clutches of the Black-hearted King instead? Journey into a world of untold secrets, profound choices, and a fateful union that will mold the fate of kingdoms.

Faith_Andru · Histoire
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95 Chs

Protect the queen

"Ah!" Selena was in pain but King Liam, however, seemed unfazed, his composure intact. Selena couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at his seemingly unaffected state. He pulled her down to sit next to him.

"What?" she asked, her voice tinged with irritation. But as she posed the question, a warm trickle interrupted her words. Startled, Selena touched her nose with her fingertips, only to find them stained with crimson.

Concern flickered in Liam's eyes, his cold gaze melting momentarily. He swiftly pulled a white handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to Selena. She accepted it gratefully, pressing it against her bleeding nose. He touched her chin with a gentle caress and Selena jerked like she had been electrocuted.

Liam misunderstood her reaction as rejection and sighed before saying, "Look up." Selena looked up but her mind was staring at the hand that brushed against her skin.