
The Black Girl's Dream

I'm black, he's white. He's the boss, I'm the servant. We were too different to be fated. But destiny never fails to bring impossibilities to life.

Sarang_Nifemi · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

Master's new pet

"I b..brought you tea" I managed to say.

As he heard that, his hand stopped moving and his back that was facing me was replaced with his face.

and it was in that moment that I knew I was in trouble.....

I was in trouble, how can I not be?

This human, no this god has stolen my heart and refused to let go.

His hair was down and it partially covered his face, his jade green eyes that I hadn't noticed before and his lips...hm yum.

"Oh I see, you brought me tea" he broke my daydream.

"Um...I...I..yes master" she was lost of words in front of this man.

When the bible said "for ye are gods" this man took it seriously.

"Oh.." he paused "should I come to take it from you then?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

He smirked at me?

"I'll bring it to you sir" I replied quite startled.

I walked towards this man and my legs lost its strength. How can he do this without touching me? This is unfair.

Adele get a grip of yourself, he's your boss?

I reminded myself but rather questioned myself.

The master they told me about was supposed to be merciless but why does he seem normal to me?

Could Gloria be saying the truth?

Not me in my wildest dream, what am I even thinking about?

I inched towards him and didn't see a space to place the tray. As I was in his front already, I searched for a table perhaps to place it but he only took the teacup off the tray and sipped placing it back on the tray and continued painting.

I stood in place and realized that I might as well be the table with my hand stretched with the tray.

This is torture, this is my punishment?

My hand began to ache as he would paint a little, then sip a little from the cup and place it back with my hand stretched.

I was looking down trying not to focus on the pain and it was then I remembered what I was doing there in the first place.

"Master?" I managed to call out.

"Yes?" He replied quite surprisingly..

"Your mother is back" 

"Is that so?" He asked still engrossed in whatever he was painting

"Yes..." My voice trailed off as I shifted my gaze from his face to what he was painting.

He was painting me?

Could it be me? It could be anyone in the castle as the person he drew was wearing a maid's uniform but the features were exactly mine. This skin color was my color and the hair and this person was holding a guéridon.

He was painting me.

Is Gloria correct?

"Do you like it?" The master says.

"Huh?" I was definitely not expecting that question so I was confused.

"Do you like the painting? He asked again dropping the brush, crossing his legs and facing me.

"I..um.. I think it's really nice and um professional" I managed to say, his attention was towards me and it was quite intimidating.

This man here has taken my heart and the cage I kept it in. He took everything.

"Oh I'm professional...is that what you mean?" He asked teasingly.

"No um..yes your work is very professional"

"Is that so?"

"Yes master"

"So I'm not professional but my work is?" 

"No..I don't mean.." my voice trailed off as this man here stood up, collected the tray and placed it on the stool he sat on earlier. I looked back at him puzzled.

"Thought you could use some relief" he said as he inched closer which made me subconsciously move back.

He however caught up with me as he was taller and had long legs so he ended up in front of me in no time before my back hit the wall.

He leaned towards my right ear and his hot breath fanned my neck consequently making the hairs on my neck stand in attention. 

"Always knock before you enter, next time your punishment might be severe" he said within earshot and straightened up.

He then smirked briefly and disappeared towards the door with his hands behind him.

It took a while to process my thoughts as the effects of his closeness was still lingering, I somehow gathered my thoughts.

It turned out this whole encounter was the punishment.

He was playing with my emotions.

Sly man.

Here I thought he was being nice and benevolent.

I immediately ran so I could meet up and when I got to the waiting room in his chambers, there was no receptionist anymore.

This is probably the third receptionist that day and she was fired... again.

' Iwolorun kinni mo ko ra mi sí bayii?' I thought. (Oh my God what have I gotten myself into?)

At this rate, I might as well lose my sanity before I lose this job. How am I still even employed?

I quickly chased after him and followed behind him.

He had entered the lift already and I waited so that it could come back up and pick me up but he held the door and used one finger to signal for me to come.

I noticed that no maids were in sight and I wondered why as I entered the lift and stood behind my master.

The lift eventually got to the ground floor were the living room was and the queen and her people were waiting.

The lift opened and we were greeted with a smile from madame Marie.

"Master James, good evening" she said.

He didn't reply but rather turned his gaze towards his mother. Well, that was rude.

But indeed, madame Marie was probably used to it as she didn't seem bothered but rather her smile remained plastered like a robot.

It reminded me of a series I had watched on one of my classmates phone, my family was poor so we didn't have a tv, most movies were watched on my classmates' phone. I think it was 'king the land', the series was about a hotel were all the workers were always expected to smile no matter the situation.

Hérmes, that was the word.

It looked quite horrific to see her that way.

She must have stayed with the family for a long time to grow immune to that.

He turned to his mother and faced her with his hands in his pocket.

"You're home early" he said.

"No greetings this time?" His mother asked with a smile.

"You don't deserve it. I think we're done here" he said as he walked out on her.

"You did get a new pet like you said" his mother called out.

A new pet?

I haven't seen any dog or cat or animal that could be called a pet. What is this psycho queen saying?

But then everyone's eyes seems to be fixated on me and the master stopped walking for a while.

No way...

I'm not the pet, am I?

Hi, my new book "miss perfect's Highschool marriage" is participating in the WCF competition. Please support it and add it to your libary, new chapters everyday!

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