
The Birth Of The New World

The birth Of The New World is a story about the world attempting to somewhat civilize itself. As the world was used to living in tribes of many different sizes, some have started to band together and live as one, building castles as a way to show their power. Many tribes gave up their family like bond and loyalty to their rulers for the luxuries and promise of gold of kingdoms. A number of tribes still walk the land and this is where the story starts. In the tribe the black wolf’s, a 17 year old young man named Hayden Frostburn, days away from his 18th birthday. Is preparing for his welcome into the raiding party. Which is something everyone of the age of 18 is required to join. Read his journey to fight his way through life seeing what the world of a warrior has to offer. See the birth of religions, the fall of kingdoms and the birth Of The New World,

Unprofessional87 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 13 Coming Together

Chapter 13 Coming Together

They reached Riverton and Now Hayden with Sgt Hawkin and Frederick walked to the king.

"Why is he joining us?"Sgt Hawking says, looking at Frederick. "That's my new general. The men respect him and so do i. He is my number one so he follows me and must be there for anything important" Frederick doesn't say anything, just walks. They continue to make small talk and reach the king.

"Boys, Hayden, Sgt Hawkin and men I never met, how's it going?" The king says with his arms wide open. Sgt Hawkin Kneels"We got a clan making mine and Hayden's power now 900." A smile grows on the king's face"I sent another to get another clan so we should have 1500 now. That means we have enough men to fight Sir Eren and King norman." Hayden says happy" YES. I WANT HIS HEAD." The King looks down to Hayden" I also have some good news for you Hayden. That band of girls you were looking for, I found them. When we told the girl Laila about you she was so happy so I sent for them to be brought back here."

Hayden was practically jumping for joy" Yes everything's coming together" The King Looked to the 3 men in front of him" Get some sleep boys you have a big battle tomorrow." The three boys go to their rooms and get some sleep. Hayden is awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of his door opening"Hayden are you asleep" a female voice said "No, no come in" Hayden said as he started to wake up. The queen walked in dressed in her sleepwear which was really short pants, a see through red shirt showing her bra.

She sits on Hayden's bed." Can I ask you a question?" Hayden sits up and moves to sit next to her "Yeah of course" "Do you ever get a feeling that you're doing something wrong but still go through with it because you're told it's the right thing?" The queen says letting her head hang down. "Of course. I feel like I'm always doing wrong, but I'm always told I'm doing a great job so I still do it." Hayden says with a small crack in his voice. The queen puts her arm around Hayden "I feel lost Hayden. I was made to be someone I'm not. I'm not a queen." Hayden puts his arm around her"You are a queen and a good one at that. People look up to you. You may feel lost but you just need to be found. You need to find yourself. If you need help, I'm here" The queen smiles "Thanks Hayden" She kisses his cheek and then stands up'' I will need you so be ready okay" then she walks out closing the door behind her.

She lays her back against Hayden's door with a smile. The King is looking down the hall seeing his queen dressed like she was and Having a smile when leaving his room. The king just walks away. The sun comes up and Hayden gets changed and walks out to eat breakfast. As he eats he sees the queen looking up and smiling at him. After eating, Hayden walks out to the army camps. Once he reaches the camp everyone is getting ready. Hayden looks to the sky and sees a big black cloud"Looks like rain is coming" Hayden walks to Sgt Hawkin " Hey what's up man " Hayden and Sgt Hawkin shake hands and pull in for a hug"What's up Hayden" Sgt Hawkin said as he pulls away from the hug.

Sgt Hawkin Looked at The king standing on top of the wall talking to some people in red and black robes, as he prepared for a speech. " The king has gone crazy" Hayden took a bite of some bread "what do you mean?" "He's having people go to villages and bringing them all here. He's having everyone farm or build. The king wants to fully expand his kingdom as far as he can and kill anyone who stands in his way." Hayden finishing his bread"Glad i'm on his side" Hawkin slaps Hayden in the chest" I'm being serious. He wasn't like this. King Wallace may have gone mad" Hayden surprised " Wallace! That's his name? I would have never guessed. But all serious Hawkin Hey may just be preparing for a counter attack for today. If you were going to attack the biggest threat to your kingdom wouldn't you be scared that someone would attack you after that?"

Hawkin Looked at Hayden"Maybe you're right. Let's get this done and get back. Gotta make sure he doesn't do anything crazy." Hayden Looking at the king " What happens if he goes crazy" Hayden now looking at Hawkin " would you put him down? End your loyalty with a sword?" Hawkin looked at the king "My loyalties lie with my principles. King Wallace followed those same principles so I followed him. If he falls from those principles I will do what I must. Frederick starts walking to them, Hayden slaps Hawkin" You have my sword brother remember that. We'll talk more later" Frederick walks over to them "You guys ready for tomorrow? Hayden says"Of course. Gotta show my men that I stick to my promise and fight with them."

The king cuts off Hayden. "Today you march, tomorrow you fight. Sir Eren And his king Norman have killed and raided Anyone who standed in his way. Showing no mercy to anyone but themselves. They are bastards who need to be killed. So go forth and kill them." The king walked off the wall leaving everyone speechless. Hayden was disappointed " is it just me or did that suck." Hawkin just shaked his head. Frederick looked disappointed also" that made me not want to fight now" The three men burst out into laughs " "Okay, okay. I will motivate my boys " Hayden said as he walked away climbing up the stairs to the wall and now looking at all the men. Hayden looked around at all the men and women who were following him into battle. The queen also looked at them from afar.

" Men, Women, warriors and people who want glory, Listen to me now. We stand here preparing for the battle of a lifetime. So I believe you must be ready for the battle. After a not so motivating speech." the crowd laughs" I must tell you. Our enemy is strong, Strong but not stronger than us. We are an army of Kings going against peasants. We are gods and they will kneel to us! They stand in our way into the history books. Kids will grow hearing the story of our victory. "The crowd goes Horah." They stand there eating,drinking,fucking and living. Tomorrow, we will raise their sons." HORAH,HORAH,HORAH,HORAH,HORAH.

Hayden stands at the gate as it opens"We leave now to KING NORMAN! Hayden leads the men to king norman. Once they reached the castle they set up camp. Hayden and Frederick walk to Hawkin. "When do we march up there to talk?" Frederick says, looking at the castle. "We will not give them the honor" Hayden says angrily. Hayden then walks away and walks into the food hall. "What's up with him?" Frederick says worried. "Sir Eren killed his clan. This battle is personal for him" Sgt Hawkin said as he walked away into the mess hall.

The sun goes down and the moon takes over the sky. Hayden and Hawkin sit at a fire with a barrel of mead, drinking away the night and enjoying their time. Within time Hawkin started singing and Hayden Joined, Then Frederick, then more and more people came holding their cups up mead, locking arms and singing.

"Ohhhhhhh the battlefield calls my name. searching for gloryyyyyyy, raining down the unholyyyyyyy. Gonna get me more moneyyyyyyy. Ohhhhhhh the battlefield calls my name. Searching for Gloryyyyyyyyy, raining down the unholyyyyyy. Gonna get me more moneyyyyy. I'm Gonna slay my foes, and pillage their homes. Bring their goods to fill my home. I'm gonna slay my foes, and pillage their homes. Bring their goods to fill my home. Filling my chest with the gold. Covering my floors with their mats. All because I searched for Gloryyyyyyy.

They all burst into laughter. They fell asleep hours later. Once Hayden wakes up he walks outside so seeing it raining he walks over to Sgt Hawkin"You ready?"