"What about this?" Cianne asked. She held up a beige sweater with a high collar that zipped up the front. She twisted the hanger around to give Tranae a view of the sweater from all angles.
"I told you what to give him," Tranae said, as she typed something in her cell phone. She had been sitting on the round ottoman in front of the mirrors that lined the store's wall for so long people were beginning to ask her questions as if she worked there. Looking extremely bored, Tranae glanced at the sweater that swayed in front of her.
Cianne looked the sweater over again before she placed it back on the rack. She slid a few more items around the rack before moving to another. After a few moments more of searching, she looked over at Tranae and flashed a desperate look.
"Cianne," Tranae whined. "If you don't want to give him what I told you, then just get him the damn sweater. The first one you showed me is fine." Tranae tapped on her knees in frustration.