
Euphoria Island

The days went by and soon, it was time for Melisy and Damian to depart for Euphoria Island. Everything that needed to be packed and taken with them was already ready, the car was parked right in front of the main entrance with Abigail and Hans standing beside it. Lloyd and Ezekiel could be seen leaning against the walls beside the door just waiting for the couple themselves.

"Stay safe and come back soon, okay?" Diana said, giving one last hug to Melody and a kiss on her cheek. "I can handle everything here for now but you have to return and be with me on the last day, if you can that is," she added knowing it would be as easy as just saying it.

"I will do my very best to make sure I can but if by any chance I am unable to…" she stopped and tried to give some puppy eyes which had Diana laughing at her failed attempts.