
The Billionaire's Second Wife!

She was the sun... He was the moon... She was light... He was darkness... She was spring... He was winter... Julia was a 29 years old police sergeant, who stayed single and a virgin up until her age. She was tossed with an affair with a billionaire CEO, got forcefully married to him as his second wife and got accidentally pregnant from him. For the fact that she might be infertile forever, she kept the baby and rose her on her own until the billionaire discovered about his daughter. Watching Julia raising up his daughter as a funny and lovely mother, and staying by his side with all of his obstacles, Samuel fell in love with her.

Abeille_00 · Urbain
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5 Chs

chapter 5

Chapter 5

"Miss Park, where have you been on your birthday?" his friendly tone had changed, all of sudden, into a rough one. He was angry yet annoyed that she was far from him on such a great day "I have prepared a surprise for you but found you nowhere..."

"Oh, really??" she startled "Thank you... Umm... I was in... The waterfalls island..."

"What? Why? What were you doing on the waterfalls island???"

"Only making a tour there, I have always liked to visit the waterfalls island!"

"Just on your own?"

"Yeah, I was all alone... By myself..."

"Where did you sleep?"

"In a hotel..."

"What is its name?"

"Oh, I mean at my relatives' house... Uh... It is just as comfy... As a hotel..."



"Who are your relatives?"

"What are you doing, mister deputy chief? Are you investigating with me, mister detective? Or trying to act like my father?"

"That is not what I meant, I was just making sure you were alright..."

"I was... Thank you..."

"Did you, by any chance, visit the Cheonjiyeon waterfalls?"

"I did.."

"Did you visit a small luxurious cottage within the ponds?"

"Eh?! Um... No..."

"Then, I am relieved... Phew..."

"Why did you ask about that house?"

"I heard that a bad beast lives inside it..."

"You still believe in beasts in your age? You are already 33 years old!"

"Beasts are not necessary to be spooky scary monsters with four eyes and long claws; they might only be human beings. So, beware..."

"Sure, thank you."

"Did you spend your birthday with any man?"

"Ah… What kind of question is this? Why would you ask so?"

"Errr… Nothing… I just want to be sure, did you?"

"Not at all. So, what did you prepare for me?"

"A cake and bouquets… But you were not here..."

"Eh! Please do not feel disappointed! Even if it was late for 100 of days after my birthday, I will be glad with your gift!!"

"It does not have any meaning anymore..."


Julia left her chair and approached Rafael hastily, then held his hands tightly and grasped on them assuring that it meant for her to be gifted by him. Rafael pushed her to the desk and leaned her towards his body as he was glaring at her with a couple of deadly eyes, as if he was punishing her for that illogical action of hers, or even blaming her for losing the chance to party with her on her birthday.

Rafael held her chin with the tips of his fingers, then closed his face to hers until both of them felt each other's breaths, and looked thoroughly at her eyes as if he was searching for a gleam of love in between them.

He cleaved his lips lightly while mesmerizing his eyes on hers. Both of their hearts thumped hastily and loudly that they could hear nothing but each other's beats. She was sure that he did not touch a girl before and that it was his only first time. On the other hand, she was never that close with any man, so did not understand what she should do. Yet, she was only waiting for him to react, to fight and win!

She swallowed her saliva as her face turned red as a cup of wine, then he moved his hand from her chin towards her cheek, patting and examining it. it was as expected, soft, warm and fluffy..

"Boss.." she murmured

"Miss Park... I.." he mumbled

Then, she laid her warm palm on his burning hot hand and waited for his next movement. He closed his eyes, caught his breath, approached her lips with his and then…

Ring... Ring...

Ring... Ring...

Rafael's phone started to ring, interrupting their sensitive moment. So, they separated from each other showing unpleasant on their facial features. Then, he took the call and assured that it was his brother, Samuel, and that he had an important matter to attend then come after her.

Rafael left hastily from her office and left her with no justifying. Julia felt she was an idiot for being seduced by a guy like that, as if she was 16 years old. She put her arm on the desk, leaned her face on her palm and murmured: "I guess I have no luck at all..."

As Rafael had entered the office, his brother, Samuel Spear, was waiting for him impatiently in his company's office, as his heart was burning and bombarding for the fact that his brother was flirting with his wife. Rafael could tell how angry he was by the way his hands were shaking.

"What is the important matter you wanted to discuss with me, Samuel." Questioned Rafael "I was attending an important matter and you had interrupted me!"

"Ah, sorry for interrupting your flirtatious moment…" mocked Samuel "I heard that you are flirting with a girl in your office. Is this right, mister deputy chief?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Umm.. I do not really know, but you do."

"This is none of your business, Sam."

"I already know every single detail.

"I loved a girl for so long, but kept hiding that fact from her."

"You did?"

"She was sparkling, a cheerful woman who can make my heart dance at any moment. She was so beautiful like a fairy of roses. I love her so much."

"Who is this girl?"

"She is a sergeant in my region, she is a tomboyish one but so gentle and lovely."

"What is her name?"

"Julia Park!"

"How unfortunate for you. Stay away from that girl, bro. She is bad."

"What do you mean?"

"Just believe me."

"I... I think I cannot..."

"I warned you, Raf. You will really regret it."

"Is this a threat?"


"What do you know about that girl?"

"What I know belongs only to me, I only have to warn you. Good afternoon, big bro."

"We will discuss this matter later on. Good afternoon."

Rafael rushed out of his brother's company and hurried back to the headquarters to meet with Julia. His anger and jealousy could not be interpreted as his face showed some devilicous wrinkles. He barged into her office without even knocking the door and uttered no word.

His body, involuntarily, approached hers and he grasped hardly on her wrist trying to show his anger, as his face pushed hers and his breath touched her cheeks. It was hot, as an angry dragon bursting all of his fires towards her, and she felt his anger. She drew him toward her with her eyes, he inclined his face toward hers and laid his mouth on her mouth, which was like a freshly split-open cherry.