
The Billionaire's Second Wife!

She was the sun... He was the moon... She was light... He was darkness... She was spring... He was winter... Julia was a 29 years old police sergeant, who stayed single and a virgin up until her age. She was tossed with an affair with a billionaire CEO, got forcefully married to him as his second wife and got accidentally pregnant from him. For the fact that she might be infertile forever, she kept the baby and rose her on her own until the billionaire discovered about his daughter. Watching Julia raising up his daughter as a funny and lovely mother, and staying by his side with all of his obstacles, Samuel fell in love with her.

Abeille_00 · Urbain
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5 Chs

chapter 1

Chapter 1

She went under the water as her skin was burning as if the mellow droplets were morphing into sharp little blades of fire. The first drop hit her skin sliding onto the curves of her breasts and dropping to her thighs. Warm water rained onto her skin and the hot steam enveloped her body.

As she washed the shampoo suds off her, the water sent them in little streams down her back and into the cleavages of her buttocks. Then, her fingers combined through her long hair, dancing into the messy locks, ridding it of all the knots. She heard someone get into the house, so she tried to ease her anxiety and lower her heart beats sound.

Beads of sweet began falling down her forehead, she could not distinguish them from hot water, but she was sure that she was anxious. She had felt his touch a thousand times in her dreams, but she could not imagine its reality. She took a deep breath and continued her shower as water fell down onto her skin, releasing the tension. The water slowly warmed her, soothing the ache that clawed at her limbs.

Then, she heard him open the bedroom's door and stepping closer into it.

Every step of his echoed in her ears as well as she heard his calm breathing. The beast holding her captive took control of her entire being and played shadows and echoes on her senses warping shapes and sounds. She started imagining dirty things that made her heart throbbing in her ears, loud and irregular, but she had barely heard it, for her mind was clouded with love and romance of her birthday.

She heard some splashes of a perfume bottles and then a divine scent crossed all of the barriers into her nostrils, it was surely his usual perfume, the one he always wore on his work days... the one she got addicted to...

She steadied her breath and tried to calm the panic as her pulse was beating in his ears, blocking out all other sound. Then, she turned off the shower, approached the large mirror in front of her, slicked a cherry-red lipstick on her lips, wore some mascara and splashed a sexy perfume on her collar bones.

She tried not to breath but she knew it was impossible as her breath quickened and she used every muscle in her body to stifle her quick exhalation. The towel clung to her like a lover, draping itself about her sensuous curves, and finally she entered the room to welcome him.

Just when she opened the door, her mouth opened, her body did not move and the color drained from her face as she stared wide-eyed at the man standing in front of her.

"Wh... Who are you????!" she murmured

Her body did not know how to react, it just shut down. She froze to a point where she was hardly breathing. Her jaw had almost dropped to the floor, her eyes opened like two caverns, her breath caught as she stared at him and her mind churned. For several moments she stood unmoving as her limbs went numb with absolute shock. she felt the muscles of her heart tighten with incredible force as her pupils dilated and hands ached.

"Welcome, miss Park..." he murmured in her ear.

He was a male model and he was adored by the fairer sex for his Teutonic-gold hair that was coiffed to perfection. He carried a button nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw. His mountain peak cheekbones appeared chiseled into shape by a master craftsman as they were of such sharp contours, it looked as if they were sculpted and pared to perfection. Unusually for a model, he had a manly, Samson physique.

His mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly, a-gleam with delight and the vigor of youth. They were soft, Irish eyes and swam with joy. They shone brightly, like two sapphires dipped in milky pools.

His voice could be foghorn loud when he was booming out a guffaw but it was normally mellifluous. The swirl of his loamy cologne had them swooning in the aisles. He seemed molded from a different cast as he had an androgynous look uncommon to most people. Lacquered and enameled by the sun, he radiated energy and brio.

He leaned her to the door of the bathroom and locked all of her other ways with his body. He was wearing only bath robes and showing all of his naked chest. She felt his breaths on her neck and face as she turned all red and winey. A look that could arose any man's lust. Immediately she shuffled away from him but he closed on her from the other side.

"Are you the sender of the message?" she asked

"Yes..." he replied "I welcome you to my territory!"

"I thought you were someone else... I mean the sender was someone else..."

"How unfortunately, did he disappoint you? Shall I satisfy you?"

"I felt disappointed, yes... I was expecting that he would remember me..."

"Believe me, miss Park, men are heartless and cruel, they surely do not understand a woman's heart, however, do not worry I am here for you..."

"What will you do now?"

"You are not a kid, and I guess that you know the rest of the scenario.."

The young man carried Julia Park as a princess ride and forced her into his large comfy bed, on the other side she was screaming and kicking him. She was resisting all of his touches and attacks to protect her virginity. Although she was still a single girl, but she would not accept to lose her virginity for any random guy she would meet. Different from other women, she felt that it was a precious treasure that must be reserved for the one ad only, not for him...

"Just leave me alone!!" she screamed "Let go of me, you bastard!!"

"Calm down, miss Park!" he replied toxically "I promise you to be happy!"

"Die with your happiness, you cheap!!"

Julia pummeled her head steadily with his and tried to escape from his blind side, however he wrapped her inside his muscular physique and controlled her limbs. She did not give up on creating an escaping route for her, so she started scratching his arms with her knife-like nails, until he would ease his strength, however he did not. Then, he approached her neck and inhaled it for a couple of moments. Julia felt the warmth of his arms wrapping around her and his hot rocky chest leaning on her back as he tickled her skin with his baby-like breaths.

"Be a good girl... Princess..." he whispered softly in her ears as he brought a glass of wine and filled his mouth with it, then forced a kiss on her lips to fill and soak her mouth with chilly wine.