
The Billionaire's Pretend Bride

What happens when a one-night stand between a billionaire and his mysterious bride turns into an unexpected journey? Meet Rhys Alastair, California’s sexy heartthrob, who falls into temptation just days before he’s supposed to meet his arranged bride. He fears his marriage is doomed from the start, but he’s in for the shock of his life when he discovers his one-night stand is none other than his bride, Celestine. Celestine is thrilled to find out the man she’s been dreaming about is now her husband. But her joy is short-lived when Rhys, disgusted by the sudden change in his life, treats her coldly on their wedding night. Just as Rhys begins to open his heart towards their union, a surprising twist threatens to tear them apart: Celestine’s unexpected pregnancy with another man. Can their marriage survive the storm, or will these secrets and betrayals destroy their chance at happiness? Dive into the captivating tale of Rhys and Celestine, filled with heartbreak, passion, and unexpected twists.

Folakemi_Adeyinka · Urbain
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5 Chs

The Clause

It was a bright day in the city , it was the summer period so everyone was outside on the beach or in their backyard, basking in the sun. All in all it was a great day.

But you can't say the same for Rhys Alastair, the country's heartthrob , who was currently in a dilemma as he stood in the study of his late grandfather, he felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on his shoulders. 

The room, lined with shelves of ancient books, antiques and family portraits, felt more like a prison than a sanctuary. Marcus Alastair, his grandfather, had passed away two months ago, leaving behind an empire that Rhys was supposed to inherit. But there was a clause. 

"Marry her, or lose everything," Rhys muttered, reading the clause in the will for the hundredth time. His dark eyes scanned the paper, hoping the words would change. They didn't.

"Marcus was always a man of his word," Bane Salvador, Rhys's best friend and lawyer, said from across the room. He was leaning against the mahogany desk, his piercing hazel eyes watching Rhys intently. "He believed in family, in legacy. He wanted you to have a partner, someone to share this with."

"Arranged marriage in this day and age?" Rhys scoffed. "It's absurd, Bane. This isn't medieval times."

Bane shrugged, his black hair with blue streaks catching the light. "Absurd or not, it's binding. If you don't marry Celestine Zane, you'll lose everything to your relatives. And we both know they'd tear the company apart."

Rhys clenched his fists, the memory of his scheming relatives flashing through his mind. "I won't let them destroy what Grandfather built."

"Then you have to marry her," Bane said simply.

Rhys sighed, pacing the length of the room. "I don't even know her, Bane. How can I commit to a lifetime with a stranger?"

"She's from a good family," Bane said. "The Zanes are wealthy, influential. It's a good match."

Rhys stopped pacing and looked at his friend. "And if I refuse?"

Bane's expression darkened. "You know what's at stake. Your grandfather's company, your legacy… everything."

Rhys stared at the will in his hand, the words blurring as anger and frustration boiled within him. He knew Bane was right. There was no other option.

"Fine," he said through gritted teeth. "I'll do it. I'll marry her."

A week later, Rhys found himself sitting in a luxurious café, nervously checking his watch. He was supposed to meet Celestine Zane for the first time. 

Despite his initial reluctance, Rhys had begun to accept the inevitability of the marriage.Bane had assured him that Celestine was a reasonable and intelligent woman.

 And he also got to find out she was the daughter of his latest fathers best friend Still, meeting her felt like walking into the unknown.

Minutes ticked by, turning into an hour. Rhys's patience wore thin, and Just as he was about to leave, his phone buzzed. It was a message from an unknown number 

"Hello Mr Alastair , it's Celestine so sorry for the late notice, but I have an emergency so i wont be able to make it for, i hope we can reschedule this some other time, once again i'm sorry for the late notice ."

Rhys exhaled sharply, frustration bubbling up. He quickly typed a response, agreeing to reschedule, and left the café. The anticipation and tension had left him restless and agitated. He needed to blow off some steam.

On his way back to his penthouse,where he mostly spends his time ,he drove through the streets of downtown, when he spotted a bar along the way and decided a drink might help him unwind. Pushing through the door, he was greeted by the buzz of conversation, clinking glasses, and upbeat music.

He found a seat at the bar and ordered a whiskey. As he took his first sip, he couldn't help but reflect on the absurdity of his situation. His entire future was being dictated by a piece of paper. A marriage to a woman he had never even met. He chuckled bitterly at the thought.

"Rough day?" the bartender asked, raising an eyebrow as he refilled Rhys's glass.

"You have no idea," Rhys replied, shaking his head. "Let's just say life has a funny way of throwing curveballs."

"I hear you," the bartender said with a sympathetic smile. "Here's to surviving them."

Rhys collects his glass from the bartender and takes a sip. Just as he was deep in his thoughts a commotion at the entrance caught his attention. A group of friends had just walked in, their laughter and chatter filling the room.

Among them was a woman who instantly drew his gaze. She had raven-black hair flowing down her back and piercing green eyes that seemed to light up the room. She was dressed casually, but with an elegance that made her stand out. Rhys couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her before, though he couldn't place where.

The group found a table nearby, and Rhys couldn't help but steal glances at the woman. She was captivating, and there was something about her that intrigued him. As the evening progressed, the bar grew louder and more crowded. The woman's group seemed to be enjoying themselves, and Rhys felt a pang of envy at their carefree demeanor.

He continued siping his drink when he noticed the woman walking toward the bar. She slid onto the stool next to him, waiting for the bartender's attention. Rhys saw his chance and seized it.

"Looks like your friends are having a good time," he said, attempting to strike up a conversation.

She turned to him, her green eyes meeting his. "They are. I needed a break from the noise, though."

Rhys nodded. "I know the feeling. Sometimes a little peace and quiet is necessary."

She smiled, and Rhys felt a strange sense of familiarity wash over him. "I'm Rhys, by the way."

"Cel … Celene," she replied, extending her hand.

Rhys felt a jolt. "Celene?, what a nice name".

She collected the drink she ordered with a smile. "Thank you, Rough night?"

"You could say that," Rhys replied, trying to hide his interest. "You?"

She laughed softly. "Just looking for a bit of fun, I suppose."

Rhys raised an eyebrow. "A bit of fun, huh?"

She met his gaze, her smile widening. "Why not? Life's too short to be serious all the time."

Before he knew it, they were laughing and talking as if they had known each other for years. Her name, she said, was Celene They danced, they drank, and as the night wore on, the attraction between them became undeniable.

"Let's get out of he

re," Rhys whispered in her ear, his hand on the small of her back.